

Web application development framework for Delphi and? C++Builder.

IntraWeb is the unique web application development framework for Delphi and C++ Builder. IntraWeb makes your applications available to the Web, PDA’s, and mobile phones (WAP).

IntraWeb now with Ajax

Use Ajax support just by writing standard Delphi/C++ code.

IntraWeb is for Weblications – A Weblication is a web application. Building a weblication is very different from building a web site, and IntraWeb is the first and only tool specifically geared towards creating weblications. This allows you to build weblications faster and easier. Based on a powerful HTML rendering engine, IntraWeb allows developers to design weblications in the same way as they would normal Windows applications. Using a drag and drop approach, developers can drop controls on forms (which can be thought of as a combination between HTML pages and forms), create events and set properties. The code behind the application is pure C#, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, or Java, and does not require any knowledge of HTML or JavaScript.


  • Integrated Page Mode
  • RSS Feeds
  • Static Content
  • URL Mapping
  • Self Contained WebServer Deployment
  • (StandAlone Server)
  • Windows Service Deployment
  • ISAPI Deployment
  • SSL Encyrption
  • IP Binding
  • Priority Support
  • Access to Source Code (Most)
  • Concurrent Session Limit
  • Application Mode
  • XI Authentication Components
  • Session Inactivity Timeout
  • Maximum Session Time
  • Evaluation Notice

IntraWeb – Features

Building a weblication is very different from building a web site, and IntraWeb is the first and only tool specifically geared towards creating weblications. This allows you to build weblications faster and easier. Based on a powerful HTML rendering engine, IntraWeb allows developers to design weblications in the same way as they would normal Windows applications. Using a drag and drop approach, developers can drop controls on forms (which can be thought of as a combination between HTML pages and forms), create  events and set properties. The code behind the application is pure C#, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, or Java, and does not require any knowledge of HTML or JavaScript.

Because of drastically reduced costs, applications previously deemed too costly or not possible can be developed or ported to the web. Applications that have been targeted for web deployment but postponed or deemed not possible become possible with IntraWeb.

Intraweb 9.0 Released – Use Ajax support just by writing standard Delphi/C++ code

Key Features

  • Client Side Data
  • Dynamic Images
  • Model View Controller (MVC)
  • HTTP Compression
  • Page Mode
  • Server Side Resizes
  • Power of the Box
  • Components
  • Partial Updates
  • Aligns and Anchors
  • Layout Managers
  • Regions
  • State Management
  • Content Management
  • User Controls
  • Cross Platform
  • Browser Support
  • Device Support
  • Database Support
  • Third Parties
  • Development Environments
  • Connection Simulation
  • Debug Console.

Faster Development
IntraWeb is the fastest way to build web applications. Because IntraWeb embeds all the low level technologies in visual objects, developers do not need to know HTML, Javascript, CSS, or HTTP. This allows developers to focus directly on code and user interface. IntraWeb is faster because developers need to write less code.
Writing a web application with IntraWeb is nearly identical to writing a standard Windows application. Developers need no additional training and can use IntraWeb immediately. Developers can reuse existing code without the need to rewrite it to conform to how HTTP and HTML works. IntraWeb abstracts the developer from such details.

Lower Costs
Evaluate the average application specification for time required to develop as a normal Windows application, and as a web application. Typically the time and thus cost to develop the same application as a web application will be up to ten times as much. Using IntraWeb to build the same application takes typically only 15% more than the standard Windows application. With average developer costs of $50 per hour, the ROI on IntraWeb is less than two days.

Rich User Interfaces
Typically web applications are limited by the developers knowledge of HTML and Javascript. When combined with a goal of supporting all commonly used browsers creates lack luster web applications that do not meet user expectations and are much less functional than Windows counterparts. When was the last time you used a web application that had a user interface as rich as a normal Windows application?
IntraWeb includes advanced controls that are ready to use and support many of the same features as standard Windows controls including screen resize support, rich controls, client side interaction, and partial repaints of a screen. Using partial updates the user sees no screen flicker, and bandwidth is reduced to as little as a few hundred bytes per refresh, as opposed to hundreds of kilobytes. This provides for a very fast, responsive application to the end user, even on slow connections.
With IntraWeb you no longer have to deliver dumb downed versions of your applications on the web, but can deliver rich, fully interactive, responsive, and fast applications interfaces. Because your web applications now act like a normal Windows application, the retraining costs for users is reduced and support costs are less.

“Can Do”
Because of drastically reduced costs, applications previously deemed too costly or not possible can be developed or ported to the web. Applications that have been targeted for web deployment but postponed or deemed not possible become possible with IntraWeb.

Vendor Independent
IntraWeb is vendor independent in many aspects:

  • Operating System – IntraWeb supports .NET, Windows, Linux, and Java.
  • Development Language – IntraWeb can be used with C#, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, and Java.
  • Browser – IntraWeb supports all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Firefox, and Safari. IntraWeb even supports PDA’s and mobile phones.

Zero Deployment Costs
Web applications require zero installations or configurations. Your installation costs become zero. Applications can be easily upgraded without the need to redeploy to all users. Because there is no installation on client machines, installation technical support also becomes zero.

IntraWeb is scalable and can handle as many users as your hardware allows. Whether you have 10, 100, or 100,000 users IntraWeb can handle the load.

Competitive Advantage
By deploying your application to the web, whether it be to employees, customers, or vendors your company gains a huge competitive advantage.

IntraWeb – System Requirements

  • Operating System – IntraWeb supports .NET, Windows, Linux, and Java.
  • Development Language – IntraWeb can be used with C#, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, and Java.
  • Browser – IntraWeb supports all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Firefox, and Safari. IntraWeb even supports PDA’s and mobile phones.