

Reads out loud as users type or reads any document. It also provides full screen reading of text, menus and icons.


Texthelp’s award-winning Read&Write literacy software helps employees with dyslexia and other communication difficulties, as well as staff whose first language isn’t English. Making everyday tasks like proof-reading, emailing and online research easier, in the office, at home and on any device. Giving extra confidence to staff who need it most, Read&Write assistive software is a big contributor to morale, productivity and staff retention.
The Access to Work 3-year term licence includes automatic upgrades to the latest versions, so the software is future-proofed and users are provided with full technical support throughout their term.

Enjoy the benefits of Read&Write on Windows PCs, Macs, Google, iPad and Android tablets. Users enjoy the benefits of Read&Write across multiple platforms – Windows PCs, Macs, Google, iPad and Android – and devices whenever and wherever they need it. They login more securely and more easily, get automatic updates and upgrades instantly, and avail of technical support for the full 3-year licence term. Lastly, the new Check-It tool is only available in subscription online licences and we know this grammar/spelling and homophone support makes such a difference to accuracy and understanding.

Key Features

Play and screenshot reader: Reads on-screen text aloud (including inaccessible text). Aids better understanding, increased focus, and improved retention.

Check It and dictionary: Checks your text for spelling and grammar errors. It provides contextual suggestions, which is much more advanced than standard spell checkers.

Audio maker: Instantly converts text into MP3 audio files for offline listening. Providing an alternative audio format for written text increases the accessibility of the communication.

Word prediction: Intuitively predicts the word you intend to use next. Users with physical difficulties can write with less effort as word prediction reduces the number of keystrokes.

Voice note: Adds spoken comments or creates a recorded message within a document. Recording a quick voice note on the context of the work rather than struggling with how to write it.

Highlighters: Collects information from multiple sources into Word with a choice of four coloured highlighters. It supports executive function by helping with planning projects, starting tasks, estimating, memorising and telling stories.

Scan: Scans paper docs / PDFs and converts them to Word, so they can be edited and are more accessible. The user can then use all the great tools in Read&Write to digest the information.