Embedded database engine for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It compiles directly into an .EXE without needing external .DLLs or configuration files.

DBISAM Database System is an embedded database engine for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It compiles directly into an .EXE without using external .DLLs or configuration files. The footprint is 250-300k (base engine size; does not include data access component layer) and it is available as a transparent single-user, multi-user usage and client/server usage without needing configuration changes. Editions are available with source code.

DBISAM by development environment:

  • DBISAM for Delphi and C++Builder Database Developers: DBISAM compiles directly into your application with no external libraries required. Runtime package support is also provided if so desired. It has a very small footprint and does not require any forms support in Delphi 6 and C++Builder 6 and higher, which helps keep the size of non-UI applications like services or web applications to a minimum.
  • DBISAM for Visual Studio Database Developers: The DBISAM ODBC Driver is contained within a single DLL with no external libraries required. It can be used with Visual Studio 6 using the ODBCDirect access layer and with Visual Studio .Net 2005 or higher with the ODBC.NET Data Provider.
  • DBISAM for Java, C/C++, or Other Database Developers: The DBISAM ODBC Driver is contained within a single DLL with no external libraries required. It can be used with Visual Studio 6 using the ODBCDirect access layer and with Visual Studio .Net 2005 or higher with the ODBC.NET Data Provider.

DBISAM – Features

VCL Standard Edition

VCL Standard Edition includes the standard DBISAM client engine in DCU form (Delphi Compiled Unit) with local or remote capabilities and a five-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server for small installations and testing. Distribution is royalty-free and includes the DBISAM Database Server. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

VCL Client Server Edition

VCL Client Server Edition includes the standard DBISAM client engine in DCU form with local or remote capabilities and an unlimited-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server. Distribution is royalty-free and includes the DBISAM Database Server. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

CLX Standard Edition

CLX Standard Edition includes the standard DBISAM client engine in DCU form for Kylix with local or remote capabilities and a five-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server in component form only for small installations and testing purposes. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

CLX Client-Server Edition

CLX Client-Server Edition includes the standard DBISAM client engine in DCU form for Kylix with local or remote capabilities and an unlimited-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server in component form only. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

CLX Client-Server Edition

ODBC Standard Edition includes the standard DBISAM ODBC Driver in DLL form with local or remote capabilities and a five-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server for small installations and testing purposes. Distribution is royalty-free including the DBISAM Database Server. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

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ODBC Client-Server Edition

ODBC Client-Server Edition includes the standard DBISAM ODBC Driver in DLL form with local or remote capabilities and an unlimited-connection version of the DBISAM Database Server. Distribution is royalty-free including the DBISAM Database Server. It is available for Delphi 5 – 7, C++Builder 5 and 6, Microsoft Windows, Kylix 2 and 3 and Linux.

Database Engine Features:

  • Switch between direct local access to databases and remote access to a DBISAM database server using a few property changes
  • Server-side procedures for the DBISAM database server
  • Online backup and restore
  • Scheduled server events for the DBISAM database server
  • Full user-based security for the DBISAM database server
  • Remote administrative control over a DBISAM database server
  • Support for keep-alive pinging and connection-less session architectures with dead session expiry times in the DBISAM database server
  • Configurable compression and strong encryption support for remote access to a DBISAM database server
  • Custom engine signatures for prohibiting access to tables, streams, backups and database servers from a generic DBISAM
  • Subset of SQL-92 supported including a query optimiser, live and canned result sets, parameterised queries, query progress events, scripts and extended SQL syntax for DBISAM-specific features
  • Complete expression filter support including a filter optimiser and filters using the same syntax as SQL including extended operators such as LIKE and BETWEEN and functions
  • Default maximum file size of 4 GB per physical file as part of a logical table with extended support for files up to 128 GB (Microsoft Windows only)
  • Buffered, read-committed transactions
  • Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages and BLOB blocks
  • Primary and secondary indices with support for case-insensitive, descending and unique attributes including mixed ascending and descending key fields
  • Configurable index key compression
  • Logical record numbers that show the exact position of a record in relation to total records
  • Partial index key searches and ranges
  • Accurate record counts
  • Shareable in-memory tables that are identical to disk-based tables
  • Support for native Delphi field types including BCD, BLOB, GUID and auto-increment field types
  • Configurable block sizes for BLOBs
  • Configurable page sizes for indices
  • NULL support
  • Minimum, Maximum and Required constraints and default values and character-case specifiers for fields
  • Long field names and field and table descriptions for reference purposes
  • Encryption of tables with passwords (strong crypto)
  • User-defined versioning of tables
  • User-defined semaphore locking
  • Automatic record locking and manual table locking
  • Automatic change detection with configurable change detection policy
  • Complete cache management including intelligent read-ahead record buffering, index page buffering, BLOB block buffering and optimised, serialised writes
  • Automatic read-only support for CD-ROMs including optimised buffering
  • Built-in table verification and repair capabilities with progress and log events
  • Built-in table creation and structure alteration capabilities with progress and data conversion events
  • Built-in table optimisation capabilities with progress events
  • Native import and export to and from delimited text files
  • Full text indexing with support for optimised word searches that is fully-configurable per table with stop words, space characters and include characters.

New Features in Version 4.28 VCL Standard Edition

This release contains the following major enhancement:

  • You can now specify whether indexes should contain statistics or not when creating or altering tables. There is a new parameter for the TDBISAMIndexDef object called NoKeyStatistics, as well as a new clause called NOKEYSTATS for the CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements.
  • In addition, this release contains several minor bug fixes and enhancements.

The following is a list of the incident reports addressed in version 4.28 build 2.

  • 2979: Backup and Restore Do Not Work Correctly with a Remote Session When Compiled Under Delphi 2009
  • 3003: Text-Indexed Memo and String Fields Not Working Properly When Compiled Under Delphi 2009
  • 3004: Canned Query Result Sets Not Deleting Temporary Tables Properly
  • 3005: Altering a Table and Adding Two Unique Indexes Can Cause Index Corruption If Duplicate Keys Exist

Features in version 4.21

  • There is a new TDBISAMEngine component that encapsulates the DBISAM engine inside of a visual component
  • The EngineType property can be set to either etClient or etServer in order to have the engine behave as a local client engine or a server engine
  • There are specific events for implementing full text index filtering (either on a buffer basis or on a per-token basis)
  • There are specific events for customising the encryption in DBISAM (8-byte block ciphers only)
  • There is an EngineSignature property in the TDBISAMEngine component that is used to create an MD5 hash that is assigned to every table, table stream, backup, comms request and response. This allows one to “assign” tables to a specific application and prevent any other application from accessing the tables and server without the proper engine signature.
  • All of the ANSI string conversion functions that used to be in the dbisamlb unit are now public methods of the TDBISAMEngine component
  • Large file support can now be switched on and off with the LargeFileSupport property instead of relying on a compile-time DEFINE. Please see the Enabling Large File Support topic for more information
  • The file extensions to use for physical table files, table backup files, and table upgrade backup files can be specified via the following properties: TableDataExtension, TableIndexExtension, TableBlobExtension, TableDataBackupExtension, TableIndexBackupExtension, TableBlobBackupExtension, TableDataUpgradeExtension, TableIndexUpgradeExtension, TableBlobUpgradeExtension
  • Users can now define trigger event handlers that allow for processing both before and after the execution of an insert, update, or delete operation
  • You can now use restricted transactions on a given database where only certain tables that you specify are involved in the transaction
  • There is a new TDBISAMEngine FilterRecordCounts property that controls how record counts are returned for filtered datasets and live query result sets. The default value of this property is True, which indicates that record counts under these circumstances will be returned in the same fashion as they were in 3.x and earlier. If the FilterRecordCounts property is set to False, the RecordCount property of the TDBISAMTable and TDBISAMQuery components will always show the total record count of the entire dataset or active range (if a range is set) only and will not take any active filters (or WHERE clauses with live query result sets) into account. To get the record count including any active filters, a FilterRecordCount property has been added to the TDBISAMTable and TDBISAMQuery components that always shows the accurate record count, regardless of the current setting of the TDBISAMEngine FilterRecordCounts propety.
  • The TDBISAMSession component now has new remote administrative methods for adding/updating/deleting server-side procedures and events
  • The TDBISAMSession component now has the ability to ping a database server using the RemotePing and RemotePingInterval properties. These properties eliminate the need for user-constructed pinging operations using timers and are safe to use for the purpose of shortening dead session expiration times that are configured on a database server and eliminating dangling pessimistic locks when client workstations go down while connected
  • The TDBISAMSession component now has the capability to call a server-side procedure on a database server using the CallRemoteProcedure method, the RemoteParams property and the RemoteParamByName method
  • There is a new TableSize property for the TDBISAMTable component that reflects the total size (in bytes) of the physical table on disk (or in-memory if an in-memory table)
  • The SQL engine can now use the numeric 1 (or anything not 0) and 0 to represent TRUE and FALSE, respectively. This is helpful for compatibility with generic front ends, such as those used with the ODBC driver
  • There is a new TDBISAMQuery OnQueryError event that can be used to trap SQL errors and decide whether to abort an executing SQL statement or not. If an OnQueryError event handler is not assigned, then any SQL errors will immediately surface as an EDBISAMEngineError exception in the TDBISAMQuery component.
  • The TDBISAMQuery component now surfaces the OnAlterProgress, OnDataLost, OnIndexProgress, OnOptimizeProgress, OnRepairLog, OnRepairProgress, OnUpgradeLog, OnUpgradeProgress, OnVerifyLog, and OnVerifyProgress events just like the TDBISAMTable component. The only difference is these events are triggered when the corresponding SQL statement is executed instead of being triggered by a method call, including situations where an SQL statement is executed within a script.
  • There are new OnLoadFromStreamProgress and OnSaveToStreamProgress events in the TDBISAMTable and TDBISAMQuery components for tracking the loading/saving progress of streams.

Version 4.26 release supercedes the 4.25 release. As of the 4.22 release, Borland Developer Studio 2006 support is now included (Win32 only).

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DBISAM – System Requirements

System Requirements

Delphi 1.0, Delphi 2.0, Delphi 3.0, Delphi 4.0, C++ Builder 3.0, C++ Builder 4.0