

Desktop sharing tool
Netviewer one2meet is a way of communicating over distance. Just a few clicks of the mouse is all it takes to initiate or participate in an online meeting and to interactively work together on documents without prior installation or registration.

Functions include:

  • Invitation function with connection to Outlook
  • Transfer screen/remote control
  • Choice of Applications
  • Netviewer clip
  • Back monitor
  • Chat

one2meet – Features

Netviewer one2meet is a way of communicating over distance. Just a few clicks of the mouse is all it takes to initiate or participate in an online meeting and to interactively work together on documents without prior installation or registration.

Functions include:

  • Invitation function with connection to Outlook With the connection to Outlook, any number of meetings can be planned and directly transferred to Outlook. If desired, the participants can then be directly invited to the relevant meetings via email.
  • Transfer screen/remote control A single mouse click is all it takes for the moderator to allow individual participants to display the content of their own screen or to receive remote control over the screen currently being displayed.
  • Choice of Applications The checkboxes allow the operator of the screen currently being displayed to choose which applications are to be visible to the group and which ones are not.
  • Netviewer clip If the Netviewer control panel is not required, a mouse click is all it takes to make it disappear off the right-hand edge of the screen behind the clip – and it can be recalled in just the same way. This is one way to ensure that nothing detracts from the display of the screen during a presentation.
  • Back monitor The back monitor allows the moderator to check the content of the screen being displayed to the other users, i.e. whether the content is being displayed in the right size of window.
  • Chat This is for non-verbal communication during the meeting; participants have the option to ask questions or to make comments without actually disturbing the moderator during a presentation.

Areas of application include:

Team-Meetings Communicate visually and in real time, regardless of location For team control and the spread of information – Netviewer one2meet guarantees an optimised workflow and ensures that worldwide team members are right up to date.

Management Accelerate decision making Gather the decision makers around the table and make fast decisions about current themes – without worrying about the participants travel plans.

Sales Save travel expenses and time Regular sales reports, presen-tations, updates for the sales force – Netviewer one2meet helps your teams to greater success through efficient meetings and savings on travel time.

Features include:

  • Application selection
  • Back monitor
  • Change of viewing direction
  • Enabling/disabling of remote control
  • Status display of screen set up for session participant
  • Standard 128-bit encryption
  • Pointer
  • Zoomfunktion
  • Invitation function with connection to Outlook
  • Chat

Add-ins for MindManager X5 Pro

The seamless integration of MindManager with the web conferencing functionality of Netviewer opens new opportunities for cooperation with clients and colleagues. The Netviewer application is automatically integrated as soon as MindManager is installed. With a few simple mouse clicks from any map you can send invitations to take part in web conferences. All that is required is a PC with Internet connection to follow or even delegate the MindManager presentation.