PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET


PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET adds file upload functionality to ASP.NET application, including real-time progress reporting and server-side streaming.

File Upload for ASP.NET used advanced Ajax techniques to transfer files from browers to web server, while minimising the server memory footprint. Animated progress bars display for each uploaded file.

Key Features

  • Upload multiple files using a single upload dialog
  • Progress bars display for each file in an upload operation
  • Cancel button allows users to interrupe a file upload
  • Ajax uploads without Postbacks
  • Image buttons or standard HTML buttons
  • Background colors, borders, and images
  • Fonts and styles set on labels and values for simple localisation
  • OpenFileDialog control allows uploads without displaying a “Browse” button
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Drag, drop, and run – no form or web.config manipulation
  • Samples projects included for C# and VB
  • Supports all .NET Framework versions
  • Compatible with Visual Studio 2012, as well as Visual Studio 2008, 2003 and 2005