ActiveXperts Network Monitor


Network and server monitoring tool to allow administrators to monitor the network for failures and irregularities automatically. It can monitor all aspects of your LAN- and WAN servers, workstations and IP devices.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor is a network and server monitoring tool to allow administrators to monitor the network for failures and irregularities automatically. It can monitor all aspects of your LAN- and WAN servers, workstations and IP devices.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor – Features

ActiveXperts Network Monitor monitors all aspects of LAN and WAN servers, workstations and devices, running as a service on the Microsoft Windows 2003, 2000, XP and NT platform with support for Microsoft Windows, Unix, Linux and Novell. Problems are highlighted via a network message, email or SMS message and when a failure is detected, the network monitor tool attempts correction. It comprises a Network Monitor Engine (a Microsoft Windows service) and a Network Monitor Manager application. The Network Monitor Engine monitors continuously the servers in a LAN or WAN for availability and is responsible for notifying, triggering actions, recovery and logging. Agent software is not required on the servers being monitored because the monitoring service uses protocols and application layers of the operating system. It is possible to add new monitor check routines using Visual Basic Script.

Features include:

  • Network Monitor Manager: sed to view the results and to make changes to the configuration. This Manager application enables the network to be monitored visually from any desktop PC. The Manager application can be installed on any Microsoft Windows 98, NT or higher computer workstation or server with different authority levels: restrict help desk employees to viewing results and allow network operators to make changes to the configuration
  • Web Based Interface: readonly XMLbased Views of the network that can be viewed by an Internet browser using XSL style sheets. It requires one port on the firewall (default: port 80) to enable monitoring of the network from a remote location. XML Views can be customised by editing the XSL style sheets and XML data can be used to link to an internal database for archiving and reporting
  • Network Monitor Engine: runs on a dedicated Microsoft Windows server in the network. It is multithreaded and capable of monitoring many servers simultaneously on Microsoft Windows, Novell, Linux and Unix. New checks can be written using Visual Basic Script or RSH and added to the configuration
  • Monitoring Features:
    • Monitor operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Novell, Unix and Linux
    • Monitor application services
    • Monitor databases including Oracle, Microsoft SQL, ADO and ODBCcompliant databases
    • Monitor networks, network protocols and network services
    • Write custom monitor checks using the standard Visual Basic Script scripting language
    • Monitor Rules are processed simultaneously by the multithreaded monitoring engine. There are sixteen threads to process Monitor Rules simultaneously by default
    • The monitoring engine is selftuning; the number of threads adapt to the number of rules to be processed per minute
    • Software is provided with predefined checks.
  • User Interface: the Manager application is used to make changes to the configuration and view the monitoring results and can be installed on any workstation in the network enabling operators to monitor and configure from a desktop. It has a Microsoft Explorerlike user interface with a folder pane, a monitor rules pane and an activity pane. Assign readonly permission to enable users to view the results but not to change the configuration
  • Notification Features:
    • Send out notifications upon failure and recovery
    • Support for SMTP email notifications without Microsoft Outlook or IIS/CDONT
    • NetBIOS network notifications (network popup messages)
    • SMS notifications through a Short Message Service Centre provider (requires a Hayescompatible modem connected to the monitoring server)
    • SMS notifications through a GSM mobile telephone (requires a GSM telephone connected to the monitoring server through a serial cable, InfraRed or BlueTooth. The GSM telephone must be capable of processing AT+C commands
    • Global and Custom Address Books for email, SMS and network notification types; a custom recipient list can be defined or the Global Address book selected
    • Templates for all notification types including Network Monitor system parameters inside the templates enabling notification messages to be customised
    • Test buttons for each notification type for troubleshooting.
  • Action Features:
    • Restart a service or multiple services upon failure
    • Reboot a server upon failure
    • Launch an executable or batch command job passing Network Monitor system parameters
    • Launch a Visual Basic Script passing Network Monitor system parameters
    • Sample actions.
  • Configuration: configuration information is stored in one file to assist backup, importing and exporting. Importing and exporting are guided by a Wizard. Default values for new Monitor Rules are configurable and default values can be applied to existing Monitor Rules. A readonly mode is available for users who are not allowed to make changes to the configuration
  • Maintenance Periods: avoid servers that are be considered as failed during maintenance hours; notifications and actions will not occur during these schedules. Maintenance periods can be configured globally or per server and can be scheduled as recurrent or once
  • Dependencies: avoid a flood of messages when for instance a router fails by configuring dependencies. Servers can depend on multiple servers and dependencies are transitive
  • Reports:
    • Standard incident reports and summary reports
    • Support for HTML and CSV (comma separated) reports
    • Servers can be included or excluded from a report
    • Report generation is guided by a Wizard.
  • Logging: network monitor related information is written to the Application Log of the Event Viewer and monitoring information to ASCII log files. The maximum log file size is configurable; a new log file is created when a maximum size is reached
  • Builtin Monitor Checks:
    • Active Directory
    • ICMP/Ping
    • Services
    • CPU Usage
    • IMAP Mailservers
    • SMTP Mailservers
    • Directory Size
    • LDAP
    • SNMP
    • Disk Drives
    • MS SQL/ADO Databases
    • TCP ports
    • Disk Spaces
    • NNTP
    • Temperature
    • DNS
    • Novell NDS
    • UDP
    • Event Logs
    • NTDS (NT4 DS)
    • Users and groups
    • Microsoft Exchange 2000
    • NTP
    • Unix Shell Scripts (RSH)
    • File Existence
    • ODBC Databases
    • Visual Basic Script (custom)
    • File Size
    • Oracle Databases
    • WMI
    • FTP sites
    • POP3 Mailservers
    • Process.
  • ADSI and Active Directory Checks: for Active Directory, NTDS (NT4 based SAM account database) and Novell NDS Directory Service to query users and groups etc. Configure ActiveXperts Network Monitor to check user accounts (locked out, disabled etc), computer Accounts, Groups, Group membership and Organisational Units etc
  • CPU Usage Check: monitor processors on Microsoft Windows platforms with an alert when CPU usage reaches a specified level
  • Directory Size Check: monitors dorectpry size
  • Disk Drive Check: monitors physical disk drives on servers running the Microsoft Windows operating system. An alert is generated if a malfunctioning disk drive is detected
  • Disk Space Check: the amount of available disk space is checked periodically. Notification is provided if it drops too low or too high
  • DNS Server Check: checks if a DNS server is working well by reading a particular A record on the DNS server and verifying the result
  • Event Log Check: reads Microsoft Windows Event logs on local or remote computers, searching for specific event sources, categories and event IDs etc. It can look for a pattern in the description of the event, perform advanced filtering in event logs, look for multiple events in the event log and notify the system administrator if an event occurred in a specific time interval
  • Exchange 2000 Check: monitors the status of critical exchange services and the most important performance counters including performance counters of the information store, mail boxes, public folders and the SMTP service. Notification is provided if it drops too low and it is possible to extend the check
  • File Existence Check: monitors file existence or or searches for patterns such as the results of scheduled batch jobs
  • File Size Check: receive an alert when specific files become too large
  • FTP Check: FTP is usually run over TCP using the default port of 21. FTP Check checks the availability of FTP sites and can be configured to go through a proxy to access the particular FTP server if the FTP server is not accessible directly, passing credentials for the proxy server in order to use the proxy. It is possible to pass credentials such as username and password to access the actual FTP site if the FTP server requires it
  • HTTP Check: checks the availability of HTTP and HTTPs sites on default ports (80 and 443). It can be configured to go through a proxy to access the particular HTTPs server if the HTTPs server is not accessible directly, passing credentials for the proxy server in order to ake use of the proxy. It is possible to pass credentials such as username and password to access the actual HTTPs site. Web site content can be searched for text patterns including meta tags
  • ICMP Ping Check: checks a remote host for availability. Local hosts should respond to pings within milliseconds but congested networks may take up to three seconds or longer to receive an echo packet from the remote host. If the timeout is set too low under these conditions it will appear that the remote host is not reachable
  • IMAP Mailserver Check: checks IMAPcompliant mail servers by establishing a connection on the remote IMAP port (143) and performing a handshake to verify that the remote server’s IMAP protocol is working efficiently
  • LDAP Check: checks LDAPcompliant servers by establishing a connection on the remote LDAP port (389)
  • Microsoft SQL and ADO Check: uses ADO to check the availability of Microsoft SQL databases. ADO can be used to connect and retrieve data from spreadsheet files and text or other plain format data files
  • NNTP News Server Check: checks NNTP news servers by establishing a connection on the remote TCP port (119) and performing a handshake to verify that the remote server’s NNTP protocol is working efficiently
  • Novell NDS: checks the Novell NDS including user Accounts (lockout, disabled, etc.), Computer accounts, groups, group membership and organisational units etc
  • NTDS: checks the NTDS (NT4 SAM) database and can be configured to check user accounts (lockout and disabled etc), computer accounts, groups and group membership etc
  • NTP Time Server Check: uses NTP to check the availability of internal and external time sources
  • ODBC Database Check: uses ODBC to check availability of databases and Oracle checks based on SQLNet. It is necessary to enter appropriate information from the ODBC control panel on the server on which ActiveXperts Network Monitor is running
  • Oracle Database Check: uses SQL*Net to monitor Oracle servers for availability. SQL*Net is a software layer that is required to communicate between Oracle clients and servers and that provides clientserver and serverserver communications across networks. TNSPing check and Logon/logoff to a database using username and password for the database are available
  • POP3 Mailserver Check: checks POP3 mail servers by establishing a connection on the remote TCP port (110) and performs a handshake to verify that the remote server’s POP3 protocol is working efficiently
  • Printer Check: checks printers for availability by checking status. Microsoft Windows recognises running, in test, power off, offline and power save printer status values that must be equal to the printer status to be considered as not malfunctioning
  • Process Check: check processes on local and remote computers. A computer is considered to be available if a process is active
  • Service Check: service monitoring involves a probe that returns the status of a service by checking if the status equals running
  • SMTP Mailserver Check: checks SMTP mail servers by establishing a connection on the remote TCP port (25) and performing a handshake to verify that the remote server’s SMTP protocol is working efficiently
  • SNMP Check: the SNMP GET message enables the Network Monitor Engine to request information about a specific variable on a remote computer or device
  • TCP Port Check: checks local or remote servers by challenging a specific port, making a connection to it and performing a challenge/respond by sending a sequence of bytes, waiting for the responce and analysing the received information
  • Temperature Check: requires the IT Temperature Monitor from Sensatronics to monitor temperature. A managed environment can reduce IT server, storage and network outages by 50%
  • UDP Check: monitors UDP ports by sending an echo request to them
  • UNIX Shell Script (RSH) Check: monitors Unix and Linux servers to see if RSH scripts produce certain stdout or stderr output. RSH is a client process that opens connections to rsh daemons, sends a command to be executed on the remote server and retrieves stdout and stderr output. The connection is made on standard port 514 (TCP port for the shell/cmd protocol)
  • Users and Groups Check: monitors groups and group membership and notifies network administrators in the event of unexpected members in certain groups
  • Visual Basic Script Check: extends the builtin checks by enabling the creation of a custom monitor check rountine. Up to eight multi=threaded Visual Basic Script scripts can be processed simultaneously
  • Microsoft Windows Management Interface: included in Microsoft Windows 2000 and higher operating systems providing an interface to hardware, softwareand operating system related properties of a computer. WMI objects can be placed inside Visual Basic Script
  • XML/XSL: Microsoft Internet Explorerbased XML views are preferred over the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Manager application when the user requires readonly access to ActiveXperts Network Monitor, monitors remotely through a firewall (requires access on one port), monitors multiple networks with different Network Monitor configurations, requires access to ActiveXperts Network Monitor from within an organisation or is using a thinclient box such as a Microsoft Windows CEbased Wyse Terminal. ActiveXperts Network Monitor defines its own tags for XML Views and its own document structure. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher is required for viewing XML tags
  • XMLbased Reports: builtin reports can be customised only when using the XMLbased report format that is linked to an XSL Stylesheet. The AvailabilityDetails.xsl default XSL Stylesheet for XML based Detailed Availability Report and the AvailabilitySummary.xsl default XSL Stylesheet for XML based Availability Summary Report are included.

ActiveXperts Network Monitor – System Requirements

System Requirements

  • Windows 2008 (32 and 64 bit)
  • Windows 2003 (32 and 64 bit)
  • Windows 2000 Server and Professional (32 bit only)
  • Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
  • Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit)
  • Windows XP (32 and 64 bit)