Neural Tools


NeuralTools is used to make credit lending decisions by predicting the likelihood a new borrower will pay back a loan.

NeuralTools is used to make credit lending decisions by predicting the likelihood a new borrower will pay back a loan. Its used for reducing transactional risk by identifying bank or credit card transactions likely to be fraudulent.

Key Features:

  • Live Prediction feature automatically updates predictions when input data changes (Industrial edition only): No need to manually re-run predictions as conditions change; allows real-time optimisation of input variables.
  • Automatically trains, tests and predicts in one easy step: Saves time and hassle in setting up analyses
  • Better predictions faster: Save time and make better decisions
  • True add-in, featuring Excel-style functions, toolbar interface, menu and Excel commands: Intuitive and easy to learn
  • Variable Impact Analysis ranks the effect of input variables on predictions: New input variables can be selected or emphasised for more accurate predictions
  • Training Sensitivity Analysis: Shows reliability of test results based on the size of the testing data set
  • Can train and analyse data spanning multiple worksheets: Virtually unlimited analytical capacity
  • Cases in a dataset can be automatically or manually tagged for training, testing and prediction data: Saves time and hassle setting up analyses, while allowing for customisation
  • Variable matching variables in the different datasets (training, testing and prediction) do not need to be in the same order or even have the same names: No hassle managing various datasets
  • Neural Networks Manager for easy management of many trained Neural Networks: Keeps Neural Networks organised for quick retrieval
  • Save Neural Networks in workbooks or as native NeuralTools files: Allows flexibility to use trained Neural Networks on multiple spreadsheets
  • Can be used for both categorical and numeric data: Maximises the range of problems that can be analysed
  • No need to create dummy variables for categorical data NeuralTools automatically interprets categorical data directly: Saves time and improves clarity
  • Graphs and reports customised using standard Excel features: Tremendous variety of reporting options to meet any presentation needs
  • Data Viewer: Create presentation-quality, interactive charts from any data source using Palisade graphing engine
  • Designed to work with StatTools, @RISK, Evolver and other Palisade products: Combine analysis with other techniques