

Java grid.
MistyGrid is a Java grid based on the Swing Java component in JTable. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for a JTable and includes a context-sensitive pop-up menu, sorting, multiple page print preview, multiple page printing and copy and paste to and from Microsoft Excel. It can be used in an applet or in application where a JTable is used. Header images, header orientation, row header and background image can be invoked.

MistyGrid – Features

MistyGrid is a Java grid based on the Swing Java component in JTable. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for a JTable and includes a context-sensitive pop-up menu, sorting, multiple page print preview, multiple page printing and copy and paste to and from Microsoft Excel. It can be used in an applet or in application where a JTable is used. Header images, header orientation, row header and background image can be invoked.

Features include:

  • Drop-in replacement for JTable
  • Additional functionality provided without coding or using simple coding
  • Print Preview and Print support
  • Background Image support
  • Column Headers:
    • Six button styles
    • Select background and text colour
    • Horizontal and vertical (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
    • Sorting on single column using context menu
    • Tool tips available on column headers
    • Re-sizable and moveable column headers
    • ImageIcon support for column headers.
  • Row Headers:
    • Does not display row headers (by default)
    • Add one line of code to activate row headers
    • Tool tip available on row headers
    • Six button styles available
    • Turn on or off using a context menu.
  • Rows:
    • Different background colours for alternate rows
    • Same background colour on all rows
    • Modify background colour.
  • Columns:
    • Hide columns dynamically
    • Show the hidden columns
    • Re-sizable and moveable column
    • Lock columns.
  • Cells:
    • Cells can have different data types
    • Merge cells across different rows
    • Support for multiple renderers at cell level:
      • JButton
      • Boolean (displayed as JCheckBox)
      • ImageIcon (displayed in JLabel)
      • JComboBox
      • JLabel
      • JCheckBox
      • Long, Integer, Short, Byte
      • String
      • Double, Float
      • JSpinner
      • JSlider
      • JRadioButton
      • JScrollBar
      • JprogressBar
      • JFormattedTextField
      • Date (popup calendar)
      • Colour
      • Hyperlink.
    • Cell selection using context menu
    • Selection of single or multiple adjacent cells
    • Copy to clip board a single cell or multiple adjacent cells
    • Paste from clipboard single cell or multiple adjacent cells.
  • Copy to and paste from Microsoft Excel
  • Modify text font
  • Modify selected text font
  • Turn grid lines on or off dynamically.