Axure RP is a platform that’s popular partly for its ability to enable teams to collaborate on prototype development. This covers user testing of product features by UX teams as well as the development of interactive design specifications for websites and user interfaces.
„Axure RP lets you build complex interactions without writing code,“ writes Lehr. „The Axure platform supports fluid collaboration between UX, design, and development teams.“
As Axure content manager Anthony Lehr explains on the Axure blog, the benefits didn’t stop there. Once the team was ready to show the SureVX minimum viable product (MVP) to potential clients, they published it to Axure Cloud and distributed its share link publicly to cast a wide net.
SureVX took the prototype one step further and added a link to it from its website. This staging of the MVP meant they could market SureVX online and reach many more potential clients via Twitter and LinkedIn.
„This strategy allowed interested parties to give themselves a self-guided tour of the product in its current form and to request additional information by clicking links right inside the prototype itself,“ writes Lehr. „The results of these efforts were big wins for SureVX.“
By creating and deploying the MVP on Axure, they were able to reach five times as many clients than they would have if they had needed to rely on one-to-one interviews.
„We had performed around 20 meetings with potential clients in the month before the product went live. We captured almost 100 email addresses the following month by leveraging the online MVP. The traction we generated allowed us to move to the next phase in SureVX’s development,“ confirms Stanley.
SureVX did all that with a team of only two people and a net spend of around $500, according to Lehr. The next steps for SureVX were to raise funding and turn the SureVX prototype into a fully realised software product.