Wijmo Core


Wijmo 5 is a new generation of JavaScript controls taking full advantage of the latest and greatest technologies.

Wijmo 5 is a set of JavaScript controls and is meant for modern web and mobile browsers. You should use Wijmo 5 if you want fast and lightweight controls and your application can enforce modern browser support (developed for Internet Explorer 9 or higher).

If you want jQuery UI widgets and your application needs to work on older browsers like IE6, you should use Wijmo 3. Wijmo 3 is a set of jQuery UI widgets and is meant for broad browser support, including IE6.


Wijmo Core – Features

Key Features:

  • NEW Angular1/Angular2 directive specified on a WjMultiSelect directive/component is now mapped to the checkedItems property, instead of the selectedValue property. The previously used mapping to the selectedValue property didnt have any practical sense, so this change should not hurt your code.
  • NEW Angular 2 WjFlexGrid component added the following constructor parameter: @Inject(ChangeDetectorRef) cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef. This change may affect your code in case if you use custom components derived from WjFlexGrid. You need to add this last constructor parameter to these components if this is the case.
  • Touch-First, Mobile-First: Wijmo 5 was designed with mobile browser support built in from the start. Responsive layouts and touch support were major factors in the design and implementation of every Wijmo 5 control.
  • First Class Angular: AngularJS is one of the most popular and powerful JavaScript application frameworks today. We believe it will continue to gain popularity and will set the direction of the next Web. For this reason, we ship and maintain AngularJS directives for all of our controls and use it in most of our samples. Of course, you can also use Wijmo with other frameworks and we may add official support for them in the future if our customers require it.
  • True JavaScript Controls: The ECMAScript 5 standard adds support for property getters and setters. For example, instead of writing control.value(control.value() + 1) to increment the value of a property, now you can write control.value++.
  • Highly Performant and Lightweight: With Wijmo 5 we had an opportunity to completely rethink and rewrite our controls. We have chosen to target modern browsers and this has enabled us to create the fastest and most lightweight controls in the market. Every control is optimised for size and speed.
  • Flexible API: You may remember our famous FlexGrid from any number of platforms, even as far back as VB. We are bringing our “Flex” model and FlexGrid to JavaScript. FlexGrid became incredibly popular because it has a simple and yet very flexible API. The concept is to develop a simple control that has many extensibility points so that developers can extend and enhance it as they need. This is what makes FlexGrid and FlexChart so flexible and powerful.

Wijmo Core – System Requirements

What are the requirements?

  • Modern Browsers (IE9+, ECMAScript 5)
  • jQuery (this is Wijmos only dependency)

Why require ECMAScript5?

  • Real properties (with getters/setters)
  • JSON support
  • SVG graphics
  • Better arrays,bindmethod, etc.
  • Smaller and more efficient (no hacks to support legacy browsers)