MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro is a comprehensive computer mapping tool that enables you to perform complex geographic analysis such as redistricting, accessing your remote data,dragging and dropping map objects into your applications, creating thematic maps that emphasise patterns in your data and much more. With MapInfo Pro, the power of computer mapping is at your complete disposal. You can display your data as points, as thematically shaded regions, as pie or bar charts, as districts, etc. You can perform geographic operations such as redistricting,combining and splitting objects and buffering. You can also make queries against your data and access your remote data directly from MapInfo Pro.
Key Features:
- Direct opening of files created with dBASE or FoxBASE, delimited ASCII, comma delimited CSV files, ESRI shapefiles, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access; importing of graphics files in a variety of formats; a function for creating database files from within the product
- Multiple views of your data in Map or Browser windows. Hot Views allow you to open multiple views of the same data and update them when you change any one view
- Live ODBC access to remote database data, such to SQL Server
- Seamless map layers that allow you to handle several map layers as if they were one layer
- Legend Designer window, enabling you to create and customise legends for any map layer
- Thematic maps to create analyses of your data with high visual impact, including grid surface themes, 3DMaps and Prism maps
- Use raster underlay capabilities to enhance your work session
- Querying capabilities ranging from simple data selections from a single file to complex SQL queries from one or more files
- Workspaces that save all your settings and views so you can start where you left off
- HotLinks that let you launch files or URLs directly from a Map window
- A comprehensive array of drawing and editing tools for customising your maps
- Thousands of ready-made maps and functions for creating your own maps
- A layout window for preparing output
- Printing and export capabilities for high-quality output
- The ability to change the projection of your map for display or digitising
- Object processing functions that help to correct errors in data,set node snap tolerances for different objects, as well as thin nodes and polygons
MapInfo Pro – Features
New Features in version 9.5 New Features in version 9 MapInfo Professional is a Microsoft Windows-based mapping application that enables business analysts and GIS professionals to easily visualise the relationships between data and geography. With MapInfo Professional, users can perform sophisticated and detailed data analysis by leveraging the power of location. Including location in your decision making and daily operations can help you increase revenue, lower costs, boost efficiency and improve services.
- Create highly detailed maps to enhance presentations and aid in decision making
- Reveal patterns and trends in your data that may otherwise be impossible to see in spreadsheets and charts
- Perform sophisticated and extensive data analysis
- Understand customer and marketplace demographics
- Manage geographically based assets, such as stores, people and property
- Plan logistics and prepare for emergency response
New Features in Version 9.5
MapInfo Professional v9.5 provides new data creation and editing tools, enhanced access to the latest databases and industry standards and expanded programmability supporting Microsoft .NET.
Data Creation and Editing Tools New CAD functionality
40 New Data Editing Functions for a wide range of applications
- Property planning, cadastre mapping, parcel mapping
- Road, rail, and other transport network data
- Public service infrastructure such as communications, electric, water and gas networks
Programming with .NET
- Design your GUI in .NET and run within MapInfo Professional
- Embed MapInfo Professional inside your .NET application. Write it in VB.NET or C# or any .NET compliant language
Better Looking Maps
- Automatic labeling around points
- Extended formats for custom symbol support
- Vector translucency (coming in November)
- Map anti-aliasing (coming in November)
Enhanced Data Access
- Support for MS SQL 2008 Spatial data format
- Oracle 11G & annotation text
- OGC WFS-Transaction support
Ease of Use
- Quicker: access layer operations from the right click menu
- Flexibility: sub categorize your custom symbols your way
- Quickly: pick the same color, line or pattern each time, every time
- More Familiar: Vista/Windows-XP application look
Enhanced Licensing & Deployment
- Workgroup deployment option share your MapInfo files with other users
- Support for activation from proxy server based networks
- For Enterprise deployment, continued support for Citrix, silent installer support and support of scripting and silent product activation
New Features in Version 9
Powerful Data Access
- Industry standard geographic data such as engineering or town planning CAD data (the latest DWG/DXF, DGN, SDTS and VPF formats)
- ESRI Shape, Grid, SDE, E00 and GeoDatabase data formats
- Oracle support including Oracle 10G, Oracle 10G Locator and Oracle 9iR2
- Microsoft support including MS Access 2003, MS Excel 2003 and MS SQL Server 2000 and MS SQL 2005
Time-Based Analytics
- The MapInfo data format now includes new date/time and time attributes.
- When accessing data from MS Excel, MS Access and relational database systems, MapInfo Professional automatically recognises data fields that contain time or date/time information and uses the appropriate data type in the MapInfo table.
- MapInfo Professional includes functions to convert both numeric and character string data into time or date/time values.
- New functions include the ability to obtain the system time, format time data and extract portions of information such as the minutes, seconds or hours from time data
- Leverage the expanded data access capabilities, temporal analysis, improvements to map readability and more.
- Time and date/time fields can be used in thematic maps and can be searched or queried against.
Improved Visualisation
- Curved labeling
- Homeland security and emergency management fonts/symbols
- Enhanced layout settings
- Print templates that utilise dynamic information so they update on-the-fly
Increased Productivity
- Wizard-based processes for producing professional quality output
- Multiple hotlink support from a single record
- New preferences for managing Layout and Legend windows
- New preferences for Find Selection behaviour
- Improved behaviour for default label style
Enhanced Connectivity
- MapInfo Professional also includes MapBasic support for HTTP, XML and FTP connectivity to web services.
- Access enterprise solutions and directly connect to powerful web services enabling you to take full advantage of your existing resources.
- Through menu options, can also connect to Envinsa or hosted Envinsa Online Services (EOLS) to perform batch geocoding and address lookup or to create driving regions.
- Directly access MapMarker for geocoding and address lookup.
- MapBasic support for HTTP, XML and FTP enables you to connect to further services including RSS feeds, such as Yahoo traffic, and XML interfaces to enterprise applications such as SAP or Business Objects.
- Can communicate with FTP services to dynamically download data.
MapInfo Pro – System Requirements
Desktop Operating Systems
- Windows Vista (Ultimate)
- Windows XP Professional SP2
- Windows XP Home SP2
- Windows XP (64-bit)
- Windows 2000 SP4
Server Operating Systems
- Windows 2003 Server
- Citrix Meta Frame v4.x
Database Support: Oracle 11G and 10G,& 9iR2, Oracle 11G Annotation text support; MS SQL Server 2000 & 2005 MS Access XP;
MS SQL2008:
MS SQL Spatial Data: SQL Server 2000 & 2005 with MapInfo SpatialWare; Support for Read SQL Server 2008 native Spatial data and read and write SQL Server 2008 textual data
Spatial Data Support: Auto detect of SHAPE format projection information when available.
OGC Enhancements: WFS-T transaction support. Ability to download WFS data, make edits and update the server.