TeeChart for JavaScript / HTML5


JavaScript charting library that plots graphs to all compatible browsers in native JavaScript format using the HTML5 Canvas element.

TeeChart for JavaScript is a 100% JavaScript charting library that plots graphs to all compatible browsers in native JavaScript format using the HTML5 Canvas element.

TeeChart for JavaScript is available as a standalone product and as an export format across the TeeChart product range. Both formats enable HTML5 live in-browser charts visualisation format for a selected range of TeeChart data series types. Other series types, not supported in the dynamic model, may be output to browsers as static HTML5 graphs.

Key Features:

  • Browsers Supported: Designed for use across multiple different browser types supporting the HTML5 Canvas. Currently supported browsers (earliest version number) are Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 (from 6.0 to 8.0 using ExCanvas.js polyfill), Mozilla Firefox 3.6, Google Chrome 16.0, Apple Safari 5.0, Opera 11.6,Opera-Mini 5.0,Opera Mobile 10.0, Apple iOS Safari 3.2 and Android WebKit 2.1.
  • HTML5 Builder Support: Added support to Embarcadero’s HTML5 Builder making it possible for HTML5Builder developers to extend the functionality of their charting applications to include all the TeeChart HTML5 Chart’s Series types and tools.
  • Interactive Zomming and Scrolling: TeeChart for JavaScript Live charts support zoom and scroll, a variety of interactive mouse-click events and finger-touch sensitivity on mobile devices.
  • Visual Attributes: Customisable colour palette, Transparency and Gradients, 2D, 3D Chart, Shadows, text fonts, etc.
  • Plugins: TeeChart JavaScript can be integrated into Joomla, WordPress or Drupal among others.
  • Series types: Set of Series types and variations including: Line, Bar, Horiz. Bar, Area, Pie, Donut, Point XY, Bubble, Candle (financial OHLC), Gantt, Circular Gauge, Spark, World Maps, Polar, Polar Bar, Radar, Color Grid, Surface 3D.
  • Data Connectivity: You can easily create and/or connect to an existing database or dataset in your project.
  • Chart Tools: Set of Chart tools for additional charting functionality, like Annotations, Tooltips, Cursors, Dragging Points, Slider and Series Scroller.