WebSpy Vantage


Provides detailed customisable and actionable reports on web browsing behavior, email traffic, website visitor traffic, event logs, switches, routers and firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware.

WebSpy help you to easily investigate bandwidth, Internet misuse and other network issues and delegate responsibility to department managers with automated reports sent to the right person.

WebSpy Vantage – Features

The Vantage Range

The Vantage product range includes Vantage Premium, Vantage Giga and Vantage Ultimate to suit medium to enterprise size organizations. Simply review the product differences below to determine which product suits you best.

Premium Giga Ultimate
  • Import 6 GB
    Import up to 6GB of uncompressed log file data


  • Unlimited Importing
    Import an unlimited amount of log file data
  • Import compressed files
    Import compressed files such as zip and gzip.
  • Unlimited Importing
    Can import an unlimited amount of log file data
  • Import Org. Structure
    Import organizational structure & hierarchy from LDAP, LDIF or CSV
  • Collate Reports
    Collate existing reports into one overview report & enable faster report generation and freeing up storage space
  • Secure Report Distribution
    Enables secure, web-based access to reports for any or all members in an organization.


Maximize Employee Productivity

  • Identify misuse by monitoring which sites are being viewed, for how long, what’s being downloaded, and by which employee.
  • Ensure the Internet is being used according to company policies such as checking time limits on recreational browsing, or confirming that restricted content is not being accessed by certain individuals or departments.
  • Monitor email activity and instant messaging to protect the transmission of confidential information or control non-work related communication.

Identify Download Issues

  • Identify excessive downloading by specific individuals, departments or locations.
  • Determine the most expensive websites that are wasting away your Internet quota.
  • Analyze the types of files that account for a majority of downloads.
  • Identify the senders and recipients of large emails.

Strengthen Security Controls

  • Verify the configuration of the network’s firewall and other threat management systems.
  • Identify and investigate security breaches.
  • Examine logon activity and unauthorized file access.

Improve Network Management

  • Investigate traffic between computers, ports or applications to diagnose network problems.
  • Gather information to help decide which protocols to prioritize over others.
  • Better manage network resources and troubleshoot certain events.

Report on Website Statistics

  • View reliable statistics of your company’s own website, including the number of visits, pages viewed, visitor browsing times, and referring websites.
  • Publish valuable reports on website statistics to improve the website’s design and functionality.

Vantage can provide broad organization overviews, as well as intricate details down to the log-line level for real forensic investigation. The software’s reporting and analysis can also be extensively tailored to meet your own organization’s needs.

Key Features

Import text or SQL log data from a wide variety of 3rd party vendor products, or Windows Event logs directly from servers or workstations on your network. View the full list of supported log formats.

Ad-hoc Investigation (Summaries)
Interactively drilldown into any area of logged information to interrogate specific events.

Choose from a comprehensive list of web, email, network and security reports or create your own custom report templates for your environment. Reports can be generated in HTML, Microsoft® Word, CSV and Text formats. Create separate report documents for each user, department, date or any other logged item.

Represent raw log data more meaningfully using Aliases. For example, you can transform IP addresses and computer names into actual employee names and then group them into departments. You can also group IP addresses into network subnets, or long user-agent strings into browsers, instant messaging applications and other common web-enabled programs.

Categorize web site URLs, email subject lines, instant message chats and any other logged data using customizable keyword profiling technology.

Schedule any action such as importing and reporting to occur at convenient times such as overnight or on weekends.

New features in vantage 2.2

  • Multi-processing
    Vantage now use multithreading techniques to utilizes the extra processing power on machines with multiple cores or CPUs to import log files and generate reports faster. Import a folder full of log files and watch 6 to 8 logs import simultaneously instead of watching them import one after the other. Run a full analysis or a comprehensive report with no filters and watch your CPU jump into gear to generate the report in 30% – 50% of the time.
  • Improved report styles
    HTML (including MHT) reports are now sporting an updated look and feel.
  • Updated Aliases and Profiles
    Added support for the latest search engines, social networking sites and user agents.
  • Storage Repair Utility
    Storages can become damaged if there is a system crash or if WebSpy.Vantage.exe process is ended when an import is in progress. Damaged storages are now detected automatically and you have the option of repairing them. Storages can also be manually checked and repaired on the Storage properties dialog.
  • Save / Open Tasks
    Scheduled Tasks can now be saved to an external file (.Tasks) for backup and migration purposes.

New Features in Vantage 2.0

  • Windows Vista Support
    Installs and runs on Microsoft Windows Vista
  • 64 Bit support
    Vantage can now run as a 64 bit process when installed on 64 bit operating systems. This enables Vantage to utilize more than 2 GB of RAM (a restriction that exists on 32 bit operating systems)
  • Browsing and Download Cost
    Add columns to your report to display the cost of browsing activity and the cost of downloads. Customize the cost per hour and cost per MB in Tools | Options.
  • Compressed Reports
    Compress your reports using zip compression. This makes reports easier to send via email and reduces the disk space necessary to store your reports.
  • Windows Event Support
    Import Windows Event Log information directly from PCs and servers on your network with no intermediate log files involved.
  • FTP Support
    Import logs directly from an FTP site.
  • LDAP Support
    Import user and department information from any LDAP compatible directory server using the ‘Import from LDAP’ wizard (including Microsoft® Active Directory and Novell® eDirectory).
  • Optimized Report Generation
    Reports now generate in less time, especially if your report generates multiple documents.
  • Improved Template Editor
    Copy, paste, and rearrange template nodes easily.
  • Easily add extra columns to your reports
    Select from an extensive range of aggregate columns such as Total Browsing Time, Number of Sessions, Most Expensive Download etc.
  • Improved IP Addresses Resolution
    More IP addresses can now be resolved per second. Filtering functionality has also been added allowing you to specify which IPs to resolve (internal, external, specific subnets etc).
  • Ease of Use
    Previously ‘hard to access’ functionality is now clearly surfaced via task pads, and workflows have been simplified.
  • Other features:
    • Automatic updates will now consume less bandwidth and take less time
    • Added % values to Pie chart slices
    • Generate multiple report formats in a single pass. For example, generate the same report as a HTML document and a Microsoft Word document at the same time.
    • Send report emails using authenticated SMTP
    • Over a year’s worth of miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

Upgrading from Vantage 1.0

If you are upgrading from Vantage 1.0, you have the option to migrate across your old settings files. These files include your Storages, Aliases, Profiles, and Templates. This is achieved using the Settings Migration Wizard which is found under Tools | Migrate Settings in the main menu.

Upgrading from Vantage 2.0 Beta

If you are upgrading from Vantage 2.0 Beta, you must uninstall the beta release before installing the full release. Ensure you save any Templates, Aliases, Profiles and Tasks before uninstalling.

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WebSpy Vantage – System Requirements

To download and install .NET Framework 2.0, go to: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/

Minimum requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 SP1, Vista, Server 2008.
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Recommended requirements

  • 64 bit Windows operating system.
  • 2 GHz CPU or faster
  • 2 GB RAM or above
  • Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 (free download) to run Microsoft Word reports.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher to view HTML (MHT) reports
  • Microsoft MDAC 2.8 or higher (to import from an SQL database)
  • An Internet connection capable of accessing XML web services (to receive automatic updates)

Supported Log Formats

For the full list of supported log formats, please visit our log formats page.

Upgrading from Vantage 2.0

If you are upgrading from Vantage 2.0, you have the option to migrate across your old settings files. These files include your Storages, Aliases, Profiles, and Templates. This is achieved using the Settings Migration Wizard which is found under Tools | Migrate Settings in the main menu.