Biscom Delivery Server


Enterprise managed file transfer product that enables users to send large attachments from within Microsoft Outlook including files, documents and messages securely while maintaining a transaction and audit trail of the deliveries.
Biscom Delivery Server is an enterprise managed file transfer (MFT) product that enables users to send files, documents and messages securely while maintaining a transaction and audit trail of the deliveries.

Biscom Delivery Server - How it works

The BDS Microsoft Outlook add-in enables users to send large attachments from within Outlook without them hitting the Exchange server by re-routing attachments that exceed corporate policy limits through BDS. BDS then generates an e-mail notification to the recipient with an embedded hyperlink to the BDS server to enable the attachments to be downloaded. Each step is tracked to create a detailed audit trail. Only one copy of a file attachment is stored for user access or collaboration, eliminating the problem of creating multiple copies of the same file in Exchange.

Biscom Delivery Server – Features

Built from the ground up to be a superior secure file transfer solution for todays file delivery needs, Biscom Delivery Server is an enterprise managed file transfer server that enables users to deliver documents, files, and messages in a simple and secure manner. With todays government regulations and compliance requirements, and an increased awareness and need for security, many existing file delivery methods are no longer suitable for sending information. BDS solves the issues surrounding email, FTP, and even overnight delivery services, by providing a simple way for people to deliver these critical files quickly and easily, all while maintaining a secure and trackable electronic package.

To view a demo of the product, please click here.

BDS scales from small workgroups to enterprise organizations
BDS can be deployed as a workgroup solution that handles the secure communication needs of an internal department. For example, because of the sensitive nature of personnel records, the HR department may need a way to securely deliver medical, financial, and personal records to insurance agencies, healthcare facilities, and payroll services. In organizations that require multiple departments and large numbers of employees to lock down their communications, BDS can scale to support multiple sites, use directory services such as LDAP and Active Directory to manage users, and integrate with email systems for seamless operation that takes minimal user training. In addition, existing and legacy systems can take advantage of a secure file transfer server via the BDS Web services, Java, or .NET APIs.

As a platform neutral application, BDS runs on the hardware and operating systems that your organization already knows how to support. When the latest new processor or hardware platform is deployed in the organization, BDS can be moved easily to the latest and greatest server with no downtime. Because your IT staff is familiar with the hardware system, it can be maintained with the latest security patches and upgrades.

Flexible architecture
The multi-tier architecture provides your IT group with the capability to configure the application from a simple file transfer server to a fully redundant, load balanced set of servers that keeps your important data and files in highly secured parts of your network. BDS is also compatible with virtualized environments, can be customized to the organization’s look and feel, and

Everything included
BDS comes with everything you need to get started, as well as everything you need to scale it up when you’re ready. Along with the primary server, BDS includes clients for Outlook, a desktop client, LDAP and Active Directory integration, and a Web interface with support for auto-complete, access to the global contact list, and drag and drop simplicity. Your data is safely encrypted in motion as well as at rest.

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How it works

Steps to deliver files securely:

  • A sender collects files, documents, and other electronic media.
  • The sender creates a “package” of files, optionally enters a secure message, and addresses the delivery to one or more recipients.
  • Recipients are notified of their secure delivery through an email message with an embedded hyperlink.
  • Recipients sign in to Biscom Delivery Server.
  • Once authenticated, recipients can view the secure message and download files.
  • The sender receives an email notification that the delivery has been viewed.

Biscoms Secure Delivery Features

The traditional methods for delivering information include email, FTP, courier services, and even MFP devices. While each of these methods has some utility, on balance, they lack the complete feature set of a secure delivery solution such as Biscom Delivery Server.

  • Large file transfer – Deliver files that are too large to send through email, easier than FTP, and faster than burning and mailing a CD.
  • Guaranteed delivery – Senders need to know that their files arrived and also when they were accessed. Enforce authentication, availability, and read receipt.
  • Secure Web-based communication – Encryption of the transport layer, multi-level password protection to ensure recipient privacy, and a three-tier architecture to secure back end data, all help to ensure the secure transfer of messages, files, and documents.
  • Management and reporting – View comprehensive reports on deliveries, packages, and users, and be able to hone in on transactions for specific deliveries and users. Manage users and system configuration through Web-based interfaces from anywhere in the world.

Biscom Delivery Server’s secure delivery, reporting, and management features are accessible through an intuitive interface, requiring minimal training.

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LDAP/Active Directoryticktick
Large file supportticktick
Easy to useticktick
Complete privacytick
Real-time trackingtick
Secure replytick
Return receiptticktick
Recipient notificationticktick
Recall messageticktick
API for integrationtick

BDS works with existing systems, applications, and processes. Robust Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and other customization tools enable the inclusion of secure delivery into existing applications.

  • No client software required
  • Platform independent — runs on Windows, Linux, and Solaris
  • Three-tier, Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables network administrators to achieve better protection of their critical data
  • Extensive auditing, logging, and tracking are built into the core product
  • Remote access, including system administration, through any Web browser
  • Brandable, user-friendly interface
  • Delivery and access notifications sent via email
  • Comprehensive API enables developers to build their own robust secure delivery applications, or integrate with existing or legacy systems
  • Capability to handle any size file – large or small

Benefits of Secure File Transfer and Delivery Server

Secure file transfer and secure email solutions enable businesses to securely transfer files and messages, while documenting every delivery with a complete audit trail. Companies that must comply with such regulations as HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and Gramm-Leach-Bliley are accountable for the safe and verifiable delivery of sensitive information, and must make sure the intended recipient is the only recipient. The traditional means of information delivery email, FTP, and courier services are no longer adequate. These traditional methods fall short in one or more of the following areas:

With current federal and state mandated compliance regulations, and increasing concerns about protecting personal privacy, it is becoming more and more important to send information, data, and files securely. All too often, however, companies send confidential or sensitive information, files, and data across an insecure medium such as email, FTP, and the Web technologies that were not built to address robust security or reporting requirements. Worse still, even with the proper technology and tools in place, complexity and lack of proper training can render those tools useless.

New federal and state regulatory compliance requirements are forcing the hand of many organizations to implement strategies and policies that protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Healthcare organizations must follow strict guidelines when working with, or transmitting, a patients Protected Health Information (PHI) mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Financial services firms are gearing up to meet requirements for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), which helps protect consumers private financial information.

Tracking and Reporting
Biscom Delivery Servers secure file transfer platform is backed by numerous security features.

  • All users must supply valid credentials to access the application for both sending and receiving deliveries.
  • User roles restrict features and functionality to authorized users, and additional delivery restrictions can be imposed on a per-user basis.
  • Internally, files can be encrypted before upload for additional security.
  • User sessions automatically time out to prevent unauthorized access if a user leaves a machine without logging out.

Along with its secure file delivery capabilities, Biscom Delivery Server provides a powerful set of tracking and reporting tools. These tracking and reporting tools can help organizations ensure that sensitive data is being delivered securely and reliably. Biscom Delivery Server can report with a range of detail that makes it simple to provide tracking information to managers and administrators, who may not require access or be permitted access to the original data itself. With tracking and reporting an essential part of regulatory compliance, Biscom Delivery Server can help organizations meet these requirements.

Ease of Use
Ensuring information security is as much a technology deployment as it is training initiative. If the security tools are complex or difficult to learn and apply, it is unlikely that people will use them. If the tools and applications are easy to learn and simple to use, people will be more likely to adopt them. It is imperative that senders and recipients of secure deliveries need no special software to install or run to retrieve a delivery. Using a commonly available technology such as a Web browser, as opposed to a specialized application, ensures maximum compatibility and makes information retrieval as simple as possible.

Biscom Delivery Server enables secure file transfer and secure email from Web, email, and MFP interfaces, as well as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for application integration.

Return On Investment (ROI)
Aside from significant savings realized by avoiding fines for SOX and HIPAA compliance violations, a tracking and reporting system can also save time and money by reducing the amount of manual compliance checks, and can provide a more accurate log of transactions.

Secure file delivery systems can also reduce or eliminate costs associated with the physical delivery of files or documents (e.g., courier services).

Note that Biscom Delivery Server works well with existing systems, applications, and processes. Robust APIs and other customization tools can enable existing systems to extend their capabilities, maintaining an organization’s investment in those systems.

File delivery tracking and reporting provides benefits that go beyond protecting the organization:

  • Process Improvement An overall look at how files are delivered over time can pinpoint bottlenecks and delays, while also improving overall efficiency.
  • Abuse Prevention Sensitive data can be monitored to ensure that its not being sent to unauthorized recipients (intentionally or otherwise).

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BDS Outlook add-in

Email can be an IT administrators biggest challenge. While the pressure to restrict attachment size due to overloading Exchange grows, so does the demand for larger email quotas as users increasingly need to send email attatchments.

Attachments continue to grow in size and if users cannot email, they will find other ways of sending files such as unauthorized FTP servers, unknown hosted file transfer vendors, or even peer to peer networks. The BDS Outlook add-in provides the best of both worlds. Users can send large attachments from within Outlook but those attachments never hit the Exchange server.

The BDS Outlook add-in re-routes attachments that exceed corporate policy limits through BDS. BDS generates an email notification to the recipient with an embedded hyperlink and is directed to the BDS server to download the attachments. Each step of the way, BDS tracks every transaction and creates a detailed audit trail.

BDS also stores only one copy of a file attachment for user access or collaboration. This eliminates the issue of creating multiple copies of the same file in Exchange.

BDS Outlook add-in Benefits

  • Transparent to users – no need to change user behavior
  • Reduce storage costs – leverages existing storage
  • infrastructure
  • Decrease back up times – keep large files out of mail store
  • Minimizes duplicate files – files are not sent repeatedly to recipients
  • Document control – audits file transfers
  • Seamless integration – no need to reconfigure Exchange
  • 100% software based – installed on your existing server behind your firewall

Typical Scenario: Enterprise has established size limits for email attachments

BDS Outlook add-in

Underlying Technology:

  • Scalable three-tier architecture: Flexible deployment to leverage your company’s existing security infrastructure
  • Web-services communication framework: Outlook add-in bypasses Exchange entirely
  • Leverages SSL connection for security: End-to-end encryption for all transfers
  • Policy-based: Define size limits or keywords to trigger routing
  • Silent Install: Outlook add-in can be pushed to desktops via Group Policy

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Biscom Delivery Server – System Requirements

BDS runs on Windows Server 2003, Ubuntu 8+, Fedora 8+, and Red Hat 4+. For hardware, a modern CPU, 1GB of RAM, 50GB of hard drive space, and networking capabilities are the primary hardware requirements. If you are running a virtualized environment, BDS also runs as a VMware appliance.