

AtlasDedupe is a sophisticated tool for intelligently identifying and eliminating unwanted duplicates at both individual and property level.


AtlasDedupe is a sophisticated tool for intelligently identifying and eliminating unwanted duplicates at both individual and property level. Whether it’s consumer or business data, UK or international data, duplication of information is a common issue for anyone maintaining a centralised corporate database or multiple departmental data sources.
Duplication can result in wasted resources on mailshots, portraying a poor corporate image, and falsely inflated mailing costs.


  • Duplicate records can be deleted automatically or verified interactively, merged, purged, output to separate databases for update or archived.

  • Ability to deduplicate based on a combination of full address, postcode, premise, company information, full name, surname, gender, and initials (dependent on available data).

  • Allows effective data integration into a single file. These files can then be streamlined by removing duplicates that may have originated from different sources.

  • Supports the deduplication of up to 26 databases against one another in any one run.

  • No customer data has to be sacrificed following the removal of a duplicate.

  • Creates a single customer view.


  • Reduces mailing costs and improves customer relations

  • Empowers the user to undertake complex data processes that can bring real benefits to your business.

  • Maintains a good corporate image.