

Utility ships with your applications to keep your applications and data up to date on end-user desktop.
UpdateLive keeps applications up to date and can be added to applications and configured without impact on the development cycle. Files that are to be updated are accessed via a web server. An update history and advertising messages can be added. The utility is called when the customer runs the installation kit. UpdateLive checks the web site and checks to see which files need updating. Files can be checked by version number or date. UpdateLive displays new features and presents the list of changes. Updating can be done invisibly. UpdateLive downloads the appropriate files, creates a backup directory to allow reversal of the process, registers OCX’s if necessary, runs Exe’s if necessary and tells the user that everything is ready. Applications can be set to call UpdateLive to check for updates on a on a periodic basis or a shortcut can be added to the Windows Start Menu to allow the customer to call UpdateLive utility directly when needed.