Wolfram Research

QBS Software is proud to announce its reseller status for Wolfram Research.Founded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987, Wolfram Research is one of the world’s most respected software companies—as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. As pioneers in computational science and the computational paradigm, they have pursued a long-term vision to develop the science, technology, and tools to make computation an ever-more-potent force in today’s and tomorrow’s world. At the center is Mathematica: Wolfram’s core product that launched modern technical computing and has now become the world’s most powerful global computation system. With millions of dedicated users throughout the technical and educational communities, Mathematica represents a unique blend of major research breakthroughs, outstanding user-oriented design and world-class software engineering.



Parallel technical-computing system for science, engineering, finance and business analysis...



Complete development environment enabling the creation of demonstrations, numeric and symbolic...



Deploys high-powered applications as interactive websites. Creates websites where users can...

Wolfram Workbench

Wolfram Workbench

Wolfram-branded version of Eclipse that contains plugins for working with Mathematica and other...