doITlive Web Publishing


Dynamic content and website management system.
DoITlive provides a flexible framework for easily implemented advanced functions, combined with customizable options for each individual user. Behind a user friendly interface lays powerful publishing technology with open possibilities for further development and integration. The standard version of doITlive is supplied with the following functionalities:

  • “WYSIWYG” Editing and publishing of documents and articles with options for regulation of accessibility for visitors, release-/retain date and time.
  • Regulation of user access and administration of users and user groups with passwords
  • Advanced “Boolean” search options.
  • Cleaning of HTML, when copying/pasting from Word, XL, Internet etc.
  • Publishing of news with an archive for automatic storage of retained articles and options for sorting on more than 17 properties.
  • Support for multilingual content with automatic recognition of language settings in the visitors browsers.
  • “Check in/out” of documents in order to prevent having several users, editing content on the same documents simultaneously
  • Personalized content for each user based on predefined profiles, which can be integrated with CRM solutions. Revision control system for previewing of documents, and workflow management for sending requests for publication to the site administrators.
  • Open options for dynamically generated menus (Index, java script even dynamic flash menus). Editing of tables including adding/removing cells, columns and rows, and moving of cells up/down, right/left.

doITlive Web Publishing – Features

DoITlive is a dynamic content and website management system that does not require DLL’s. Generate and publish information on the Internet, extranet or intranet. DoITlive provides a flexible framework for implementing advanced functions and customisable options for individual users. Powerful publishing technology provides open possibilities for further development and integration based on ASP and VB-script.

Features include:

  • WYSIWYG editing and publishing of documents and articles
  • Regulation of user access and administration with passwords
  • Advanced Boolean search options
  • Cleaning of HTML when copying/pasting from Word, XL or the Internet etc
  • Publishing of news with an archive for automatic storage of retained articles
  • Support for multi-lingual content
  • Checking in and out of documents for simultaneous use
  • Personalised content based on pre-defined profiles
  • Open options for dynamically generated menus (Index, java script even dynamic flash menus)
  • Editing of tables.

More features

Discussion groups and forums

DoITlive supports the creation and management of multiple discussion groups. If you are successful in motivating clients and other company associates to utilize forums, your company will centralize useful information, and at the same time increase the use and interest of the website.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

This is the area were your clients will seek critical information related to their business areas, and were you might benefit from a reduction in the amount of telephone calls, which for example are support related.

Market research and online questionnaires

DoITlive has the modules for creating different forms and applications. It automatically receives and sorts replies and filled in applications. This is a user friendly and cost effective way of running market researches and online questionnaires.

File sharing cabinet

A central location for storing and sharing files. Upload and management of files is available for all doITlive users.

Multimedia library

Archive for all your media applications that can be utilized in different sites and documents.

Developers module (Explorer)

Includes an ASP editor for editing and testing files on the fly directly on the server, it will be possible to “check” files in and out (like for example in Dreamweaver), but with no the need for FTP access


Advance statistic that can generate a plethora of customizable statistic reports from your websites. For example the amount of hits, per date/time, per URL, per browser, per language, per company and many more options. The statistic module can also recognize all unique visitors and users.

Revision control

DoITlive supports revision control functions, so that it is possible to go back to older versions of documents and articles, and also to see each documents history.

Publishing control

DoITlive can be configured so the editor must request authorization from an administrator before publishing.

Support for databases

All the information in doITlive is stored in a database. DoITlive supports relational databases like Microsoft SQL 2000 Server and Microsoft Access.

New upgrades

All new builds and releases of your doITlive application are available for download throughout the critical update window. Each update pack is optional and will be priced individually depending on functionality.


DoITlive can also be easily set up for Intranet purposes for information sharing internally in your organization. DoITlive has a detailed user set up for administration of all Human Resources information. Employees can have their own responsibility for maintaining their user information on the Intranett. DoITlive has a flexible user system for organizing all employees in user groups that are structured in a hierarchy. On the basis of this hierarchy, users are given different rights for access, publishing and visibility of documents on the Intranet. Each document can have its one or several owners and editors.

The process of adding and deleting users on the Intranett, is very simple, and can even be set up to be automatic. There is also a detailed employee search in the user database. You can, for example, make Boolean search for keywords related to name, skills, departments, telephones, previous project experiences, and contact info. etc. Employees can also upload their own photo in to the user system.

Tehnical Info


DoITlive is a database driven publishing tool, developed in Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). The application is 100% free of components. Just copy the files to an ASP enabled webspace.


All information is stored in a relational database. DoITlive supports Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL. To connect to the database it uses ADO. You may also connect with OLE-DB. All SQL follow standard syntax and the data types are basics. In principle it can connect with any relational SQL database. DoITlive may also be integrated to other databases on request.

Web server

DoITlive requires Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 or higher with Microsoft 5.5 Scripting Engine (Standard in Microsoft Windows 2000). Will also work with PWS Personal web server.

IP address

Each doITlive installation requires only one IP address and one application directory in IIS. But each doITlive installation may contain several sites with unique domains, with all referring to the same IP. doITlive will organsie all the routing automatically.


Minimum: Pentium II 266 with 128 MB RAM and Microsoft NT4 Server Recommended: Pentium III 800 med 256 MB ram and Win2000 Server Required hardware depends on the complexity of the website, traffic and demands regarding response time.


For doITlive editors: Minimum Microsoft Explorer version 6 For doITlive visitors: Any commercial Internet browser for MAC or PC and is also compatible with portable devices (PDA, WAP etc…) DoITlive includes browser detection functions allowing suitable content to be provided irrelevant to the visitors browser.


An average non-cached page will take about 0.3 to 0.6 seconds to generate. The resulting max hit rate is ca 5-10 000 hits/hour, for a single server set-up. Cached pages updated every 60 seconds will on average take 0.05 sec to generate. The resulting max hit rate is ca 50-100 000 hits/hour. *Assumptions: Single server setup, Access database, Pentium III 500Mhz processor, 256 MB on Win2000.

Technical policy

We are following the developments with Microsoft .NET platform carefully and plan to integrate doITlive tightly with these new technologies. Overall our long-term design philosophy with doITlive is to be a thin layer on top of other technologies such as commerce server, exchange server, .NET platform etc. We want to integrate these technologies into a ready made and easy to use package for the clients. We strive not to create functionality parallel or in competition to software from other software companies. Important factors in this are the doITlive modularity and our decision to do all programming in VB script for operation in the IIS and Windows environment. A client choosing doITlive can be assured that his product will be compatible with the latest developments from Microsoft, and will be able to make the most of advances in the development of internet technologies.