Total Access Ultimate Suite


Is a suite of twelve FMS products for Microsoft Access to deliver powerful Access solutions.
The Total Access Ultimate Suite comprises all FMS Access products providing savings when compared to separate purchases.

  • Total Access Admin: prevent users from accessing databases, disconnect idle users and identify dropped connectionsin Access and Jet databases
  • Total Visual Agent: compacting and back up utility
  • Total Access Analyzer: generate comprehensive analysis and documentation of Access databases
  • Total Visual CodeTools: manage code
  • Total Access Components: ActiveX controls for Access
  • Total Access Detective: determine differences between databases
  • Total Access Emailer: generate personalised e-mail for tables or queries
  • Total Access Memo: enable usres to add formatted memo fields
  • Total Visual SourceBook: professional source code library for Access/VBA and Visual Basic
  • Total Access Speller: spell checking utility
  • Total Access Startup: deploy and maintain Access applications
  • Total Access Statistics: a wide range of statistical analysis within Access.

Total Access Ultimate Suite – Features

The Total Access Ultimate Suite comprises all FMS Access products providing savings when compared to separate purchases.

Total Access Admin Total Visual Agent Total Access Analyzer Total Visual CodeTools Total Access Components Total Access Detective Total Access Emailer Total Access Memo Total Visual SourceBook Total Access Speller Total Access Startup Total Access Statistics

Total Access Admin

Total Access Admin enables system administrators to prevent users from accessing a database, disconnect idle users and identify dropped connections in Access and Jet databases. It supports any Access or Jet database created with Access 97, Access 2000 or Access XP and works as a stand alone program that must be installed on a system that has Access 97, 2000 or XP installed. It does not support ADP/SQL Server projects.

Features include:

  • Prevent New connections to a Database: to prepare for backing up, compacting and repair or other maintenance operations
  • Disconnect Idle Users: log users out of a database after a specified period of inactivity
  • Identify Dropped or Suspect Connections: a dropped connection to an Access or Jet database can lead to corruption. Total Access Admin identifies workstations or users who have left the database in a suspect state
  • Send Messages to Application Users: communicate in real time with application users by typing a message that will appear in every instance of the application.

Total Visual Agent

Total Visual Agent manages multiple databases across a network and can be launched from any PC that can see the databases. It supports secured databases and enables security workgroups to be assigned with a user name and passwords. Manage individual databases or specify a directory and manage all the databases within it automatically. A complete audit trail is maintained for every task performed and if an error occurs, an e-mail is sent to alert the system administrator. Specify a cut-off time for tasks be completed to ensure that Total Visual Agent will not interfere with business needs and will provide an alert if it runs out of time to finish.

Features include:

  • Enhanced Hourly schedule options to schedule Events to run multiple times within an hour
  • Option within Hourly Events to turn off processing based on the day of the week
  • Enhanced Directory option to manage all files in directories and subdirectories with one Event Item
  • Option to continue processing Events in a Task Group or a Directory after an Action fails
  • Option in the History Log to sort the results in ascending or descending order
  • Support for the Microsoft Access 2002 Jet database format (also supports earlier formats including databases created in Access 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 95, 97, 2000 and Visual Basic 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0).

Total Access Analyzer

Total Access Analyzer examines every object in a database and their relationships to each other to provide complete documentation and reporting options. It also provides extensive module analysis for improving code and uncovers critical information such as broken or missing references to objects, unused objects (tables, queries, procedures, variables etc) and inconsistent field types among identically named fields.

Features include:

  • Errors, Suggestions and Performance Tips: fix errors and improve databases. Detect unused tables and queries, broken references, corrupt objects, command buttons that do nothing and forms controls without default tab order. Databases are examined for improvements to the design and performance and an extensive list of recommendations is provided
  • Detailed Code Analysis: all module code is examined for errors and improvement. Unused variables, unreferenced assigned variables, procedures that should be private, modules that do not require variable declarations, missing error handling, type cast omissions and unused labels
  • Object, Field and VBA Cross Referencing: understand how objects are related to each other before making changes. Comprehensive cross-referencing shows where all objects, fields, procedures, functions, variables and other code objects are used throughout the entire database. The Application Flow, Data Flow and Object diagrams reveal multi-level relationships
  • Powerful Search Engine: search the results for any string after generating documentation
  • Exclusive Results Explorer: the generated documentation can be viewed on screen using the Documentation Explorer. It is organised in a treeview and displays information for the entire database by object type, individual objects or the same property across multiple objects
  • Presentation Quality Reports: 295 reports display database details in a variety of formats and sorting options. Reports can be previewed or printed and most reports support object filtering
  • Documents all Access Objects: generate information to manage every Access object and property. Summary and detailed information are available for each object and object type and reports are formatted.

Total Visual CodeTools

Total Visual CodeTools 2002 are integrated directly into the VB/VBA IDE to provide a rich set of enterprise-enabled coding tools. The Code Cleanup feature standardises existing code at the procedure, module or project level.

Features include:

  • Code Cleanup: standardises code to specifications. Add error handling to procedures that lack it, standardise code indentations, apply variable naming convention, insert comment structures and sort procedures. It includes:
    • Procedure Sorting: procedures can be inserted in any order in VB/VBA. Code Cleanup makes sorts the procedures including property statements in class modules
    • Module Comments: add a standard module header to the top of each module such as a project name, creation dates, copyright notices and ownership rights. A complete list of all procedure names and procedure definitions can also be added
    • Procedure Comments: add comment headers to each procedure
    • Property Comments: insert the specified property comment template into all the property procedures
    • Error Handling: inserts error handling code into procedures and allows separate error handling routines to be specified for regular modules vs. class modules. Error handling can also be added in a way that enables it to be automatically updated
    • Variable Naming Conventions: rename existing variables to conform to naming conventions based on the variable type (Integer, String etc). Every variable is given a prefix or suffix identifying its type with additional options for global and module level variables
    • Option Explicit: insert “Option Explicit” into the declarations section of every module that lacks it. One of the cardinal rules of writing reliable and maintainable code is to declare all variables explicitly
    • Remove Line Numbers: removes the line numbers in code.
  • Code Builders:
    • Procedure Builder: create new procedures that adhere to a set of defined standards. Specify comment headers, error handling, indentation, naming conventions and global procedure identifiers
    • Property Builder: write property procedures in VBA to define properties of the objects you define in class modules
    • Long Text/SQL Builder: takes a string and generates the multi-line code necessary to assign the text to a variable
    • Message Box Builder: create a message box statement or function visually
    • Recordset Builder: generates code depending on the table object or stored procedure object
    • Select Case Builder: create Case builder statements.
  • Coding Tools:
    • Close Code Windows
    • Clear Immediate Window
    • Block Commenter
    • VBE Colour Schemes.
  • Enterprise Enabled Standards Management: all tools in Total Visual CodeTools generate code based on the settings specified under Standards that can be specified centrally and enforced among an entire development team.

The following platforms are supported:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
  • Microsoft Access/Office 2000 (including Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and FrontPage)
  • Microsoft Access 2002/Office XP (including Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and FrontPage).

Total Access Components

Total Access Components are ActiveX Controls for Microsoft Access and range from form resizing and splitter bars to visual effects such as “Outlook” menus, sticky notes, rotated text, enhanced tabs, bitmap animation, pop-up menus, enhanced buttons and video. Many features do not require programming; place a control on a form or report and set properties. Programmers can modify most properties in code and invoke methods for additional functionality. Total Access Components includes an extensive tutorial database containing working examples of every control and a printed manual and on-line help. Total Access Components includes a royalty-free runtime license. The following controls are included:

  • About Box: display information about a program in a customised dialogue box or supply a help file and access to the Windows System Information program if it is available on users machines
  • AVI Control: play, pause, stop, rewind and navigate in Windows digitised video AVI files and set repeat play. The machine must have a sound card installed in order for the sound track to be played
  • Bitmap Effects Control: create fades and transitions between bitmaps
  • Border Control: create rectangular frames that are standard, 3D, shadowed or rounded
  • CD Player Control: play audio compact disks on computers that have the necessary hardware and software. Properties and methods are available to control playing and obtain information from Audio compact disks
  • Clipboard Control: place and retrieve text from the Windows Clipboard without using Windows API calls
  • Clock Control: place a clock on forms or reports in analogue or digital style, set the time format to 12 or 24 hour time and specify an alarm time to trigger an event
  • Common Dialogues Control: encapsulates Windows API calls so that the Windows Dialogues can be used to:
    • Select a file to open (Open dialogue)
    • Select a name to save a file as (Save dialogue)
    • Select a colour (Select Colour dialogue)
    • Manipulate Printer settings (Printer dialogue)
    • Select a font (Font dialogue).
    The Common Dialogues control enables working with Microsoft Windows Help files
  • Digital Display Control: a databound control that allows digital format numbers to be placed on a form. This format is similar to the appearance of the displays on calculators and other electronic devices. A variety of formatting options are available to provide control over the presentation
  • Enhanced Button: specify a picture and a caption for the button. Place the picture to the left, right, above or below the caption. Specify a separate caption and picture to display when the button is in the up position and when it is in the down position. The caption can be in plain text or in one of two 3D styles. The Enhanced Button control can be used as a standard button and as a toggle button (a button with two states to indicate True or False)
  • Gauge Control: a databound control that displays quantitative information in a visual format that is easy to understand. Select half circle and full circle and a variety of formatting options and use the Gauge control to show numeric data
  • Icon Menu Control: allows an alternate form of menu selection and displays a series of icons that are similar to those in Microsoft Outlook
  • INI File Control: a non-display control that makes it easy to read values from and write values to Windows Initialisation (INI) files. 16-bit versions of Windows and most 16-bit Windows applications (including Access 2.0) store settings in initialisation files. Applications can use INI files to read and write information that is saved between invocations. INI files are simple text files that consist of Sections and Keys. A section is identified by title text enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ). All entries after the title and up to the next title are part of that section
  • Marquee Control: a databound control that displays scrolling text within the control. The text can be set for different 3D styles and the scrolling can be set for left, up, right or down
  • Notes Control: a databound control for adding popup notes to applications. It displays as an icon on a form. Double clicking on the control opens a window that allows the note to be viewed and edited
  • Popup Menu Control: display a Windows-style context or popup menu when a user right clicks on a control or form
  • Progress Meter Control: a databound control that provides visual feedback to users about various processes such as the duration of an event or the magnitude of a value. The user can make visual estimates of the time remaining to complete an event or the percent of a numeric value without having to translate numbers or time units mentally
  • Microsoft Windows Registry: a structured database of settings that replaces the text INI file and that is used to store setting and configuration information for the Windows operating system and for the applications that run under Windows. The Registry control enables work with registry values by reading and writing data. In 32-bit versions of Windows such as Windows 95, the registry is organised in various top level or root keys. Each root key contains sub-keys that can themselves contain sub-keys and values. Each value in a key has data associated with it. A value is identified by the root key, the key name and the value name
  • Resize Control: a non-visual control that resizes controls on a Microsoft Access form automatically when the form is resized. The controls are resized based on their relative sizes when the Init method is called
  • Slider Control: a databound control that is used to adjust a numeric value by dragging or sliding the controls tab or handle. It is commonly used in Windows Applications to adjust a continuous numeric value smoothly. The Slider control can be associated with another control to adjust that controls value or can be used by itself as a vehicle for input
  • Spin Button Control: a databound control that is used to increment or decrement a numeric value by clicking on or holding the mouse button down over the controls up or down button. It is commonly used in Windows applications in conjunction with a text box containing a numeric value
  • Splitter Control: provides automatic resizing of controls on forms. If the Orientation property is set to horizontal, the control resizes any controls that lie to the top or bottom. If the Orientation property is set to vertical, the control resizes any controls that lie to the left or right
  • System Information Control: a non-display control for retrieving computer and network specific information. Place a control on a form and use its properties and methods to obtain information without using Windows API calls and to obtain information that is not available through the Windows API
  • Tab Control: (Tabbed Divider) allows many other controls to be grouped or organised using a visual metaphor and can be databound
  • Text Effects Control: a databound control to improve the display of text on forms and reports. Change the angle at which text is displayed and choose various 3D styles
  • Timer Control: a non-visual control for adding multiple timers to forms
  • Wave Control: play, pause, stop, rewind and set repeat play Windows digitised audio WAV files and MIDI sequences through a PC sound card.

Total Access Detective

Total Access Detective finds differences in Access objects and databases. Find all the changes between:

  • An office based database and one on a laptop
  • An older version and the current one
  • A deployed database that a user modified and the current or original version.
  • Determine data changes between your version and that of a user
  • Compare Data Access Pages (DAPs)
  • Compare two Access objects in an ADP project
  • Compare text blocks.

Features include:

  • Supports Access 2002 databases including all new Access 2002 properties
  • Uses an improved parser to document objects more quickly
  • Includes new reports for Macro and Module differences.

Total Access e-mailer

Total Access e-mailer enables Microsoft Access users to generate personalised e-mail for a table or query. Messages can be in text or HTML format with attachments. Use field values in the e-mail subject and message to create personalised e-mails for each recipient and maintain an audit trail of who was contacted when. Total Access Emailer runs as an Access add-in and includes an interactive, Wizard-like user interface for customising e-mail shots in an Access environment. Select a table or query in a database, specify the e-mail field and contact everyone in the list. Settings are saved in the database for re-use and sharing. Total Access Emailer is available in separate versions for Microsoft Access 97, 2000, 2002 and XP.

Features include:

  • Send e-mail to a List: using e-mail addresses from a table or query. e-mails can be sent individually or in bulk with disclosed recipients or using CC or BCC
  • Personalise e-mail: customise the e-mail subject and message for each recipient by referencing field values from a table or query. CanShrink options enhance formatting. Specify a field in the data containing the subject and/or message
  • Re-send e-mail: e-mail shot settings are saved automatically for re-sending or editing with a new message. Store an unlimited number of e-mail shot settings and share them
  • e-mail Additional Recipients: an audit trail can be maintained to track when an e-mail was sent to each recipient. The same e-mail can be sent to new recipients or those whom the original message skipped because the process was interrupted
  • Send HTML and/or Text Messages: prepare both and send one or the other depending on the e-mail address record specification
  • Add Attachments: each e-mail may have multiple attachments. Use the same attachments for each recipient or customise them for each message
  • Custom FROM Address: specify the FROM address for e-mails using the same address for every e-mail or referencing a field from the data source
  • Preview Messages: the preview feature sends messages to a table, the screen or a specified e-mail address. Preview each custom message before sending and test the entire list or specify a limited number of messages to be tested
  • Schedule e-mail: launch the e-mail shot and tell it to start at a later time such as after hours when the mail server is less busy
  • Send Multiple e-mail: send multiple e-mail shots consecutively or use multiple data sources for related e-mail shots
  • Avoid Microsoft Outlook Automation Problems: Microsoft Outlook makes it practically impossible to send multiple e-mails programmatically in an attempt to prevent e-mail viruses obliging users to confirm messages manually or run very slowly. Total Access Emailer avoids this problem by using SMTP rather than Microsoft Outlook. Specify the FROM e-mail address of messages which can be different from the Microsoft Outlook address
  • Programmatic Features: a programmatic interface is available enabling Microsoft Access developers to add e-mail shots into applications. Royalty-free runtime distribution rights are included.

Total Access Memo

Total Access Memo provides a complete rich text editing solution that works in form and reports and supplies a robust editing environment. Total Access Memo 2002 supports Access 2000 and 2002. Total Access Memo includes a CD with a full setup program, documentation, online help and sample applications. A 130 page printed user manual is included describing the program and how to use each property, method and event. Free technical support is provided and is available by telephone, fax, e-mail and through FMS newsgroups.

Features include:

  • Support for Access 2000 and 2002
  • Enhanced Report support for Access 2000 and 2002
  • Support for full text justification
  • Supports spell checking in US English when Office 2000 or XP proofing tools are installed
  • Rich text control for Access forms and reports: incorporate rich text with fonts, colours, bullets, formatting and hyperlinks directly in an Access Database
  • Full featured Editor: the fully functional editor can be invoked from within Access or as a standalone application
  • Complete Editing and Formatting: support for full font, colour, attributes, bullets, indents, justification, hyperlinks and complete editing capabilities
  • Programmatic Interface: all functionality is available programmatically. Use VBA code to configure the way that Memo works and interacts with an application
  • The following Properties are supported:
    • Appearance: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • AutoVerbMenu: determines if the control displays a right-click menu automatically
    • Backcolour: determines the background colour of the control
    • BorderStyle: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • BulletIndent: sets the default indentation for bulleted paragraphs
    • DataChanged: indicates if the data in the control has changed
    • DisableNoScroll: an obsolete property kept only for compatibility with the Microsoft RTF control
    • Echo: determines if screen updating is turned on
    • EditorEnabled: determines if the editor can be launched from the control
    • EditorTitle: sets the title that appears in the editor
    • Enabled: determines if the user can manipulate the control
    • FileName: specifies the file loaded into the control at design time
    • FixedRightMargin: sets the right margin in the editor to the width of the control in the form
    • Font: sets the default font used in the control
    • Forecolour: sets the default font colour used in the control
    • HeightOfText: returns the height of the text in the control
    • HideSelection: determines if the selection is hidden when the control loses focus
    • Hyperlinks: returns or sets a value indicating if hyperlinks are enabled
    • HWnd: returns the handle to the control window
    • Locked: determines if the control is locked from user input
    • MaxLength: sets the maximum length of the text (in characters) that can be entered into the control
    • MouseIcon: returns or sets a custom mouse icon
    • MousePointer: determines the mouse pointer used in the control
    • MultiLine: determines if the control supports more that one line of text
    • OLEObjects: exposes a collection of OLEObject objects
    • RichEditVer: returns the version of RichEdit
    • RightMargin: determines the right margin
    • ScrollBars: determines the scroll bar style
    • SelAlignment: determines the alignment of the currently selected text
    • SelBold: determines if the current selection is bold
    • SelBullet: determines if the current selection is bulleted
    • SelCharOffset: determines the text offset from the baseline
    • Selcolour: determines the foreground colour of the currently selected text
    • SelectionBar: determines the selection of lines at the right of the control
    • SelFontCharSet: returns or sets the character set of the current selection
    • SelFontName: sets the font name of the current selection
    • SelFontSize: sets the font size of the current selection
    • SelHangingIndent: sets the size of the hanging indent of the current selection
    • SelHyperlink: determines if the text specifies a hyperlink
    • SelIndent: sets the indent (first line indent)
    • SelItalic: determines if the current selection is Italic
    • SelLength: determines the length of the current selection
    • SelRightIndent: sets the right margin indent of the current selection
    • SelStart: sets the character position of the beginning of the selection
    • SelStrikeThru: determines if the current selection has a line drawn through it
    • SelTabCount: returns the tab count of the current selection
    • SelTabs: returns the SelTabs collection
    • SelText: determines the text of the current selection
    • SelUnderline: determines if the current selection is underlined
    • SelValue: determines the RTF value of the current selection
    • Text: determines the text in the entire control
    • TextDocument: exposes the TextDocument object from the control
    • Value: determines the RTF value of the entire control.

The following methods are supported:

  • AboutBox: displays an about box
  • CloseEditor: closes the editor
  • Find: finds text
  • FindReplace: finds and replaces text
  • GetCharFromPos: returns the character at the specified coordinate position
  • GetLineFromChar: returns the line number based on a character position
  • GetPosFromChar: returns the coordinate position based on a character position
  • LoadFile: loads the contents of a file into the control
  • OpenEditor: opens the editor
  • Refresh: forces the control to repaint
  • SaveFile: saves the contents of the rich text control to a file
  • SelPrint: prints the current selection.

The following events are supported:

  • Change: fired when the contents of the control change
  • Click: fired when the control is clicked
  • DblClick: fired when the control is double clicked
  • EditorClose: fired when the editor closes
  • EditorOpen: fired when the editor opens
  • KeyDown: fired when a key is pressed down
  • KeyPress: fired when a key is pressed
  • KeyUp: fired when a key is released
  • Link: fired when a hyperlink is clicked
  • MouseDown: fired when the mouse is pressed down
  • MouseMove: fired when the mouse is moved
  • MouseUp: fired when the mouse is released
  • SelChange: fired when the selection changes.

Total Visual SourceBook

Total Visual SourceBook provides a solution to coding problems for Visual Basic 6, Access/Office 2000 and Access 2002/Office XP. The SourceBook Repository stores, indexes and manages all code in a shared environment. Track author, creation and modification dates, comments and examples. Source Code Exchange (SCE) technology allows code to be shared when not connected to a network. Take any code from SourceBook and package it into an SCE file. Code, comments and author information are included automatically. The SCE file can then be e-mailed or placed on a website. Other SourceBook users can import SCE files and handle new and modified code. Total Visual SourceBook does not require Microsoft Office or Visual Basic to be installed in order to run. It ships on CD and includes a printed users manual, extensive online help and an automated installation program. Technical support is provided free of charge and is available by telephone, fax, e-mail and through newsgroups. It is licensed on a per set (user or developer) basis and is also available in the Total Visual Developer Suite, Total VB Enterprise Suite, Total Access Developer Suite and Total Access Enterprise Suite.

Features include:

  • Code Library: with more than 90,000 lines of code providing access to pre-tested, fully documented code for integrating solutions into VB projects. The source code covers every major area of application development
  • Documentation: all code is documented fully. Extensive notes are provided for all code including full procedure references for every procedure and ready to run example code
  • Code Explorer: a Microsoft Windows Explorer-like interface. Navigate through categories, modules, classes and procedures or use the built-in search tool to find code by keywords or author
  • Code Repository: allows storage of developer code providing full support for storing code. All code is stored in a central location with full support for tracking information such as author and creation and modification dates. Store notes and example code for code solutions
  • Repository is Multi-user Ready: several developers within an organisation can add code to the Repository with access to the built-in source code provided by FMS and the resources developed by other team members
  • Multi-user Code Tracking: code can be tracked by author and creation and modification dates. Developers can mark code as read-only to prevent inadvertent changes
  • Full integration with Visual Basic and all Microsoft Office VBA Hosts: : Total Visual SourceBook Explorer integrates directly into the Visual Basic IDE and is available from the add-ins menu in VB and Office 2000 applications. Work with Total Visual SourceBook while in the Visual Basic editor and export code to or import code from VBA projects. Total Visual SourceBook can also be run as a standalone program in situations where Visual Basic is not running or is not available
  • Code Packaging: select any items from code library and a standalone file is created with all code, comments, examples and contact information. Post this via e-mail, on web site or on a shared drive. The recipient can import the code package into their installation of Total Visual SourceBook thus accessing new code or the latest version
  • Source Code Library: contains an extensive set of ready to run code including:
    • ActiveX Data Objects (ADO): thousands of lines of code are provided for working with ADO against SQL Server and the Jet database engine. Code is included for working with connections, commands, queries and recordsets
    • Data Access Objects (DAO/Jet Engine): work with Jet/Access databases and objects, attached/linked tables, ODBC data sources and security. Repair, compact, encrypt and decrypt databases. Extract minimum, maximum, average and other statistical results from tables. Find duplicates in tables, retrieve random records and use recordsets in index order. Detect record numbers and counts and export data to external files. Get object definition information including table structures, index layouts and query definitions
    • Microsoft Access 2000: new code for working with Access 2000 is included. Code for working with forms, reports, macros and modules makes it run an Access application quickly. A full set of information routines are included to find out exactly how database is structured
    • Microsoft Outlook 2000: code is included for sending mail with Outlook 2000 including advanced e-mailing with multiple destinations, cc/bcc addresses and attachments. Code is also provided for dealing with the Calendar, Contacts and event scheduling
    • Microsoft Excel 2000: fully-functional class modules are provided for working with Excel data. Code is included to create, modify and save workbooks and transfer data from tables to cells with a full range of printing and formatting options
    • Microsoft Word 2000: customise mail merges, create documents programatically and modifying existing documents with the code for Word 2000
    • Visual Basic Application Techniques: launch and monitor programs, access e-mail and web pages, handle multiple instances of programs, close forms on exit and handle debugging from VBs editor.
    • Visual Basic Forms and Controls: move captionless forms with a mouse, save and restore size and position, make forms transparent, supercharge treeview and listbox controls, enhance VB controls with binary searches, dropdown routines, incremental searches and string finds, set text box controls to filter alpha or numeric values, force upper or lower case and save/retrieve values to/from disk
    • Graphics: use the Windows Graphical Device Interface (GDI) to draw arcs, chords, ellipses and flood fills. Draw control edges and individual pixels, fill rectangles, perform gradient fills and tile and rotate pictures and text. Simulated control routines make it easy to place lightweight windowless controls onto forms for optimum performance
    • Date and Time: perform mathematics including user-defined holidays. Work with dates and times using native VB commands. Provide application with date conversion and validation routines. Use code-based high resolution timers to manipulate VBs internal timer limitations
    • Error Handling: maintain state information about applications for current procedure name, the call stack, error information and system information. Implement the error handler to provide detailed information that is written to a file when application encounters an error
    • Encryption and Compression: compress and decompress data using Huffman, LZ, RLE and UUEncode algorithms. Encrypt Data with Serialised Passwords. Generate checksums using CRC16 and CRC32 techniques
    • Abstract Data Types: create a history list to manage recently used items or a bit array to manage storage. Manage data with queues and stacks
    • Data Type and Unit Conversion: work with bits, bytes and binary numbers. Convert between data types safely, convert units of measure and convert to and from EBCDIC and overpunched formats. Convert among binary, octal and hexadecimal and convert to/from Roman numerals
    • File and Disk Operations: manipulate files, disks and folders using native VB commands. Use the Windows API to get file and disk information including drive type, label, serial number and free and total space. Change drive labels and detect if a floppy disk drive is ready. Call the Win32 API to use the Windows Explorer shell to provide file and folder manipulation, work with the Recycle Bin and obtain the paths of various system directories
    • Internet and Web: work with HTTP and FTP sources and the Internet Explorer and Web Browser controls for flexible web-enabled applications
    • Search and Sorting: quick and efficient searching techniques such as Boyer-Moore, fuzzy matching, MetaPhone and Soundex phonetic matching and binary and variant searches. Sorting code can be completed with the standard bubblesort, quicksort and shell sort algorithms
    • String Handling: parse, tokenise and de-tokenise string data. Perform search and replace operations, evaluate command line arguments and concatenate strings much more quickly than standard VB string routines. Generate random passwords, obtain number suffixes as text, pad and strip and remove nulls from strings.
  • Additional solutions include:
    • Printing and Fonts
    • Windows Common Dialogues
    • Mathematics and Statistics
    • Multi-media Extensions
    • VB Menus
    • Windows Registry
    • System Information
    • Clipboard Operations
    • Windows Help
    • Screen Capture
    • Enhanced MessageBox
    • INI File Operations
    • Windows Shutdown
    • Change Resolution
    • Dictionary Support.
  • Code Explorer: Total Visual SourceBook is a completely integrated source code solution providing access to built-in and user-defined code through a common interface, the Code Explorer. Use Code Explorer to find, export, search, manage and store code. A treeview control is on the left of the Code Explorer that allows all categories, modules, classes and procedures to be browsed. As items are selected in the treeview, the information pane on the right displays the code, reference material, example code and details about the code. The bottom pane shows search results and user-defined bookmarks. Full menu, toolbar and tooltip support makes the entire interface intuitive and easy to learn. Code Explorer supports full syntax colour-coding that is like Visual Basic editor
  • Search Tool: provides full searching capability. Search by keyword or phrase and narrow searches using any of the following criteria:
    • Search in one or all categories of code
    • Limit searches to whole word or partial word
    • Search for the specified keyword(s) in the code description text, the code itself or the example code. Code that is entered into the Total Visual SourceBook repository can be searched by:
      • Creation and modification dates
      • The name of the developer who created or last modified the code.
  • Using the Code in Visual Basic Projects: use the Export Tool to specify which object in a project should receive the code or send selected code into a new class or module. Export to the clipboard, a file or to Microsoft Windows Notepad
  • Additional Features:
    • The Bookmark feature allows bookmark notes to be added to any category, module, class or procedure for easy reference
    • The Details tab shows code dependencies of a procedure on other procedures
    • Filter the treeview to display built-in code, user code or both
    • Built-in administration features allow the code databases to be repaired and compacted
    • Toolbars are customisable
    • Code can be printed directly from Code Explorer
    • Use the Options menu to customise most aspects of the interface.
  • Manage Code Groups: Total Visual SourceBook stores source code in two Microsoft Access databases that make up the Code Group:
    • Built-in code (the library source code that ships with the product) is stored in the FMS Code Database
    • Code that is added through the Code Repository is stored in the User Code Database.
    Create and use multiple Code Groups. For example, install the product on laptop computer and on a shared network drive. Access is provided to the built-in code and to custom code code even when not connected to the network. Connect to the Code Group stored on the network to access shared code assets. A Join option allows any Code Group on a file system to be joined to ease associated management tasks that cross several projects or several development groups
  • Source Code Exchange Technology: package code, notes, examples and author information for distribution to other SourceBook users. SCE Distribution is ideal for working in disconnected environments. SCE technology supports code synchronisation. When an SCE file is imported into Total Visual SourceBook, the program scans the contents and compares it against the code already in the database. Overwrite, skip or create new code for each module or class to handle conflicts with existing code. SCE Files are compact and self-documenting. They use XML and compression technology to remain as small as possible for distribution over the web or with e-mail. Author name and contact information, notes and copyright information can be specified.

Total Access Speller

Total Access Speller is a Microsoft Access add-in for spell checking object properties and designs. The Access spell checker handles data in tables and cannot check forms, reports, labels, captions or validation text. Total Access Speller provides a wizard that spell checks all properties that can contain text using the Microsoft Office spell checker with the selected language and custom dictionaries. Total Access Speller is available in the following Editions:

  • Total Access Speller for Microsoft Access 97
  • Total Access Speller for Microsoft Access 2000
  • Total Access Speller for Microsoft Access 2002.

It works as an add-in for MDB and MDA Jet databases but does not support ADP/SQL Server projects.

Open the database, select Total Access Speller from the Add-ins menu and use the wizard to select objects for spell checking. Spell checking is performed on properties for the following object types:

  • Tables and table fields
  • Queries and query fields
  • Forms and form controls
  • Reports and report controls
  • Macros
  • Command bars.

The list of properties covers all properties that can contain text that appears in the application user interface; enable or disable or add custom properties and write corrected property values back to the database for the following object types:

  • Tables and table fields
  • Queries and query fields
  • Forms and form controls
  • Reports and report controls.

Total Access Speller supports spell-checking of the following objects:

  • Access and Jet tables and linked tables
  • Access and Jet table fields and linked table fields
  • Forms and form controls
  • Reports and report controls
  • Macros
  • Built-in command bars
  • User command bars.

Total Access Startup

Total Access Startup enables users to launch the correct version of Access with the correct version of an Access database. Thus users will always run for example Access 97 with Access 97 databases regardless of the Access versions installed on their machine or the default for MDB files determined by Microsoft Windows. Eliminate the need to convert existing Access applications to later versions while migrating to the latest version of Microsoft Office. Total Access Startup can install and update the users local copy automatically when a new version is released. Deploy an Access application by sending an e-mail pointing to the shortcut generated by Total Access Startup. A customised message can be displayed providing contact information if the user does not have the correct version of Access installed preventing the user from inadvertently converting the database because the wrong version of Access is started. The database is installed automatically for first time users and a batch file or setup program can be launched to provide additional files or programs. The users local copy is updated automatically when launched again.

Total Access Startup comprises an Administrator and Startup. The Administrator Program enables the specification of:

  • The Access version required including runtime versions
  • The database and the startup macro required
  • The location of the master database on the network
  • The location of the local database installed on the users machine if desired
  • The name of the field in the database that identifies the version to ensure that the local database synchronises with the master
  • The setup program or batch file required when the database is created on the local machine
  • The program or batch file required when the local copy is updated
  • Contact information in the event of the user being unable to start the program.

Once the wizard has been completed Total Access Startup creates a small INI file and shortcut link in the specified network location. The INI file includes specifications that are used by the shortcut to launche the database.

The Startup Program is a small executable (TAStart.exe) that launches the database with the specifications selected in the Administrative program. The shortcut, INI file and Launcher reside on the developer’s network for users to access. The Startup program doesnot have dependencies and does not require that users install anything on their machine other than a copy of Access.

One copy of Total Access Startup supports an unlimited number of databases and users across a network. Create a separate INI file for each database that is deployed, support local copies on each user’s machine for optimal performance and manage it centrally. Total Access Startup is useful for non-networked users to ensure that the user always runs the correct version of Access with the database even if they install new versions of Access and can be used for laptop computers and distributed applications. Volume pricing options are available.

Total Access Statistics

Total Access Statistics runs as an Access add-in and provides a wide range of statistical functions for analysing data in Access tables or linked from other sources such as SQL Server. Analyse multiple fields and an unlimited number of records simultaneously and analyse data from multi-table select queries. Perform a wide variety of powerful calculations including regressions, percentiles, frequency distributions, correlations, t-tests, confidence intervals, crosstabs, ANOVA, group analysis, non-parametrics, Chi-Square and probability.

An interactive Wizard interface provides a guide through the process and does not require programming. Results are generated as Access tables that can be displayed in forms and reports. Analysis settings are saved automatically for later use or modification. Total Access Statistics runs in the background. A royalty-free runtime licence is provided for including Total Access Statistics calculations within applications for distribution to non-Total Access Statistics owners.

Total Access Ultimate Suite – System Requirements

Total Access Analyzer

  • Microsoft Windows 98, NT 4, ME or 2000
  • Microsoft Access Access 2.0, 97, 2000 and 2002
  • 64 MB RAM installed (128 MB recommended)
  • 20 MB available hard disk space for installation.

Total Visual CodeTools

  • Microsoft Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0 SP6 or higher or 2000
  • Pentium processor or higher
  • Visual Basic 6, Office 2000 or Office XP
  • 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended).

Total Access Memo

  • Microsoft Windows 98, NT, 2000 or XP
  • Microsoft Access 2000 (version 9.0) or Microsoft Access 2002 (version 10.0)
  • Pentium processor or better
  • 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
  • 10 MB of available hard disk space.

Total Visual SourceBook

  • Pentium 200 MHz processor or higher
  • 32 MB RAM (64 MB or more recommended)
  • 17 MB available hard disk space.