

Delphi reporting. Includes server for report delivery, drag and drop layout, components for text, lines, shapes, charts, barcodes, regions, and subreports. Produce free-form, nested, side-by-side and drill-down reports.

ReportBuilder is the standard for Delphi reporting solutions. Delphi developers have consistently voted ReportBuilder Product of the Year (1999 – 2002) and Best Reporting Tool (1999 – 2003). The genesis of ReportBuilder was the desire to deliver a product that does for Reporting what Delphi has done for Windows programming. In that spirit, ReportBuilder provides both a RAD environment and an object-oriented platform for solving the reporting equation.

ReportBuilder is available in the following editions:

  • Standard Edition: Elegantly model free-form reports, nested reports, side-by-side reports and drill-down reports
  • Professional Edition: Build end-user reporting solutions that can be distributed royalty-free! Use DADE to visually define and link SQL queries. DADE enables developers and end-users to quickly and easily build and link SQL queries that can be saved as part of the report definition
  • Enterprise Edition: Use RAP to build portable reports! RAP enables developers and end-users to code calculations and event-handlers without Delphi. The run-time code can be saved with the report definition outside of the application executable

  • Server Edition: Build complete report server solutions for publishing reports to remote client applications and web browsers. Publish reports as XHTML to web browser clients. Build ISAPI, ASP, Apache web applications

Key Features:

  • RAP: The Report Application Programming language (or RAP for short) is designed to allow developers and end users to code calculations, event handlers and stand-alone procedures for use with ReportBuilder Enterprise. RAP programs can be created, modified, compiled and executed at run-time.
  • Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis: Multi-dimensional Data Analysis (MDDA) refers to the process of summarising data across multiple levels (called dimensions) and then presenting the results in a multi-dimensional grid format. This process is also referred to as OLAP, Data Pivot., Decision Cube and Crosstab.
  • Visual Data Access: DADE (Data Access Development Environment) is an integrated environment that can be used by developers and end-users to rapidly build queries, link queries and specify ask at run-time search criteria.
  • End-User Reporting: The Designer is a non-visual component that acts as a wrapper around the report designer window displayed in the end-user reporting solution. By setting the various properties and events of the designer component, you customise the content and behavior of the report designer.
  • Report Design: ReportBuilder allows you to create highly dynamic report layouts. The SubReport, Memo, RichText and Region components have the ability to expand or contract to accommodate the information they contain. There are a host of properties designed to keep your reports looking good in the variety of situations created by these dynamic components.
  • Data Access: In ReportBuilder, data access is provided via the DataPipeline component. ReportBuilder includes data pipelines for accessing data from a variety of sources:
    • DBPipeline: Used for accessing data via the BDE, third-party BDE replacement products or TDataSet descendants. The DBPipeline is connected via the DataSource property.
    • TextPipeline: Used to access data in text files.
    • JITPipeline: Just-In-Time pipeline for accessing data in Delphi objects.

ReportBuilder – Features

ReportBuilder Standard Edition

The Standard Edition provides full-featured reporting capabilities for the serious Delphi developer. You can build simple reports quickly and complex reports elegantly with ReportBuilder standard.

ReportBuilder Standard Edition allows you to elegantly model free-form reports, nested reports, side -by-side reports, and drill-down reports!

Use the Report Wizards and Drag-and-Drop tools to quickly produce layouts. Then refine the layouts using the MS Office style Report Designer.

  • Use the Report Wizards and Drag-and-Drop tools to quickly produce layouts. Then refine the layouts using the MS Office style Report Designer.
  • Build complex reports using a full suite of components: Text, Lines, Shapes, Charts, Barcodes, Regions, and Subreports.
  • Use the datapipeline components to access data from databases, text files, and in-memory data structures such as arrays and lists.
  • Create custom components to extend the power of the Report Component Library (RCL).

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  • Data Access
    The retrieval of data from a database table, text file, Delphi object, or other data source in an organized fashion (structured as records and fields).
  • Data Process
    Refers to the calculation of intermediate results based on the data and the modification of the report layout as the report generates.
  • Report Layout
    A set of components that describe the look and feel of the report and define the behavior of components during report generation.
  • Report Output
    A set of components that describe the exact content of each page. This equation more or less covers the entire area of development known as reporting. In terms of importance, each element of the equation is basically equal. If any one element of the equation is not supported or is weakly supported, than the utility of the reporting solution is greatly reduced.
  • Leveraging Delphi
    Early versions of ReportBuilder focused on the report layout and report output elements, largely due to the fact that Delphi has abundant solutions for the data access (DataSets, FileStreams, StringLists, etc.) and for the data process (events and Object Pascal) elements. In fact, utilizing these solutions is still a quite valid and productive way for developers to use ReportBuilder. The developer can configure standard Delphi data access components, connect them to a report via the data pipeline component, design and preview the report at Delphi design-time, and, if necessary, code event handlers in Object Pascal to perform calculations or to modify the report layout during generation.


  • A Pleasure to Use User-Interface
    The ReportBuilder Report Designer is really a pleasure to use. Because it works the way other Windows 95 applications work, the Report Designer saves you the hassle of learning a new interface. The Report Designer is fully integrated with the Delphi IDE, thereby allowing you to use either the Report Designer, the Delphi Object Inspector, or both. And the user-interface is rich, providing multiple ways for you to complete your work (for instance, any property of a report or report component can be set in the Object Inspector or via the speed menus and dialogs of the Report Designer).
  • Simple Reports Made Quickly
    By utilizing the drag-and-drop capabilities of ReportBuilder, you can create data-aware components and associated formatting components in seconds. You can also use the report creation capabilities of the Report Wizard to create professional quality reports with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Complex Reports Made Simple
    ReportBuilder provides a level of flexibility unmatched by any other reporting tool ever created. This flexibility is due to the large number of report components, the ability to group components using regions, the ability to create relationships between stretching components such as memos, richtext and subreports, and the flexibility of nesting fullfledged reports within one another. With ReportBuilder, there is no limit to the complexity which you can resolve.
  • Interactive Reports Made Possible
    ReportBuilder provides a powerful feature found in no other competing product: multiple nested drill-down subreports. This feature can be used to create a highly sophisticated tree view of the data: an initial summary report is displayed and additional information can be accessed simply by clicking on an item in the Print Preview window. The page is then re-rendered with more detail information shown. You can also utilize this technology to make the Print Preview window clickable so that you can create solutions of your own, such as launching an independent report when an item in the report is clicked. The potential uses of the hot Print Preview window are literally endless.
  • Speed, Speed, Speed
    The third generation report engine in ReportBuilder is fast and flexible. While other report engines force a resourceintensive caching scheme on your application, the ReportBuilder engine allows you to choose between minimal caching or full-page caching. When few records are traversed for each page, minimal caching is faster; when many records are traversed for each page, full-page caching is faster. With ReportBuilder, you can optimize the engines caching scheme to run fast for your report. With other products, youre stuck with the one caching scheme offered.
  • Expansive Functionality Unmatched
    Twenty-one components are delivered standard with ReportBuilder. Everything from labels, to shapes, to lines, to memos, to checkboxes, to barcodes, to charts is offered. The feature set provided by these components is a superset of the features offered by other products. And when it comes time to handle those really complex reports, isnt it nice to know that you have a super-set of the reporting functionality available rather than a subset?
  • True Delphi Integration
    ReportBuilder is a reporting development environment but it is also coded as a set of real Delphi components. Therefore, you can use the Object Inspector to configure any component in a report or create event handlers for any component in a report, all at Delphi design-time. Event handlers allow you to modify the report layout or perform calculations while the report is generating, which can be vital in getting the exact output you want. While other products may be written in Object Pascal, they may not support standard Delphi constructs like event handlers, form inheritance, or dynamic report creation. The truth is that true Delphi integration is technically challenging, and products that take short-cuts to avoid these challenges must eventually invent other technologies to replace what is already provided in Delphi. This practice introduces unnecessary and potentially unstable code into a product. For example, there is a competing product that advertises two types of report creation: code-based and visual. But standard Delphi components – as most developers know – should already have both a visual and run-time interface. True Delphi components are inherently code-based and visual; if they are not, then they are not designed in a standard way and some new technology has been invented. The fact that this design also creates two learning curves – one for the visual and one for the code-based – is also a serious drawback. The bottom line: ReportBuilder leverages standard Delphi technology wherever possible. This leverage keeps unnecessary and potentially unstable code from being introduced into the product and significantly reduces the learning curve for developers who are accustomed to working with standard Delphi implementations.
  • Extensible Object-Oriented Architecture
    The feature set required of a professional reporting product is prodigious. It is impossible to code every feature exactly the way a developer might want to see it implemented in their application. In order to answer the necessity of customization, ReportBuilder has been designed as a reporting platform. This platform allows developers to replace any dialog displayed in the user-interface with one of their own; they can create new report wizards, data pipelines (for native data access to proprietary data formats), devices (for conversion of native ReportBuilder output into any format), and report components (to handle any special reporting requirements). All of these tasks can be accomplished without changing the source to ReportBuilder itself, which is why we say ReportBuilder truly is a reporting platform.
  • Superior Documentation
    A new reporting tool may look great. But how fast can you get through the learning curve? Where competing products offer scant descriptions or reference-style help, ReportBuilder offers a complete learning system. The Developers Guide provides documentation on the fundamentals of the product and then guides you through a series of tutorials that show how to build simple to highly complex reports. The more advanced tutorials even show how to deploy your reports in a working application. Once you have completed the tutorials of the Developers Guide, you are ready to pick apart the large number of demo reports and demo projects provided with the product. These demos provide a concrete example of how some of the more advanced features of ReportBuilder can be used. Finally, the exhaustive, 1,500 topic on-line help provides reference information on the components, properties, methods, and events you will find in the product. The help is done in the same style as the Delphi help itself, so it is very easy to use. Together, these three sources of information – the Developers Guide, the sample projects and the on-line help – create a learning system that will help you get the most out of ReportBuilder in the least amount of time.

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ReportBuilder Professional Edition

This edition includes everything in Standard, plus a Crosstab component and a suite of end-user reporting components. The professional edition allows you to distribute the entire ReportBuilder development environment to your end users so that they can create and modify reports in the context of your application.

ReportBuilder Professional Edition allows you to build end-user reporting solutions that can be distributed royalty-free!

Use DADE to visually define and link SQL queries. DADE enables developers and end-users to quickly and easily build and link SQL queries that can be saved as part of the report definition.

  • Includes all features of ReportBuilder Standard Edition
  • Distribute DADE royalty-free, as part of an end-user reporting solution.
  • DADE adds a Data tab to the Report Designer that provides an easy to user interface for building and linking SQL queries.
  • Use the CrossTab Component to calculate and display values in a multidimensional grid format.
  • Build full featured End-User reporting solutions that can be distributed royalty-free.


Within the work environment of the Data tab, end users can quickly create dataviews, which can then be used to supply data to reports. Dataviews are usually created via the Query Wizard or Query Designer. Both of these tools are visual; they also allow the end-user to select the tables, fields, search criteria, and sort order necessary for the report. Behind the scenes, an SQL statement is generated and used to retrieve the data from the database. A screen shot of a completed dataview is shown below.

The solution described above is the standard behavior within the data workspace. However, the developer can customize this user-interface by doing one of three tasks:

  • Register a replacement query wizard or query designer.
  • Remove the query wizard or query designer.
  • Create new dataview template classes that can simplify the data selection process even further by establishing the relationship between the tables in the database and presenting an alternative user-interface (such as a single form that allows search/sort criteria to be entered).

The bottom-line is that the Data area contains a turnkey solution that can be used out-of-the-box, but if customizations are needed, an architecture has been provided so that those customizations are possible.

The Design workspace contains the actual layout of the report. The user-interface is identical to the one presented to developers using ReportBuilder at Delphi design-time; in other words, it is full-featured and professional. The Office97 interface-style makes the Design workspace especially easy to learn for end users. A Report Wizard is available for creating reports quickly. You can customize this interface by replacing any of the dialogs it uses and by registering your own report wizards.

The Preview workspace contains the rendered report. The report can be printed to the printer or to various file formats from this workspace.

Easy-To-Learn User Interface
The ReportBuilder Report Designer utilizes an Office97-style user-interface, complete with speedmenus and docking toolbars, which behave the same as other popular Windows applications. This style greatly reduces the learning curve for end users. ReportBuilder Pro offers a Report Explorer component, which facilitates the organization of data, code and reports. The user-interface for this component is identical to the Windows Explorer, so there is literally nothing to learn. Just drop it into your application and your end users will be instantly productive.

Visual Solutions Throughout
While other products offer a visual solution to simple reporting problems, they generally fail to go the distance in providing a full-blown solution to all areas of the reporting problem. ReportBuilder Pro provides a visual, easy-to-use solution to the problems of data access, report layout, and report output. These solutions are provided in the ergonomically designed user-interface of the Report Designer. Each of the following major areas of reporting is represented by a notebook tab and associated workspace: Data, Design, and Preview. Within the Data workspace, data can be selected through the use of a Query Wizard or Query Designer. The Wizard and Designer provide a visual interface and then generate an SQL query behind the scenes, or through Custom Data View Templates, where you provide views of the data and allow simple search/sort criteria to be specified. The Design workspace allows the end-user to create a report layout and the Preview workspace shows the generated report. Together these workspaces make for highly interactive and productive report creation sessions and deliver an unsurpassed level of functionality and ease of use to your end users.

Extensible Object-Oriented Architecture
The feature set required of a professional reporting product is prodigious. It is impossible to code every feature exactly the way a developer might want to see it in implemented in her application. In order to answer the necessity of customization, ReportBuilder has been designed as a reporting platform. This platform allows developers to replace any dialog displayed in the user-interface with one of their own; they can create new report wizards, data pipelines (for native data access to proprietary data formats), devices (for conversion of native ReportBuilder output into any format), and report components (to handle any special reporting requirements). All of these tasks can be accomplished without changing the source to ReportBuilder itself, which is why we say ReportBuilder truly is a reporting platform.

True Delphi Integration
ReportBuilder is a reporting development environment but it is also coded as a set of real Delphi components. Therefore, you can use the Object Inspector to configure any component in a report or create event handlers for any component in a report, all at Delphi design-time. Event handlers allow you to modify the report layout or perform calculations while the report is generating, which can be vital in getting the exact output you want. While other products may be written in Object Pascal, they may not support standard Delphi constructs like event handlers, form inheritance, or dynamic report creation. The truth is that true Delphi integration is technically challenging, and products that take short-cuts to avoid these challenges must eventually invent other technologies to replace what is already provided in Delphi. This practice introduces unnecessary and potentially unstable code into a product. For example, there is a competing product that advertises two types of report creation: code-based and visual. But standard Delphi components – as most developers know – should already have both a visual and run-time interface. True Delphi components are inherently code-based and visual; if they are not, then they are not designed in a standard way and some new technology has been invented. The fact that this design also creates two learning curves – one for the visual and one for the code-based – is also a serious drawback. The bottom line: ReportBuilder leverages standard Delphi technology wherever possible. This leverage keeps unnecessary and potentially unstable code from being introduced into the product and significantly reduces the learning curve for developers who are accustomed to working with standard Delphi implementations.

Extensible Object-Oriented Architecture
The feature set required of a professional reporting product is prodigious. It is impossible to code every feature exactly the way a developer might want to see it implemented in their application. In order to answer the necessity of customization, ReportBuilder has been designed as a reporting platform. This platform allows developers to replace any dialog displayed in the user-interface with one of their own; they can create new report wizards, data pipelines (for native data access to proprietary data formats), devices (for conversion of native ReportBuilder output into any format), and report components (to handle any special reporting requirements). All of these tasks can be accomplished without changing the source to ReportBuilder itself, which is why we say ReportBuilder truly is a reporting platform.

Superior Documentation
A new reporting tool may look great. But how fast can you get through the learning curve? Where competing products offer scant descriptions or reference-style help, ReportBuilder offers a complete learning system. The Developers Guide provides documentation on the fundamentals of the product and then guides you through a series of tutorials that show how to build simple to highly complex reports. The more advanced tutorials even show how to deploy your reports in a working application. Once you have completed the tutorials of the Developers Guide, you are ready to pick apart the large number of demo reports and demo projects provided with the product. These demos provide a concrete example of how some of the more advanced features of ReportBuilder can be used. Finally, the exhaustive, 1,500 topic on-line help provides reference information on the components, properties, methods, and events you will find in the product. The help is done in the same style as the Delphi help itself, so it is very easy to use. Together, these three sources of information – the Developers Guide, the sample projects and the on-line help – create a learning system that will help you get the most out of ReportBuilder in the least amount of time.

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ReportBuilder Enterprise Edition

The Enterprise Edition includes everything in Professional, plus the RAP language, which allows developers and end users to code calculations and complex event handlers at run-time. RAP enables the entire report definition (data, calculations, and layout) to be stored outside of the application executable. RAP enables developers to include Object Pascal code and Delphi-style event handlers within reports, making report layouts stand alone entities that can simply be loaded and executed. RAP continues in ReportBuilders tradition of extensibility, affording developers the ability to provide powerful Delphi functionality wrapped for users as simple function calls that can be easily generated via the RAP Code Toolbox. It also allows end-users to create calculations with a simple, intuitive drag & drop interface.

ReportBuilder Enterprise Edition RAP enables developers and end-users to code calculations and event-handlers without Delphi. The runtime code can be saved with the report definition, outside of the application executable.

  • Includes all features of ReportBuilder Professional Edition.
  • Use RAP to build portable reports. RAP enables developers and end-users to code calculations and event-handlers without Delphi.
  • The run-time code can be saved with the report definition, outside of the application executable.
  • Distribute RAP royalty-free, as part of an end-user reporting solution.
  • RAP adds a Calc tab to the Report Designer that provides an easy to use interface for coding report event-handlers.


Within the work environment of the Data tab, end users can quickly create dataviews, which can then be used to supply data to reports. Dataviews are usually created via the Query Wizard or Query Designer. Both of these tools are visual; they also allow the end user to select the tables, fields, search criteria, and sort order necessary for the report. Behind the scenes, an SQL statement is generated and used to retrieve the data from the database. The solution described above is the standard behavior within the data workspace. However, the developer can customize this user-interface by doing one of three tasks:

  • Register a replacement query wizard or query designer.
  • Remove the query wizard or query designer.
  • Create new dataview template classes that can simplify the data selection process even further by establishing the relationship between the tables in the database and presenting an alternative user-interface (such as a single form that allows search/sort criteria to be entered). The bottom line is that the Data area contains a turnkey solution that can be used out-of-the-box, but if customizations are needed, an architecture has been provided so that those customizations are possible.

This workspace contains a tree view of the report, all the bands within the report, and all the objects within each band. When a band or component is selected, all the events for that component are shown in a list. The user can then select an event and code the event handler in the syntax-sensitive code editor at the bottom. The following screen shot shows an OnCalc event as coded for a Variable component.

ReportBuilder Server Edition

The ReportBuilder Server Edition enables report content to be served over the web via a multi-threaded Windows Service.

Features include:

  • Provide a list of available reports in a folder tree structure
  • Send and receive search criteria for a given report
  • Publish reports as XHTML to web browser clients
  • Build ISAPI, ASP, Apache web applications
  • Customise the generated XHTML and JavaScript framework
  • Select available reports, enter search criteria and preview report content via IE 5 or 6 and Netscape 4 or 6
  • Use the standard ReportBuilder UI to access server-based reports from within a Delphi application.

New Features in version 10 include:

  • Delphi 2006 Support: new support for Delphi 2006
  • Designer Enhancements: XP style toolbars, menus, icons, themes support; enhanced Object Inspector; enhanced popup menus; new RAP code editor
  • Report Component Library (RCL) Enhancements: new 2D BarCode component: PDF417 & MaxiCode; Support for TeeChart 7.06
  • Report Output Enhancements: XP style Previewer; new built-in Email capability w/plug-in architecture including Outlook, MAPI, Indy plug-ins; enhanced PDFDevice architecture
  • Report Explorer Enhancements: new XP style toolbars, menus, popup menus, icons
  • Visual Data Access Enhancements: new XP style tabs, toolbars, tool windows, menus, popup menus, icons; enhanced scrollable work space
  • RAP Enhancements: new XP style tabs, menus, popup menus, icons; new professional style RAP code editor
  • Server Enhancements: XP style Client Report Explorer; optimized Client Report Explorer performance (new ReportExplorerVolume.ItemTemplatePipeline property).

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New Features in Version 11.04


  • DataFieldList, added combobox autocomplete support
  • DataFieldList, allow DataField to be specified that does not exist in the DataPipeline
  • ResourceManager, added support for registering a replacement class


  • Add optimization to improve performance of expressions that use global vars.

**Enterprise Edition

New Features in Version 11

  • Delphi 2009 Support!
  • Unicode Support! (Delphi 2009 only)
  • New state of the art installer
  • Complete Windows Vista compatibility

Unicode (Delphi 2009 only)

  • new TextFileDevice.Encoding property
  • new TextFileDevice.IncludeBOM property
  • new TextPipeline.Encoding property (can also autodetect)
  • new RAP CodeEditor (Unicode)

Designer Enhancements

  • new Office2007, Outlook2007 adaptive themes to update the UI
  • new Theme support for Object Inspector, CodeToolbox
  • new Design Guides to quickly align and size objects
  • new “Edit in Place” support for Labels and Memos
  • new Design support for Parameters, AutoSearchSettings, Lookups
  • new BringForward/SendBackward options for fine tuning z-order
  • new Persistent Undo/Redo between Design/Preview for better iterative design
  • new IniStorage option, IniNone can be used to avoid ini storage
  • new IniFile default location (Local SettingsApplication Data) for Vista compatibility
  • new Name property support for Delphi design-time

Report Parameters and AutoSearch

  • Powerful integrated architecture for Parameters, AutoSearch, Lookups, DADE
  • new Parameters design time support including AutoSearch and Lookups
  • new Parameters AutoSearchSettings property
  • new AutoSearch Lookups, LookupDataPipeline (name/value and value support)
  • new AutoSearch panels for Lookups (displays combobox with picklist)
  • new AutoSearch Calendar Date Picker for dates (windows, web)
  • new DADE search criteria can be bound to Parameters
  • new AutoSearch ‘Or’ logical operator support
  • new Include AutoSearch Description in Report with no code (SystemVariable)

Report Groups

  • new Group dialog, more intuitive design
  • new Group NewFile option (print each group as sep file)
  • new Group StartOnOddPage option (great for duplex printing)
  • new GroupFooter option to Print only when > 1 detail (suppress totals)

Report Summary

  • new Summary AlignToBottom of page option (frequently requested)

Report Output Enhancements

  • new PDF embedded font support
  • new PDF RichText, TeeChart, Barcode, PaintBox support (converts to native PDF)
  • new PDF vector graphics support (converts metafiles to native PDF)
  • new PDF canvas architecture
  • new ArchiveReader.ArchiveStream property
  • new Print multiple reports to a single file (all FileDevice descendants)
  • new Generate multiple files with one report (one file per group)
  • new TextFile support for subreport elements
  • new TextFile support for crosstab data
  • new TextFile support for memos
  • new TextFile options for quoting strings
  • new Printer Escape support
  • new Printer PCL Language library built-in (simplifies escape commands)
  • new Printer DeviceSettings control any/all specialized printer settings
  • new Printer internal refactoring/architecture
  • new Printer.CheckDC method for improved error handling

Report Component Library (RCL) Enhancements

  • new Hyperlink property (viewer, PDF, WebViewer supports url and email addresses)
  • new Paintbox component (including PDF export)
  • new SystemVariable options: AutoSearchDesc, CopyNo, CopyNoDesc
  • new Line component option for diagonal lines
  • new Image.Align property (left, Center, Right)
  • new Image context menu to Clear picture
  • new BarCode Alignment support for barcode symbol
  • new TppVariable SuppressRepeatedValues support
  • new RichText full justification
  • new RichText LeftMargin property
  • new RichText Transparent support
  • new RichText Editor support for Full Justify, Consistent Attributes
  • new RichText.Font property used to set DefAttributes
  • new DBRichText.MailMerge support
  • new Report.OnFileDeviceCreate event (use to configure devices)
  • new Report.OnPrinterDeviceCreate event (use to configure printer device)
  • new OnPrinterDeviceStateChange event (use to send Escape commands)
  • new Report.GetDataPipeline method

Report Explorer Enhancements

  • Toolbar options for Open, Design

Visual Data Access Enhancements

  • new SQL Having clause support (QueryDesigner, SQLBuilder, SQL)
  • new EditSQL Text and AutoSearch support
  • new EditSQL Text and Link support
  • new Linking options: MagicSQL, Parameterized SQL, Manual
  • new Linking on calc fields (non-aggregate)
  • new Search Criteria allow SQL functions ex. Where SalesDate = GetDate()
  • new Search Criteria bind to Parameters (which can be autosearch or not)
  • new SQL Text Editor with syntax highlight support
  • new Group By allow calc fields (non-aggregate)
  • new Query Wizard table/field lists display horz scroll bar
  • new SQLBuilder support for Linking
  • new SQLBuilder support for adding calc expressions

RAP Enhancements

  • new RAP Unicode Editor for D2009
  • new RAP RTTI for TeeChart
  • new RAP RTTI for TCanvas (use RAP to draw to Paintbox.Canvas)
  • new RAP RTTI for TTextAttributes, TppParaAttributes (RichText)
  • new ECodeError properties for ProgramName, ProgramCode

Server Enhancements

  • new Web AutoSearch Calendar DatePicker
  • new Web AutoSearch Lookup support (drop down list)
  • new Web date format for data entry (supports webtier locale)
  • new ClientReport AutoSearch Lookup support (drop down list)
  • new ClientReport AutoSearch Calendar DatePicker
  • new ClientReport date format for data entry (supports client locale)

Feature Comparison

To view the Feature Table, please click here.

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ReportBuilder – System Requirements

ReportBuilder 11.0 includes VCL Win32 support for Delphi 2009, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2005, Delphi 7, and Delphi 6.