PowerWEB LiveControls for ASP.NET


PowerWEB LiveControls for ASP.NET enables Ajax technology accesses server-side power using callbacks without reloading the browser page.Creates Rich Internet Applications without writing JavaScript.
PowerWEB LiveControls for ASP.NET is a suite of 21 ASP.NET web server controls that add AJAX callback capabilities to your ASP.NET web applications. Lose the annoying flicker when posting data to the server!

The LiveControls Toolkit is a direct replacement for many standard Microsoft controls. Raise server-side callbacks and update form elements without disrupting the user experience with a page refresh. Includes code examples, samples and a tutorial.

Key Features:

  • Easy To Use:
    • Ajax-style callbacks manifest as familiar events
    • Manipulate and update page elements client-side without reloading the page
    • 100% DHTML generation
    • No Java applets, Flash, JavaScript, plug-ins or ActiveX controls required
    • Simplifed code maintenance with no JavaScript debugging
    • Additional mouse, key and click events raised as server-side callbacks
  • Versatility:
    • Increase performance and reduce bandwith with optimised ViewState management
    • Play audio files server-side with LiveSound
    • Raise events from captured keystrokes
    • Client automatically updated when data is bound to the grid and list controls
    • Poll the server at any time interval with LiveTimer
    • Display alert, confirm and response MessageBoxes in server-side code
  • Flexibility:
    • Blocking and non-blocking options on the client
    • Hook client events to server-side callbacks with the LiveCallback control
    • Graceful degradation to standard ASP.NET postbacks in non-supported browsers
    • Supports IE 6.0+ and Mozilla 1.3+ (Firefox, Netscape) for both PC and Mac
    • Fully compatible with Visual Studio .NET 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012
    • Many ASP.NET sample pages for both C# and VB.NET

PowerWEB LiveControls for ASP.NET – Features

The PowerWEB LiveControls for ASP.NET is a suite of 21 Web Controls that have the capability to trigger server-side ASP.NET events without posting back the whole page. They mimic many standard Microsoft controls and execute code-behind just like any control. In the code-behind events, user can manipulate other LiveControls, standard controls, or return any data back to the client, all without a refresh or disruption to the user experience.

Features include:

  • Single development license with royalty-free distribution.
  • The ability to raise server-side callbacks, which appear as familiar events, without reloading the page.
  • ViewState management is optimized to increase performance while reducing bandwidth and providing maximum flexibility in your application design
  • Superior Windows-like effects without writing Java applets, Flash, or JavaScript. 100% DHTML is generated by the controls, with no plug-in or ActiveX control required.
  • From within a callback, the ability to manipulate most page elements and update them on the client without reloading the page.
  • Higher-performance applications because round-trip data and rendering is minimized.
  • Compatible with all released versions of the .NET Framework (1.0, 1.1, 2.0).
  • Compatible with Visual Studio .NET 2002, 2003 and 2005.
  • Compatible with IE 5.0+, IE 5 Mac, Mozilla 1.3+ (FireFox, Netscape 6+), Mozilla 1.3+ Mac (FireFox, Netscape 6+), Galeon, Konqueror and Opera 5+.
  • Graceful degradation to standard ASP.NET postbacks in non-supported browsers.
  • Simplification of code maintenance made possible by eliminating the need for JavaScript debugging.
  • A single-file DLL that provides all included Web Controls and scripting resources.
  • LiveGrid, LiveListBox, and LiveDropDownList controls that automatically update the client when DataBind() is used on the server.
  • A LiveTimer control that polls the server at any time interval (great for showing a progress bar).
  • A LiveSound control that can play an audio file by calling the Play() method from server-side.
  • A LiveMessageBox control to display alert, confirm, or response MessageBoxes from server-side callbacks.
  • A LiveTextBox control to raise server-side callbacks, even capturing keystrokes as they occur.
  • A LiveButton control to raise a server-side Click event from which you can update most controls without a refresh.
  • A LiveCallback control to hook client events to server-side callbacks.
  • Controls that operate in a blocking or non-blocking manner on the client.
  • Additional mouse, key, and click events raised as server-side callbacks.

LiveControls for ASP.NET includes the following server controls:

Server controls What it does
LiveButton Use the LiveButton control to create a push button on the Web page. You can create either a submit button or a command button
LiveCallback Use the LiveCallback to create custom callbacks into code-behind
LiveCheckBox Use the LiveCheckBox control to allow the user to select a true or false state
LiveCheckBoxList The LiveCheckBoxList control provides a multi selection check box group that can be dynamically generated with data binding. It contains an Items collection with members corresponding to individual items in the list
LiveDataGrid Use the LiveDataGrid control to display the fields of a data source as columns in a table dynamically. Each row in the LiveDataGrid control represents a record in the data source. The LiveDataGrid control supports selection, editing, deleting, paging, and sorting
LiveDropDownList Use the LiveDropDownList control to create a single selection drop-down list control
LiveHyperlink Use the LiveHyperLink control to create a link to another Web page
LiveImage Use the LiveImage control to display an image on the Web page
LiveImageButton Use the LiveImageButton control to display an image that responds to mouse clicks
LiveLabel Use the LiveLabel control to display text in a set location on the page
LiveLinkButton Use the LiveLinkButton control to create a hyperlink style button on the Web page
LiveListBox Use the LiveListBox control to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection
LiveMessageBox Use LiveMessageBox to inform the user, ask the user for confirmation, or prompt the user for information
LivePanel Use the LivePanel control as a container for other controls
LivePlaceHolder Use the LivePlaceHolder control as a container to store dynamically added server controls to the Web page. The LivePlaceHolder control does not produce any visible output and is only used as a container for other controls on the Web page
LiveRadioButton The LiveRadioButton server control permits you to intersperse the radio buttons in a group with other content in the page
LiveRadioButtonList The LiveRadioButtonList control provides page developers with a single-selection radio button group that can be dynamically generated through data binding
LiveSound Use LiveSound to play a sound file client-side during a callback
LiveTextBox Use LiveTextBox to display a text box control for user input
LiveTimer Use LiveTimer to raise an event at user-defined intervals, enabling server polling
LiveWrapper Use LiveWrapper to isolate 3rd-party controls for precise rendering.