LMD SearchPack


Native VCL components that can be compiled into applications without royalties. Integrate advanced search features for text snippets or HTML files including support for wildcards or AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators.

LMD SearchPack is a collection of 3 native VCL components that can be compiled into your application royalty free. The included controls help you to integrate advanced search features (e.g. for text snippets or HTML files) including support for wildcards or AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators.

Key Features:

  • Includes 3 controls for integrating advanced text search capabilities into your projects including support of AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators.
  • Full sourcecode of library.
  • Extensive demo projects with sourcecode.
  • Free updates via Internet.
  • A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organisation at one location.
  • Free technical support via newsgroup (news.lmd.de), e-mail, fax or mail.
  • Also available as part of LMD-Tools or LMD VCL Complete.

LMD SearchPack – Features

LMD SearchPack is a collection of native VCL components that can be compiled into applications without royalties. The controls integrate advanced search features (for text snippets or HTML files) and include support for wildcards or AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators. It is available also as part of LMD-Tools 7 Professional or CE (Complete Edition).

Features include:

  • TLMDDBRefine control for searching a database field using complex search expressions
  • TLMDSearchFileGrep advanced file grep control with enhanced search features for file content
  • Visual Search Builder dialogue enables the end user to create search expressions visually
  • ITLMDRefine control supports searches in stream objects
  • Search methods of TLMDRefine are able to return the location of found words
  • Three controls for integating advanced text search capabilities into projects including support of AND, OR, NEAR and NOT operators
  • Full library source code
  • Demonstartion projects with source code
  • Free updates via the Internet
  • Free technical support via a newsgroup (news.lmdtools.com), e-mail, fax or mail.

LMD SearchPack – System Requirements

  • Operating System and hardware requirements depend on the Delphi or C++ Builder version that is installed
  • Delphi and C++ Builder version 5 and higher
  • 1 – 4 MB available disc space depending on installation options.