

Chant LexiconKit is comprised of tools and application ready software components for creating, editing, and deploying speech recognition and speech synthesis lexicons with word pronunciations to enhance recognition accuracy and synthesis quality.

Chant LexiconKit handles the complexities of managing lexicons and persisting them in files for deployment and installation.

The LexiconKit class library includes a lexicon management class that provides you a simple way to create, edit, export, and import lexicon word pronunciations. Your application can edit lexicons as part of its runtime operation to enable real-time customisation and tailoring of your speech recognition and speech synthesis environment.

It simplifies the process of managing word pronunciations for Cepstral Swift API, Microsoft SAPI 5, Microsoft Speech Platform, and Nuance Vocaliser and VoCon API lexicon formats to use with your favorite speech recognisers and synthesisers.

LexiconKit includes C++, C++Builder, Delphi, Java, .NET Framework, and Silverlight class library formats to support all your programming languages and sample projects for popular IDEssuch as the latest Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft.

The class libraries can be integrated with 32-bit, 64-bit, and embedded applications.

Key Features:

  • Edit locally installed lexicons
  • Create and delete lexicon word pronunciations on demand
  • Export and import lexicon word pronunciations for ensuring maximum recognition accuracy and speech synthesis quality
  • Add and remove dictation shortcuts