

WinWedge easily collects data from balances, gages, meters, sensors, micrometers, barcode scanners, GPS, PLCs, analysers and other measuring devices and laboratory instruments.
WinWedge inputs serial data directly into any PC application. Collect data from Scales and Balances, Gages, pH/Electrochemistry Meters, Laboratory Instruments, Sensors, Densitometers, GPS Receivers, Barcode Scanners, Magnetic Stripe readers, ID Tag Readers and Telephone Systems.

Input real-time data directly into EXCEL, ACCESS, LIMS, MMIs, Statistical and Math software.

WinWedge – Features

WinWedge Standard Edition Win Wedge Professional Edition Feature Comparison

WinWedge Standard Edition

WinWedge serial data acquisition and instrument interface software enables data to be collected from simple devices such as bar code readers, electronic scales, calipers and gauges and any other device that transmits simple single field or comma delimited data. It supports basic prompting and control of serial devices, selectable input buffer size (up to 32K), date and time stamps and baud rates up to 19,200 baud.

Features include:

  • Supports all COM ports 1-9. Install on up to nine serial ports on a PC for data collection from many devices simultaneously
  • Data Transfer as Keystrokes directly into any other application program
  • Data Transfer by DDE to any Microsoft Windows application. It includes an advanced set of DDE commands that enable other Microsoft Windows applications to control of Wedge functions including serial output functions. The DDE command set enables the creation of powerful device control interfaces from within any other program that supports DDE such as Microsoft Excel and Access
  • Basic Data Parsing Capabilities enable incoming data to be split into fields for inputting required data only
  • Serial Data Analyzer for previewing serial data and debugging all serial communications
  • Data Filtering Capabilities for filtering non-numeric characters selectively from any field in the input data or for ignoring specific fields
  • Pre-Transfer Translation Tables for translating incoming ASCII characters to other characters and specific PC keystrokes
  • Keystroke Macro Insertion for adding keystrokes or keystroke macros before, after or within serial input data. Keystroke macros enable the control of the location and the way that data appears in the target application program in Keystroke Mode
  • Automatic date and time stamping
  • Up to twenty button controlled output strings for programming buttons to send data strings to the serial port or to lower the PC’s DTR line whenever the button is clicked. Use the Output Buttons to send prompt strings or other control data to serial devices
  • Automatic Data Acknowledgment sends a string back to the serial device after each data record has been received
  • Timed Automatic Prompting transmits prompt strings or commands at timed intervals
  • 110-19,200 baud, 5,6,7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits and EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE and NO parity communications parameters
  • Selectable input and output buffer sizes from 128 to 32K bytes with support for high speed 16550 UARTs and IRQs.

Win Wedge Professional Edition

WinWedge Professional Edition serial data acquisition and instrument interface software enables data to be collected from any serial device. Expanded DDE support enables other applications to control WinWedge and all serial I/O enabling the creation of data acquisition and device control interfaces from within any Microsoft Windows application that supports DDE including Excel, Lotus, Access, Wonderware and Intellution. It is a full 32 bit version for all versions of Microsoft Windows. It supports up to 100 com ports and all 32 bit Microsoft Windows features such as long file names. WinWedge 32 Pro also includes TCP-Wedge and File-Wedge FREE. TCP-Wedge lets you communicate with any TCP/IP network port address (ethernet/Internet) from any Windows application. It is just like WinWedge Pro but for TCP/IP communications instead of serial I/O. File-Wedge lets you input data from ASCII files into any Windows application.

Features include:

  • 30% faster than 16 bit editions
  • Full support for pre-emptive multi-tasking and long file names
  • Extended support for two-way I/O providing more options for controlling serial devices
  • Supports up to ninety nine COM ports simultaneously
  • Support for serial data including Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal and ASCII
  • Maximum field lengths up to 64K
  • Mathematical and string functions including scaling, conversions, arithmetic and logical operators
  • Data parsing, filtering and formatting of any type or structure of data
  • Virtual Instrument Mode to simulate data from any device
  • Support for up to 56,000 baud communications
  • Hot Key activated output strings and Hot Key control of all WinWedge Professional features
  • A Pre-Input Character Translation table that can be used to simplify complex input data record structures
  • Advanced data filtering options
  • Expanded DDE support providing precise control over serial I/O functions directly from within other Microsoft Windows applications
  • An optional Disk File Logging mode for logging serial data to a file in the background
  • File-Wedge for inputting data from any disk file directly into any Microsoft Windows application. Data is read from a disk file instead of a serial port
  • TCP-Wedge enabling ommunication with any TCP/IP network port address directly from within any Microsoft Windows application. Send and collect data over the Internet or an ethernet from within Microsoft Windows application programs
  • TCP-Com converts any existing RS-232 Serial Port into a TCP/IP Port
  • TCP-File logs data from an unlimited number of TCP/IP sources to disk
  • Com-File logs data from up to 16 serial ports simultaneously
  • Data Transfer as Keystrokes directly into any other application program
  • Data Transfer by DDE to any Microsoft Windows application. It includes an advanced set of DDE commands that enable other Microsoft Windows applications to control of Wedge functions including serial output functions. The DDE command set enables the creation of powerful device control interfaces from within any other program that supports DDE such as Microsoft Excel and Access
  • Basic Data Parsing Capabilities enable incoming data to be split into fields for inputting required data only
  • Serial Data Analyzer for previewing serial data and debugging all serial communications
  • Data Filtering Capabilities for filtering non-numeric characters selectively from any field in the input data or for ignoring specific fields
  • Pre-Transfer Translation Tables for translating incoming ASCII characters to other characters and specific PC keystrokes
  • Keystroke Macro Insertion for adding keystrokes or keystroke macros before, after or within serial input data. Keystroke macros enable the control of the location and the way that data appears in the target application program in Keystroke Mode
  • Automatic date and time stamping
  • Up to twenty button controlled output strings for programming buttons to send data strings to the serial port or to lower the PC’s DTR line whenever the button is clicked. Use the Output Buttons to send prompt strings or other control data to serial devices
  • Automatic Data Acknowledgment sends a string back to the serial device after each data record has been received
  • Timed Automatic Prompting transmits prompt strings or commands at timed intervals
  • 110-19,200 baud, 5,6,7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits and EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE and NO parity communications parameters
  • Selectable input and output buffer sizes from 128 to 32K bytes with support for high speed 16550 UARTs and IRQs.

Feature Comparison

TCP-Wedge X
File-Wedge X
TCP-File X
Com-File X
COM ports supportXX
Simultaneous serial ports support X
Data Transfer as Keystroke messagesXX
Data Transfer by DDE to any Microsoft Windows applicationXX
Basic Data parsingXX
Advanced data parsingXX
Serial Data AnalyserXX
Data filteringXX
Pre-Transfer translation tablesXX
Basic Keystroke macro insertionXX
Advanced Keystroke macro insertionXX
Automatic Date and Time StampingXX
Button Controlled Output StringsXX
Automatic Data AcknowledgmentXX
Timed Automatic PromptingXX
Fully Selectable communications parametersXX
Selectable input and output buffer sizesXX
High speed 16550 UARTs and IRQsXX
56,000 baud communicationsXX
Pre-Input translation tableXX
Binary, Hex or Octal data support X
Mathematical and String Functions X
Hot Key controlXX
Virtual Instrument modeXX
Expanded set of DDE commandsXX
Disk File Logging mode X
Data Formatting functions X
Serial Output buffer X
Minimises to the system tray X