LMD WebPack


Royalty-free, native VCL components that can be compiled into applications. Integrate advanced web-based features such as application updates via the internet, display news items and scan web sites or single HTML pages.

LMD WebPack is a collection of 10 native VCL components that can be compiled into your application royalty free. The included controls help you to integrate advanced webbased features like applications updates via internet, display of news items, scanning of web sites or single HTML pages. Two internet access frameworks (MS WinInet or Indy) are supported.

Key Features:

  • RSS feed support added (TLMDNewsReaderAdapter).
  • TLMDWebAutoUpdate completely reworked and updated.
  • New: TLMDUpdateAdapter – Adapter provides the LMDAutoUpdate application, LMDUpdateForm – component to visualise update process.
  • LMDUpdateBuilder – new Application to create update scripts based on XML file format.
  • Windows Vista support “as Invoker” added.
  • 10 components for advanced webbased tasks.
  • Contains controls for WebUpdate or WebNews functionality, HTML or WebSite scanning.
  • Supports Indy or WinInet framework (WinInet is used by default, e.g. for compiled versions).
  • Full sourcecode of library.
  • Extensive demo projects with sourcecode.
  • Free updates via Internet.
  • A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organisation at one location.
  • Free technical support via newsgroup (news.lmd.de), e-mail, fax or mail.
  • Also available as part of LMD-Tools or LMD VCL Complete.

LMD WebPack – Features

The LMD Web Pack comprises:

  • TLMDMAPISendMail: simple e-mail messaging using a MAPI capable e-mail-client
  • TLMDWebHTTPScan: search component that analyses HTML pages recursively and reports found links (images, audio files etc). It can be used to display the structure of a web site within a tree
  • TLMDWebHTMLScan: parse HTML Tags of an HTML file. Either an HTML file is loaded or a StringList property is filled. Comments, scripts, imagetags, blocks, text and other items are detected by triggering events
  • TLMDWebHTTPGet: retrieve any file from the Web and download complete HTML files and graphics
  • TLMDRAS: access to simple RAS functionality
  • TLMDWebConfig: specify global available internet configuration settings (Proxy pr password settings) for several WebPack components
  • TLMDWebNewsView: a complete user interface invoked by calling the Execute method
  • TLMDWebNews: provide the enduser with product news and information. News items are read from the Web from XML-files
  • TLMDWebUpdate: add automated web update functionality to applications.* New AutoClose feature available in several controls (TLMDNews, TLMDWebUpdate, TLMDWebHTTPGet and LMDWebHTTPScan).

NEW Features in version 3:

  • TLMDWebInfo control: provides connection information
  • TLMDWebConfig: Save and Restore settings to and from the registry and inifile
  • TLMDRas: new methods and properties including ShowRasPhonebookDlg, ShowRasEntryDlg,ShowRasDialDlg and ShowRasMonitorDlg
  • TLMDWebNews: WebConfig property, GetVersion and Specification of News XML format
  • TLMDWebUpdate: TerminateApplication method
  • TLMDWebHTMLScan: new events including OnLinkTagEvent, OnAppletTagEvent and OnBodyTagEvent
  • TLMDWebHTTPScan: OnSaveFile event, Task.DefaultExtension property and Task.AutoReset property
  • LMDWebMBIE: a MultiPage web browser frame for Delphi users based on Microsoft’s IE control for creating an advanced web browser
  • TLMDWebNewsView: Show/Hide toolbar, caption specification, Get Headers, Options, Help buttons and specify events
  • LMDWebAutoUpdate: demonstrates how to use LMD WebPack for auto-updating without dialogues.