

Visual slider for the Microsoft ASP.NET platform.
RichSlider is a visual slider for the Microsoft ASP.NET platform. It can be configured visually including skins, works horizontally and vertically and in a stepped and smooth mode, is cross-browser compatible and works with a mouse wheel.

RichSlider – Features

RichSlider is a visual slider for the Microsoft ASP.NET platform. It can be configured visually including skins, works horizontally and vertically and in a stepped and smooth mode, is cross-browser compatible and works with a mouse wheel.

New feature in version 2.1 include:

    MouseMove Event issue: The MouseMove Event in FireFox browsers did not work correctly. This issue has been resolved.

Features include:

  • Design-time support
  • Configure using pointing and clicking
  • Support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Web Matrix
  • Single-file installation of samples
  • Configurable orientation
  • Visual customisation
  • Read-only and invisible modes
  • AutoPostBack support
  • User control support
  • ASP.NET Validator support
  • Server and client-side OnChange
  • Full data-awareness
  • Global Assembly Cache compatibility
  • e-mail support
  • Knowledge base and public fora
  • Free minor version upgrades and continuous improvement program.