Intel System Studio


Development tools combined with Intel Atom, Intel Core, and Intel Xeon processor platforms provides developers added value and competitive edge in delivering robust embedded and mobile platform solutions

Intel System Studio is an all-in-one, cross-platform tool suite, purpose-built to simplify system bring-up and improve system and IoT device application performance on Intel platforms.

Key Benefits:

  • Speed time-to-market: Ready-to-use, domain-specific routines and system-wide visual performance analysis quickly identify issues and reduce optimisation time.
  • Boost performance and power efficiency: Platform-tuned libraries and compilers help optimise software on Intel architecture. Actionable data uncovers power issues.
  • Strengthen system reliability: In-depth debugging, tracing and analysing capabilities identify elusive issues and deliver deep platform insights.

Intel System Studio is available in the following editions:

  • Composer Edition: Includes tools to build performance-optimised code
  • Professional Edition: Includes the Composer Edition plus system developer tools that deliver a deep, comprehensive analysis of performance characteristics to help pinpoint code-tuning opportunities
  • Ultimate Edition: Includes the Professional Edition plus standards-compliant debugging modules to resolve critical issues to ensure system and application stability, performance and market success

Intel System Studio – Features

Key Features:

  • NEW: Access to over 400 sensors
  • NEW: Enhanced debugger workflows that automate tracing
  • NEW: Additional libraries and code samples, including Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library
  • NEW: Improved data compression and optimisations for small matrix multiplication
  • NEW: Support for the latest Intel® processors
  • NEW: A download functionality that now enables developers to configure their tool suite
  • Comprehensive, Ready-to-use, Domain-Specific Routines: Shave significant time off your product development schedule with the high-performance, production-quality routines in Intel Integrated Performance Primitives and Intel Math Kernel Library.
  • Reduce Optimisation Time with System: Wide Visual Performance Analysis – Find potential performance opportunities in minutes instead of hours. Intel VTune Amplifier for Systems aggregates performance data from across your entire system, including CPU, GPU, threading, cache miss and I/O bandwidth.
  • Quickly Isolate Complex System Interaction Issues with Correlated Event Tracing: Intel System Debugger allows you to capture and view logs with time-stamped and correlated trace information between software, firmware and hardware components. Analyse complex interactions between software and hardware, making your product more robust.
  • Closed Chassis Software Debug and Trace on Production Hardware: JTAG hardware is expensive and cannot be used in production hardware. This makes finding and resolving software issues in production hardware challenging. Intel System Debugger, when used with Intel Silicon View Technology (Intel SVT) in 6th generation or later Intel Core processors lets you debug and trace over a low-cost standard USB connection instead.
  • Powerful, Easy to Understand Performance Analysis Tools: Intel VTune Amplifier for Systems provides performance insights into CPU & GPU performance, threading performance & scalability, bandwidth, caching and more. Hotspots, call counts, annotated source code and activity graphs help you quickly understand areas to achieve extra performance.
  • Actionable Wake-Up, Sleep State, Frequency and Temperature Data: Unlike other tools that measure average power usage, Intel® Energy Profiler identifies the cause of the wake-ups. Consolidate wake-ups and save energy by remaining in a low power state for longer periods of time, leading to longer battery life.
  • Extended Insight into Windows System to Strengthen Reliability with System Debug and Trace Extensions for Microsoft WinDbg Kernel Debugger: System debug and trace extensions for Microsoft WinDbg Kernel Debugger help simplify platform bring-up and Windows driver validation. Debug a completely halted Windows system, including drivers and interrupts and isolate complex run-time issues faster with Intel® Processor Trace.
  • Effectively Debug Compute- Intensive Code Offloaded to Graphics Cores with Debugger for Offloaded Code: Use simple compiler directives (e.g., #pragma) to mark compute-intensive code to cooperatively execute across processor and graphics cores. An extended debugger supports debuggingg code running on the graphics cores in addition to the processor cores.

Intel System Studio – System Requirements

Supported Host Operating Systems

  • Linux Host:
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7
    • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS
    • Fedora 24, 25, 26
    • Wind River Linux 7, 8, 9
    • openSUSE Leap 42.2
    • SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server* 12 SP1
    • CentOS 7.1
  • Windows Host:
    • Microsoft Windows 7, 8.x, 10
  • macOS Host:
    • macOS 10.12, 10.13

Host Space Requirements by Component

  Minimum RAM Recommended RAM Disk Space
Intel C/C++ Compiler 1GB 2GB 4GB
Intel Inspector 2GB 4GB 350MB
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives 1GB 4GB 2-4GB
Intel Math Kernel Library 1GB 4GB 2.3GB
Intel System Debugger 1GB 2GB 1.4GB
Intel VTune Amplifier 2GB 4GB 650MB
Docker build workflow 4GB   20GB