AD Information Sync


Provides permitted users with bi-directional synchronisationto keep AD information and SharePoint updated. A log records all activities for locating erroneous entries whetherperformed manually or automatically.

Synchronise user profiles between AD and SharePoint lists such as Contact List and User Information List with Sharepoint AD Information Sync. Quickly import user profile data from Active Directory to any SharePoint list, including User Information List, making it convenient to view, use and maintain employee data. Sync as much information as you require from User, Contact and Computer objects, including common, Exchange and extended attributes. Automatically sync based on a custom schedule: by minutes, hourly or on a daily basis, making it easier to keep data up-to-date. Extract information from Active Directory using query filters, which can be created via a GUI (graphic user interface) or entered as LDAP query.

Key Features:

  • Sync information from AD to SharePoint lists, including User Information List
  • Supports AD User, Computer and Contact objects
  • Map columns between AD fields and SharePoint list columns
  • Sync manually or automatically by schedule
  • Supports popular Active Directory attributes
  • Supports Exchange and extended attributes
  • Sync modifications made in SharePoint list to Active Directory
  • Sync information by specified OUs
  • Supports customised LDAP query to filter information accurately
  • Import/export sync profiles
  • Log all sync activities
  • Sync photos from Active Directory to SharePoint Contact List