

.NET charting component.
MistyChartNetLite is a .NET C# based charting component for WinForms.

NEW Features in version 1.1:

  • Customise various attributes in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET at design time
  • Customise various attributes including Chart Type using popup menus at runtime
  • Support for print preview and print
  • Support for copying to the clipboard for pasting to documents
  • Support for saving charts in .png, .jpeg and .gif formats
  • Obtain data directly from Microsoft Excel files
  • Support for colour transparency and hatch styles
  • Drag chart items to modify values or enter new values of data points
  • Most chart types are available with vertical and horizontal orientation
  • Change data dynamically using API
  • Data can be loaded from any source using APIs
  • The following attributes are customisable:
    • Axes (colour, font, line thickness, labels and values)
    • Horizontal and vertical grid (colour, line thickness)
    • Plot (background colour, text colour, font and background hatch style)
    • Title and sub-title (colour, font and alignment)
    • Data Point (colour and hatch style).

MistyChartNetLite – Features

MistyChartNetLite is a .NET C# based charting component for WinForms.

NEW Features in version 1.1:

  • Customise various attributes in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET at design time
  • Customise various attributes including Chart Type using popup menus at runtime
  • Support for print preview and print
  • Support for copying to the clipboard for pasting to documents
  • Support for saving charts in .png, .jpeg and .gif formats
  • Obtain data directly from Microsoft Excel files
  • Support for colour transparency and hatch styles
  • Drag chart items to modify values or enter new values of data points
  • Most chart types are available with vertical and horizontal orientation
  • Change data dynamically using API
  • Data can be loaded from any source using APIs
  • The following attributes are customisable:
    • Axes (colour, font, line thickness, labels and values)
    • Horizontal and vertical grid (colour, line thickness)
    • Plot (background colour, text colour, font and background hatch style)
    • Title and sub-title (colour, font and alignment)
    • Data Point (colour and hatch style).

Features include:

  • Chart types including 3D charts
  • Customisation of various attributes at design time using Microsoft Visual Studio 2002 and higher
  • Customisation of attributes at run time using popup menus without programming
  • The Chart type can be changed at run time using a popup menu
  • Support for print preview and printing
  • Save charts in JPEG, GIF and PNG formats
  • Zoom capability
  • Gradient colours, hatch style for series and legends
  • Customisable legend
  • Background colourand hatch style
  • Horizontal and vertical grid lines and axes can be shown or hidden
  • Customise thethickness of line, axes and grids.