

JDK 1.1 and Javabean compliant IDE.
Please note: This product is no longer published or supported by the publisher, but is still available while stocks last.

SuperCede provides Java performance with a native compiler for the Intel/Win32 platform and complete support for JDK 1.1 including compilation from source and bytecode and dynamic loading of classfiles into native executables or portable classfiles. Connect to and browse legacy databases and construct complete applications by dragging and dropping entire tables or columns onto the Form Editor or use the bundled data-aware controls to design them. Code powerful database applications with Java Data Objects, an object-oriented interface to JDBC.

SuperCede – Features

Please note: This product is no longer published or supported by the publisher, but is still available while stocks last.

SuperCede provides Java performance with a native compiler for the Intel/Win32 platform and complete support for JDK 1.1 including compilation from source and bytecode and dynamic loading of classfiles into native executables or portable classfiles. Connect to and browse legacy databases and construct complete applications by dragging and dropping entire tables or columns onto the Form Editor or use the bundled data-aware controls to design them. Code powerful database applications with Java Data Objects, an object-oriented interface to JDBC.

Features include:

  • Form-centric JDK 1.1 and JavaBean-compliant IDE
  • RAD debugger that can test new source code fragments and expressions interactively
  • ActionPoints to debug complete problems by associating a series of legal Java statements with a tracepoint
  • BackTrack feature to fix a problem in the current method by backtracking to before the method was called and retrying the modified method
  • Complete implementation of the JDK 1.1 language and libraries and complete support for the JavaBeans specification.