MIMEsweeper for SMTP


Content security product for internet and intranet e-mail at the SMTP gateway.
Clearswift MIMEsweeper for SMTP is an e-mail security product that provides protection against spam, malware and data leaks. It is highly customisable and suitable for complex organisations where multi-layered defences require maximum flexibility. It provides real-time bi-directional scanning of e-mail, checking for viruses, malware and content confidentiality and performing deep analysis on compressed and normal attachments, detecting and examining content even if files are embedded. Attempts to evade scanning using password-protected files or unauthorised encryption are blocked by default. It is available in the following editions:

  • Mimesweeper for SMTP Standard Edition: deploy two policy servers and one primary configuration server
  • Mimesweeper for SMTP Advanced Edition: deploy four policy servers and one primary configuration server
  • Mimesweeper for SMTP Enterprise Edition: deploy two groups of four policy servers with one primary configuration server per group.

New Features include:

  • Revised anti-spam engine reducing false positives
  • Major bug fixes.

ClearProtection maintenance and ClearSupport technical support are available for one, two or three year terms. Please call 08456 580 580 for details.

MIMEsweeper for SMTP – Features

MIMEsweeper for SMTP offers the flexibility to define, manage and run your email communications infrastructure, no matter how complex it may be. The highly flexible policy framework incorporating the content aware MIMEsweeper filtering engine plus its multi-layer security architecture ensures the highest degrees of email information security.

The design architecture also encourages significant cost savings as it allows the simple consolidation of multiple email gateways and domains combined with high scalability. Additional features like multi-language support and multi-level roles-based administration easily accommodate large distributed enterprise groups and enable simultaneous management of secure email operations in many locations

The integrated email firewall Edge-Server delivers at least 99.5% spam detection, with integration with other security applications delivered as standard.

Additionally MIMEsweeper for SMTP integrates with CONTENTsafe (data loss prevention), EXCHANGEmanager (internal email security) and IMAGEmanager (image security) to offer the ultimate email communications platform.

Features & Benefits


  • Email compliance policies– Control how email is shared, stored and distributed as well as permitted email routing and payloads, with full monitoring and message audit trails.
  • Flexible policy application– Configure policy rules and thresholds as needed by department, location, user group, sender, recipient, file-type, file size, time of day, or even by individual user. Policy is automatically applied as prescribed including blocking, quarantining, forwarding, deleting, transforming, archiving or encryption.
  • Multi-language usage controls– Control profanity or harassment in email with multi-language dictionary support through ThreatLab managed lists.
  • Optimized email flows– Optimize email processing based on senders domain
  • Policy control over internal email traffic -Optional MS Exchange interceptor ensures all internal mail is scanned for malware and policy violations (with EXCHANGEmanager)
  • Roles-based management and workflow– Roles base management allows delegated control of valuable or sensitive information violations according to severity or type.


  • At least 99.5% spam detection -TRUSTmanager connectivity and reputation service plus SpamLogic consistently detects at least 99.5% of spam (with the Edge server)
  • Directory server validation– by harvesting corporate directories, checks can be made to ensure that email is only permitted to existing users
  • Strip HTML code from email– Ensure that any email arriving is free from potential malware
  • Detect malformed messages/attachments– malformed messages/attachments could be trying to circumvent security or activate some exploit code
  • Choice of anti-virus vendor– Kaspersky option for the Edge-Server or approved versions of Authentium, Avira, Command, F-Secure, Kaspersky, Norman, Sophos and Symantec for Policy-Server deployment – other anti-virus vendors via command line integration.

Content inspection

  • True binary file type controls– Binary file type identification and full message decomposition ensures no hiding of files or information. File recognition includes archiving, streaming media and hundreds of other common file types with analysis of source, type and bandwidth consumption. Unrecognized files can be blocked then quarantined or deleted, according to security policy.
  • Block file by custom byte patterns– for custom files and homegrown applications the power to detect and control files
  • Attachment control– Ability to permit, strip or compress attachments based on sender, recipient and size of attachment
  • Image processing option -Detect pornographic or registered business images that should be controlled
  • Regular expressions -Built-in and custom detection of common business terms including payment card industry (PCI), personally identifiable information (PII) and compliance terms.
  • Managed lists and customizable dictionaries -Auto-updating managed lists for mutli-language profanity and editable compliance dictionaries (Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Securities and Equities Commission (SEC), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)).
  • Open APIs for policy extensibility– Allows customers to extend capabilitiies for content scanning
  • Sensitive information detection– Integrates with CONTENTsafe for proactive protection and detection of sensitive information

Management and reporting

  • Automated security updating– The Edge-Server is automatically updated at 15 minute intervals ensuring optimum security.
  • Back-up and restore– Comprehensive back-up and restore features in case of server or system failures.
  • Comprehensive reporting– Easily customized report templates provided. Select the report frequency and circulation list for easy dispatch to human resources, department heads, audit, compliance, etc.
  • Personal message manager – user quarantine– Delegation of individual user email quarantines to minimize quarantine administration and speed up message release. User based message tracking within the PMM (advanced or enterprise licence versions). PMM multi-language interface permits end users to select one of 13 different end user languages.
  • ThreatLab LIVE active protection system– Our pro-active managed list provide protection against spam, viruses and other forms of digital attack offers automated threat mitigation and patching.
  • TLS encryption– Provided by the Edge-Server for easily implemented gateway to gateway email traffic encryption.


  • Exceptional scalability and gateway consolidation -Scales to 100,000+ users and its architecture makes it easy to consolidate and manage multiple email gateways.
  • Highly secure and efficient security architecture– By deploying an email firewall (the Edge-Server) within the firewall DMZ other email infrastructure may be positioned within the ‘safe’ network and spam removed at the network edge to ensure optimal email server performance and spam-free archive storage.
  • Reliability– Resilient by design solution used by many of the worlds largest organizations who demand the highest standards for their business critical email security infrastructure.
  • Flexible multi-domain administration– Multiple administrators may manage messages at one time with visibility restricted by domain and support for up to 1,200 individual domains.
  • Platform support -Supported on Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 server either on dedicated hardware or in a VMware ESX/ESXi virtualized environment.

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MIMEsweeper for SMTP – System Requirements

Software requirements

The software requirements for MIMEsweeper for SMTP are listed in the table below and the requirements for a particular machine depend on the options you select from the Installation Wizard: i. For a primary server typical installation, all the requirements in the table below apply. (The audit database is optional.) ii. For an additional server typical installation, all the requirements in the table below apply except the web server (Internet Information Services).. The audit database is optional. iii. For any custom installation, the requirements depend on which MIMEsweeper features you choose. Determine requirements using the “Custom install option” in the table below. iv. For a client tools only installation, you require only the items marked “All options” in the “Custom install option” column in the table below.

The Comments column of the table below indicates which requirements the Installation Wizard will install.

To view the table please click here.