

Automation tool that can automate manual tasks whilst cutting down on run time. Create and run projects manually or as a scheduled task via a graphical user interface.

Automise is a general purpose automation tool for automating projects using a drag-and-drop graphical user interface. Automise provides over 350 built-in scripts to perform many common administrative actions. To automate administrative tasks, these scripts, called actions, simply need to be added to a project in the order in which they should be executed. Once a project is complete, it can be run with a single click, keystroke or automatically on a schedule.

Automise projects can also handle complex processes. Actions can be conditionally executed by using built-in flow control and exception handling. If a project doesn’t run as intended, Automise provides a built-in debugger to diagnose problems and log files to give a detailed record for errors that occur. Automise includes ActionStudio to create a custom action with PowerShell, Python, JScript, VBScript or your favourite .Net language.

Key Features:

  • Graphical Interface: Automise’s graphical interface has been carefully crafted to balance functionality with usability. System Administrators will find automating Windows tasks in the structured graphical interface a breath of fresh air compared to scripts and batch files.
  • 350+ Actions: Automise includes hundreds of pre-written scripts, called actions. Actions can automate file transfers; file and folder archiving; interacting with files & directories; administering Windows; and much more. You just fill in the details and Automise will do the rest.
  • Flow Control: Automise features Try/Catch/Finally actions which enable you to use structured exception handling in Windows automation projects. It also provides If Then, Else, Switch/Case and Loop actions for controlling the flow of your projects execution.
  • Scheduling Tasks: Automise provides tight integration with the Windows scheduling service to allow automated Windows tasks to be run daily, weekly or whenever you wish.
  • Logging: Output from every action run in a project is recorded to a project log. These log files make it easy to find issues with your project and can be exported for automated reporting and record keeping.
  • Internet Actions: Your Windows automation project can automatically download and upload web content and communicate via email, ICQ, MSN and other on-line communication tools.
  • Scripting Support: Each Automise action exposes a number of script events, where you have access to all the properties of the action using VBScript or JScript. In addition, the Run Script action and Execute Powershell Script action allow you to perform specific tasks which might not be covered by the built in action types.
  • Variables: Using variables is the key to making your Windows automation projects dynamic. Use variables to pass information from one action to another and to enable actions to utilise user specific or machine specific values.

Automise – Features

General Features

What can Automise automate?

Easily automate Windows tasks by combining any of over 380 built-in actions or by creating your own actions in ActionStudio. Built-in functionality can automate:

  • file operations (copy, move, create, delete, etc)
  • mouse click and movement
  • CD/DVD burning
  • Active Directory
  • IIS 5 and 6 operations (start, stop, create website, etc)
  • image manipulation
  • database manipulations using SQL or stored procedures
  • FTP operations (put, get, create directory, etc)
  • Run VBScript or JScript code
  • iterate files, folders, file content, lists, etc
  • create zip files, unpack RAR files, etc
  • manipulate XML files
  • operate on the .NET GAC
  • PDF conversion and manipulation
  • WMI operations.

Automise is a powerful general purpose automation tool that allows anyone to automate just about anything! Create an Automise project using the fantastic GUI, and then it’s easy for anyone to run the project with single click or single keystroke or it can be scheduled to run automatically. Automise saves time, often running tasks in seconds that would take minutes or hours if done manually.

Automise makes complex automation tasks easy as it uses a powerful graphical user interface and includes built in support for many different applications. Automise includes powerful flow control actions which allow the project to decide which actions to run depending on certain conditions, as well as error handling so that your project can clean up and handle errors properly.

Why automate with Automise?

The benefits of automation using Automise include:

  • Remove human error
  • Relieve humans of performing routine and boring tasks
  • Increase the speed of your internal processes
  • Make your internal processes reliable and repeatable.

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New Features in Version 3

Core Improvements

  • Windows PowerShell & IronPython
    PowerShell and IronPython are now supported alongside VBScript and JavaScript as Automise scripting languages. This means that any action can be extended with PowerShell or Python script events, and it is also possible to create PowerShell and Python based custom actions with ActionStudio.
  • Action Logging
    Action log output is now tagged and color-coded according to Errors, Warnings, Success and Information. It is possible to filter the log display in the IDE according to these output tags (for example, to show only Error & Warning output.)
  • Hierarchical Logging
    Actions now produce hierarchical log output, so related messages are grouped together in the log tree.
  • Performance
    Automise is now faster to start up, and runtime performance has dramatically improved. Live logging performance has also increased markedly over previous versions.
  • Improved Output Quality
    All frequently used actions have been visited and revamped, with a view to improving the quality and usefulness of log output.
  • Automatic Descriptions
    Automatic descriptions for all commonly used actions have been revisited and improved. This make it easy to create a self-documenting project.
  • Action Output Monitors
    The new Action Output Monitor feature allows you to watch for particular patterns of log output from an action. The action’s behaviour can be modified depending on the output, or specific messages can be captured or suppressed from the action log.
  • Error Dialog Monitor
    This new feature allows you to monitor a third party application for error dialogs popped up while running an action. Dialogs can be automatically dismissed, as appropriate. This is useful when working with poorly-written third party tools that display dialogs when running in an automated mode.
  • New user info file
    The various user-specific .atd,.atw,.atp files used in previous versions have been converted into one common .atpinf file, with all user-specific data for the project. This file also contains information on the current layout of the project tree, which makes the project file more version-control friendly.

IDE Improvements

  • IDE Action Types and Options Filter
    The IDE Action Types view has been heavily revamped with a new, smarter, search system. This makes it easier to find the action that you’re looking for. The same new view has been added to the Options dialog.
  • IDE Welcome Page
    The new Welcome Page provides quick and easy startup, introductory information, and quick navigation to commonly used starting points.
  • IDE Redesign
    The layout of the Run Status and Run History tabs have been rearranged for improved usability and performance. It is now possible to watch the Run Status and the project layout at the same time.
  • Live Logging Improvements
    Enabling live logging while the project is running now shows any existing output from the current running action.
  • Validation
    Action validation errors are now hyperlinks to the source of the failure (action or option pages.)

  • Easy Scripting of Action Properties
    Selecting any action property in the Properties tab (formerly called the Action Inspector) now automatically displays the fragment of script used to access that property from an action script event.
  • Project Author and Notes
    The Project Tree has new fields for project author and any notes about the project. These fields are displayed in the Project Information node, as well as on the Welcome Page in the recent projects section.
  • Project Information in Project Tree
    The Project Tree now includes a project information node that provides detailed information about the current project. The information exposed is:
    • Project Name
    • Project Path
    • Created Date
    • Modified Date
    • Successful Runs
    • Failed Runs
    • Total Runs
    • Success Ratio (expressed as a percentage)
    • Last Runs Date
    • Last Runs Result
    • Action List Count
    • Action Count
    • Log File Size
    • Project Author, and
    • Project Notes.
    • Variable Groups
    • Variables can now be grouped for easier management.
  • Variable Suggestion
    Press F12 while editing any action property field to automatically see a list of suggested variables to substitute for hard-coded strings. This feature makes it much easier to create a robust and maintainable project.
  • Global Script Editor Enhancements
    Find and Replace has been added to the Global Script Editor as well as many other usability enhancements like better resizing of the window, works with dual monitor setups better, and if no changes are made to the script then Escape and Cancel will close the window without prompting.
  • Batch Project Upgrade
    For Automise users that have dozens or even hundreds of projects in older formats, the new batch project upgrade dialog will enable you to upgrade old projects automatically.

New Actions

  • SFTP actions
    New actions are now available for transfering files securefly over SFTP. Actions include:
    • SFTP Connect/disconnect
    • SFTP Download file/files
    • SFTP Create/Remove Directory
    • SFTP Remove File/Files
    • SFTP Upload file/files/filesets
    • SFTP List Files
    • SFTP Query Available Space
    • SFTP Rename file
    • SFTP Copy remote file
    • CSV Field Iterator
    • Iterate the fields of a CSV (or similar) file.
  • IIS 7 Actions
    New actions for managing Application Pools and websites on IIS 7 servers.
  • Simple Math Action
    An action to perform simple maths as part of your project, including addition, subtraction, modulus, factorial, logarithm and sine etc.
  • VMWare
    New actions for VMWare Server including:
    • Listing virtual machines,
    • Creating/deleting/Reverting snapshots,
    • Changing VM state, including:
    • Start
    • Stop [Hard]
    • Stop [Soft]
    • Reset [Hard]
    • Reset [Soft]
    • Suspend [Hard]
    • Suspend [Soft]
    • Pause
    • Unpause

    Running Guest Commands, including:

    • Run a program in Guest OS
    • Run a program interactively in Guest OS
    • Check if a file exists in Guest OS
    • List running processes in Guest OS
    • Kill a process in Guest OS
    • Run a script in Guest OS
    • Delete a file in Guest OS
    • Rename a file in Guest OS
    • Create a directory in Guest OS
    • Delete a directory in Guest OS
    • List a directory in Guest OS
    • Write a variable in the VM state
    • Read a variable in the VM state
    • Write a variable in the guest environment
    • Read a variable in the guest environment
    • Save screen capture of virtual machine to host
    • Copy a file from the guest operating system to the host
    • Copy a file from the host to the guest operating system
  • Web Service Actions
    New actions for querying and receiving data from Web Services.

Improved Actions

  • Run Action as User
    All actions now have a “Run Action as User” field to allow you to run each action as a specific user.
  • Export Log Action
    Can now export a log fragment instead of a whole log.


  • Custom Action Property Sets
  • Custom actions defined in ActionStudio can now define their own Property Set types. It is also possible for custom actions to access built-in Property Set types.
  • Custom Action File Sets
    Custom actions defined in ActionStudio can now access File Set information and file lists.
  • New .NET Custom Action API
    Automise 3 ships with a new API for creating .NET custom actions. The new API makes it quicker and easier than ever to create custom actions with ActionStudio and .NET
  • Find & Replace
    Find & Replace has been added to ActionStudio in the script editor to easily search for and replace text.
  • Windows PowerShell
    PowerShell has been added to ActionStudio as a scripting language for developing custom actions.
  • IronPython
    IronPython has also been added to ActionStudio as a scripting language for developing custom actions.
  • Search Keywords
    Actions can now define extra search keywords which is used by the Automise IDE when a user searches for actions. For example, a action called “Delay” could define keywords “Wait” and “Pause” for easier searching.
  • Iterator Actions
    A third type of action, Iterator has been added alongside Standard and Execute Program. The Iterator action type allows the development of Iterator actions that run multiple times (including their child actions) for each value in a list.

Feature Matrix

To view the Feature Matrix, please click here.

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Automise – System Requirements

System Requirements

Operating Systems supported :

  • Windows Vista (x86 and 64)
  • Windows Server 2008 (x86 and 64)
  • Windows Server 2003 (x86 and 64)
  • Windows Professional x64 Edition
  • Windows XP SP1+
  • Windows 2000 SP3+
  • MSXML3 is also required

NOTE : Automise is not supported on Windows 95/98/ME

Processor : Pentium II 400Mhz or higher

Memory : 256MB Ram or higher

Disk Space : 40MB

Other : MSXML (Microsoft XML Parser) 3.0 or higher is required. This will most likely already be on your system, if not you can download for free from Microsoft here.

.NET Framework 2.0 or higher for running GUI automation actions. Automise will run without the .NET framework; however, the GUI automation actions will not be accessible.