Customers and partners with a Rapid7 investment in cloud workload security can take their vulnerability remediation and collaboration benefits to another level by adding Automox.
Automox complements your investment in Rapid7, maximising both reach and impact, with the only full-cycle vulnerability remediation and collaboration solution that enables users to find, fix and collaborate across teams faster than ever.
Today’s legacy tools and fragmented workflows typically slow down remediation efforts, extending organisational exposure and increasing risk across individual and shared data, devices and environments.
Rapid7 and Automox work in tandem
The Automox Plugin for Rapid7 InsightConnect supercharges InsightVM with pre-built, but configurable workflows. The Rapid7-enhanced workflows can then automatically upload Rapid7 InsightVM vulnerability scan results to Automox.
Then, with Automox’s top-ranked, cloud-native, cross-platform patch management and single-click remediation options, fixes can be prioritised according to their importance, keeping on top of workflows. (You can also use Slack or Teams to initiate device queries).
Fix vulnerabilities as they are detected and revealed by InsightVM with Automox’s automated patch deployment and installation — saving time for other activities.
Query device data instantaneously. Customise alerts and sync data for trend analysis.
Keep endpoint management current and fully synced up to meet services levels through speedy vulnerability identification and remediation. This has become more critical then ever with the advance of targeted attacks – including those that of late impacted the Royal Mail.
Automox makes it easy to keep every endpoint automatically configured, patched and secured anywhere in the world, with the push of a button. Automox not only helps immeasurably with regulatory compliance, but delivers visibility and reporting across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.
These are just a few reasons why Automox was selected as a launch vendor for our hyper-growth focused distribution programme at QBS Orchestra.
With Orchestra, you benefit from the QBS Software Delivery Platform as well as a dedicated, consultative approach to sales from a partner with real channel commitment.
Ready to learn more? Reach out to QBS Orchestra on +44 (0) 20 8733 7155, or simply click here and scroll down to fill out the form.
( Photo by Louise Viallesoubranne on Unsplash )