

Deploys high-powered applications as interactive websites. Creates
websites where users can compute and visualize results directly in a web
webMathematica enables dynamic content to be added to websites. Websites with sliders and other interactive controls compute new results when parameters change and graphics, including 3D images, can be rotated in the browser. It is powered by Mathematica’s computation and visualisation capabilities and includes automatic server deployment that scales for high traffic and works seamlessly with modern web standards and services.

Key Features:

  • Computational Ability: webMathematica provides a large library of Mathematica commands for web development. This allows you to build technical computing web services, including numerical, symbolic andgraphical applications that solve your daily technical computing problems quickly and easily.
  • Server-Based Computation: There is no software for end users to buy, install, or maintain to use webMathematica sites. All that end users need is a web browser and for some more-advanced features such as interactive 3D graphics, a Java runtime environment.
  • Ease of Use: All that is needed to take advantage of webMathematica-enhanced sites is a web browser and for some more-advanced features such as interactive 3D graphics, a Java runtime environment. All user interface elements are standard web GUI elements such as sliders, text fields, check boxes and drop-down lists.

webMathematica – Features

webMathematica adds interactive calculations and visualization to a website by integrating Mathematica with the latest web server technology.

General Features

  • Based on open web standards
  • Works with most servlet containers
  • Works with HTML forms, JavaScript, applets, plug-ins, and ActiveX controls
  • Supports many formats, including HTML, MathML, SVG, PDF, XML, Mathematica notebooks, TEX/LATEX, as well as over 70 data, sound, and image formats
  • Supports automatic Mathematica session management, including pooling, launching, initialization, and automatic restart
  • Allows call-throughs to Mathematica front end services such as typesetting and notebook constructions
  • Easy configuration, logging, and monitoring
  • Supports Mathematica call-backs to Java, including direct access to HTTP cookies and headers

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webMathematica – System Requirements


  • Server Technologies
    Java Servlets and JSP
  • Supported Java Versions
    Minimum version: Java 1.4
    Recommended: Java 5.0 or later
  • Servlet Engines
    Any engine compatible with Servlet 2.4 or 2.5, such as Apache Tomcat.
  • Web Servers with Tested Compatibility
    Apache HTTP server, Microsoft IIS
  • Supported Server Systems
    Any system supporting Mathematica 7 and Java 1.4 or later