Develop Slick Enterprise Web Apps And Content With Sencha Leveraging Froala

Did you know that six of every ten companies in the Fortune 100 rely on Sencha developer solutions to drive enterprise business with innovative web applications?

Build customer success via Sencha web application lifecycle management, leveraging enterprise-class Java and JavaScript frameworks with HTML5, covering off desktop/laptop, smartphone and tablet devices with seamless Sencha testing for faster multi-platform development, debugging and updating.

Choosing the right web technologies can slash the cost and complexity around developing and delivering enterprise-grade solutions, especially in hybrid environments reliant on the cloud.

Sencha Ext JS is an incredibly full-featured Model View Control (MVC)/Model View-View Model (MVVM) JavaScript framework that delivers simplified app development across different devices and browsers.

In addition, by partnering Sencha via QBS, companies also gain the benefit of leveraging next-generation web editor Froala. With Froala in the Sencha family since 2018, the developer team can easily create clean, easy-to-integrate HTML designs with an existing tech stack.

Accessibility-focused, JavaScript-based rich-text editor Froala has long been used by digital-first global firms that deliver ever-changing and evergreen content, including for multiple languages, with a powerful user experience (UX) — from eBay to Reuters, to Salesforce.

Easily integratable with a Sencha front-end framework JS Ext wrapper or extension, it goes without saying that a text editor like Froala can scale for data-richness and complexity.

For comprehensive unit and end-to-end functional testing across browsers for Ext JS apps, choose Sencha Test – increasing app quality in less time. Add even more features with BestReactGrid for data management and visualisation in React apps.

With Sencha GXT, you get a highly comprehensive Java-based framework for building feature-rich web applications via the GWT compiler for highly optimised cross-platform HTML5 code.

Sencha deploy, manage,and analyse capabilities mean developer teams ensure users, roles and devices benefit from flexible, securely deployed and controlled applications.

Want to know more – including about the latest license deals and partner discounts? Contact QBS in the UK by calling 020 8733 7103 or via a SourceIT request.

In Germany, click here to send an email or simply phone +49 (0) 89 231 4142 0.

( Image by James Osborne from Pixabay  )