Infragistics Ultimate


Suite of .NET and data visualisation controls for creating user interfaces including ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight controls, advanced WPF Data Visualisation and Silverlight Data Visualisation controls.

A feature-complete UX and UI software development suite for building stunning,interactive user interfaces in web, desktop, cross-platform and mobile application development. Infragistics Ultimate includes advanced controls to build user interface and data visualisation applications. It also includes Indigo Studio, a rapid prototyping tool which enables you to see your application without writing a single line of code. Developers can create high performance, robust, stable solutions across browsers, platforms and devices. An annual subscription is provided for developer support, source code, updates, upgrades, documentation and samples.

What’s New?

  • Revolutionary Productivity Tools for Xamarin and Modern Web: Automate and streamline your coding with the Productivity Pack. Includes an Application Map, NuGet-powered Xamarin.Forms Toolbox, and several Control Configurators.
  • Responsive Schedule Control for Xamarin and JavaScript: Schedule appointments and manage associated resources with the new Schedule control in Ultimate UI for Xamarin and Ignite UI for JavaScript. Includes month and agenda views and support for recurring appointments.
  • Real-time Usability Analytics with Video Recording: Remote usability tests in Indigo Studio now feature full-screen recordings with optional voice and camera input. Pair with a detailed click-map view to ensure your prototype translates into a well-designed app.
  • Updated Grid in Ignite UI for JavaScript: Advanced filtering, grouping, and caption templating features enhance the fastest JavaScript grid available on the market. A new power search feature helps users find their data quickly.

Infragistics Ultimate – Features

Key Features:

  • Discover the Right Design, Code-Free: Don’t waste valuable coding time on revisions: Build code-free, interactive, responsive prototypes of your application with Indigo Studio and get insights on how your prototype performs with Indigo Studios remote, unmoderated usability testing.
  • Enterprise-Ready Desktop Toolsets: Build dynamic apps for desktop and touch-screen devices with Infragistics’s lightning-fast, touch-friendly Windows Forms and WPF controls. Cover every aspect of enterprise software development with the fastest data grids, Office-inspired UI tools, potent data visualisations and full modern experiences with touch and gestures.
  • Modern Web on Any Browser and Any Device: Harness the power of JavaScript/HTML5 with Ignite UI, the complete HTML and JavaScript toolkit that helps you build modern browser experiences on the desktop, tablet or phone. Create high-performance, touch-first, responsive apps with cutting-edge AngularJS directives, Angular 2 Components and Bootstrap support. Infragistics’s ASP.NET MVC helpers, which support .NET core, will give you a jump start on even the most demanding apps. Infragistics’s ASP.NET controls are packed with the most powerful set of UX and UI controls available, including the world’s fastest data grid and data chart.
  • Native Mobile Controls That Amaze: Infragistics lightweight mobile iOS and Android controls have everything you need to build highly visual, totally native mobile applications for the marketplace or the enterprise, with dynamic, zoomable charts that analyse large sets of data and responsive, high-performance data grids. Use Infragistics Xamarin.Forms to architect multiple experiences with a single codebase using your C# and XAML skills.
  • ReportPlus Embedded: Quickly create custom data visualisations and interactive reports and embed them directly into your next application. With multiple platform options, ReportPlus Embedded allows you to maintain the look and feel of your brand and reach your application users on any device, in any location. Infragistics Ultimate and Pro subscribers have free access to the ReportPlus SDK and a subscription for ReportPlus Desktop and Mobile.


Infragistics Ultimate – System Requirements


Operating System for Deployment

Windows Server 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Mac OS X
iOS 6.0 & 7

Architecture of Product


Product Type


Component Type

ASP.NET WebForms
.NET WinForms
.NET Class
100% Managed Code
Windows Runtime Controls

Compatible Containers

Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 to 2017
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 to 2017
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 to 2017
.NET Framework 2.0 to 4.6
Silverlight 5

Product Class

User Interface Components


Disk Space Required: 500MB
