Toolkit Pro


Provides Microsoft Windows developers with a set of components for developing professional GUI applications. Create enterprise class applications that incorporate a full set of highly customisable user interface components.

Toolkit Pro for Visual C++ provides Windows developers with a robust set of components combining 11 of our most popular components: Command Bars, Controls, Chart Pro, Calendar, Docking Pane, Property Grid, Report Control, Shortcut Bar, Syntax Edit, Skin Framework and Task Panel.

Key Features:

  • Calendar: Calendar provides Windows developers with a sophisticated Outlook style calendar and date selection components.
  • Chart Pro: Chart Pro is easy to use and can be added to your project with only a few lines of code to create any charting style.
  • Command Bars: Command Bars includes customisable menus, toolbars and ribbons to give your application a professional and modern interface.
  • Controls: Controls provides Windows developers with several ready-to-use components that have been thoroughly designed and tested.
  • Docking Pane: Docking Pane allows you to create tear off tabs and auto hide windows that allow for a more manageable application workspace.
  • Property Grid: Property Grid provides an easy to create hierarchical list of editable properties and represent any data type or sub-item.
  • Report Control: Report Control includes an easy to create Office style report to group and sort data in a flat or hierarchical format.
  • Shortcut Bar: Shortcut Bar has several options to choose from including Expandable Navigation Bar and List, Client Pane, style themes.
  • Skin Framework: Skin Framework incorporates an application skinning framework technology that can be used with Windows Themes
  • Syntax Edit: Syntax Edit provides users with a highly sophisticated text editor control that supports syntax colorisation and features.
  • Task Panel: Task Panel is an Office Task Panel similar to what is seen in Microsoft Office, Explorer and Visual Studio tool box.

Toolkit Pro – Features

  • Ribbon Bar Control
    Codejock Software’s Xtreme RibbonBar provides Windows developers with the latest Microsoft Office 2007 style Ribbon Bar component. No longer will users need to fumble through confusing and boring menus. Xtreme RibbonBar includes enhanced navigation capabilities by grouping menu and toolbar commands into logical blocks that are arranged in tabular format.

    Tabular toolbars eliminate the need for numerous toolbars crowded around an application. Menu items can now be elegantly displayed in a toolbar. The contents of a toolbar can be accessed simply by clicking on its tab. Tabbed toolbars are not only easy to use, but they increase the usable view area.

    Groups are used to logically organize items in a toolbar. Group captions make it easy to identify items needed. An option button can be used to display a dialog or menu related to a group. Just about any type of item can be added to groups in the toolbar.

    Advanced smart layout abilities ensure that the Ribbon Bar makes the most efficient use of the available space. Smart layout allows each item to have multiple image sizes. The smart layout will display the largest images when enough room is available and automatically display the smaller icons when space is tight. When space is abundant, large images with item captions are displayed, if space is limited, then only small icons with no captions are displayed. Items are always only a few clicks away, groups with insufficient space are displayed as a popup button which displays the entire group as a popup. Xtreme RibbonBar is always adapting to its environment to provide a perfect fit.

  • Ribbon Groups
    Groups are used to logically organize items in a Ribbon Bar. Group captions make it easy to identify what the items in a group are related to. Just about any type of item can be added to groups in the toolbar.
  • Ribbon Group Option Button
    Option buttons can be added to a ribbon group’s caption. Typically, when an option button is pressed a dialog should be displayed that is related to the controls in the group, but you can perform any action you wish such as displaying a popup menu.
  • Smart Layout
    Advanced smart layout abilities ensure that the Ribbon Bar makes the most efficient use of the available space. Smart layout allows each item to have multiple image sizes. The smart layout will display the largest images when enough room is available and automatically display the smaller icons when space is tight. When space is abundant, large images with item captions are displayed, if space is limited, then only small icons with no captions are displayed. Items are always only a few clicks away, groups with insufficient space are displayed as a popup button which displays the entire group as a popup. Xtreme RibbonBar is always adapting to its environment to provide a perfect fit.
  • Luna, Obsidian and Aqua Themes
    The Ribbon Bar includes three different themes. The themes included are the Luna (blue) theme, Black (Obsidian) theme, the most recent Silver theme and the Aqua Office 12 theme for Beta 1.
  • Right-To-Left (RTL) Ribbon Support
    The Ribbon Bar can be displayed from Right-To-Left (RTL), making the Ribbon accessible to all users, regardless of language. In addition to RTL languages, the Ribbon Bar provides support for up to 32 different languages.
  • Gallery Control
    The Office 2007 style gallery control can be used in and toolbar, ribbon group, or popup menu. The gallery control displays a collection of picture or text items that can be scrolled and displayed in your popup menu, standard toolbar, or ribbon group. For example, a gallery can be used to create an Office 2007 font or size popup drop-down menu and popup color selector.
  • RibbonBar Glass Effect
    Applications using the RibbonBar or Commandbars on Windows Vista can use the Aero style glass effects. You can see right through the glass-like interface. On the Aero glass theme the RibbonBars Quick Access Toolbar is drawn completely on the glass window frame.
  • CommandBar and RibbonBar ScreenTips
    Accessing commands in the RibbonBar and Commandbars can now be done using ScreenTips. ScreenTips allow every feature in the RibbonBar and Commandbars to become accessible using the keyboard. Every command will be assigned a letter that becomes visible when the Alt key is pressed that allows you to activate that command when pressed.
  • Variable Font Size
    Both the RibbonBar and CommandBars can support a wide variety of font sizes with the option to automatically resize the icons to be consistent with the font size. If the size of the font is changed to extra large all the components of the RibbonBar will be adjusted to fit the new font size including properly sized images.
  • RibbonBar System Button Menu
    Using the Office 2007 style System Button you can group together all the functionality of your application into a single easy-to-use entry point.
  • Tabular Toolbars
    Tabular toolbars eliminate the need for numerous toolbars crowded around an application. Menu items can now be elegantly displayed in a toolbar. The contents of a toolbar can be accessed simply by clicking on its tab. Tabbed toolbars are not only easy to use, but they increase the usable view area.

    A Tabbed ToolBar contains all the functionality of standard toolbars. Many toolbars, called categories can be “tabbed” together. Switching between toolbar categories is similar to a TabControl, you can now access all of your toolbar categories simply by clicking on its tab. Normal toolbars can still be used outside of the TabbedToolbar if needed. The TabbedToolbar will also dock just like a normal toolbar.

  • Commandbar Actions
    Commandbar actions eliminate the need to use the update notificationevent to updatechange the state and properties of an item that appears multiple places in your menus and toolbars. All that is needed now is a single line of code placed almost anywhere in your application to update all control that contain the same id. For example, you might have a menu item that also appears in a toolbar, then a user might have created the same button and placed it in a user created toolbar. With Actions you can simply modify the action for the item and it will update all occurrences of the item, no matter how many a user might have added. This also makes it easy to localize all the control with a single line of code.
  • Loading a Command Bar from a File
    The Xtreme CommandBars Designer Studio allows you to visually create your command bar. The command bar is saved to a file and only one line of code is needed to load the file in your application. With the Designer Studio, you can easily add/edit/delete accelerators, controls, icons, and toolbars. When designing your command bar, all you need to do is drag-and-drop controls to and from your toolbars. You can fully customize each of your controls properties including style, type, and tooltip with just a few mouse clicks. Customizing your toolbars is just as easy, you can easily change toolbar properties including tear-off popup, customizable, docking flags, icon size, stretch flags, and visibility.
  • Multi-Language Support
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily support multiple languages via a single line of code. Xtreme CommandBars supports up to 32 different languages.
  • Adding Custom Controls
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add your own custom control to your command bar. For example, you can place a progress bar on your toolbar, or you can display a form when a user clicks on a command bar control
  • Popup Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to display a normal popup menu as a popup toolbar.
  • Dockable Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to drag-n-drop your toolbars and dock them to any border of your application or you can have a floating toolbar.
  • Office Colorization Manager
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with the closest, most exact Office style colorization of any 3rd party tool available today. Regardless of what Windows theme or color scheme you have chosen, Xtreme Commands Bars will match the same colors used by Office for the particular Windows color setting. We challenge you to compare our products to our competition’s products. You will quickly see that, when compared to Office, our competition doesn’t even come close!
  • Microsoft Office Style Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars gives your Windows application toolbars a professional modern appearance similar to many popular Microsoft products. You can choose from several pre defined themes.
  • Microsoft Office Style Menus
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to create a professional, modern appearance that is similar to many popular Microsoft products. It allows you to choose from several pre defined themes or you can create your own custom look.
  • Command Bar MDI Buttons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add/remove MDI buttons to/from your command bar. This allows you to control how your MDI Child windows will be resized.
  • Command Bar Button Styles
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily change the button style of your command bar controls. You can allow Xtreme CommandBars to choose the most suitable button style or you can pick your own style. Depending on the type of command bar control, you can display only the caption, the caption and icon, or just the icon.
  • Command Bar Standard Button Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a Control Button control to your command bar. The Control Buttons are automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Command Bar Split Button Popup Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a Split Button Popup control to your command bar. The Split Button Popup control allows you to add a group of controls that will be displayed when the arrow button is clicked. Once a control is selected from the drop-down list, you can simply click on the button half of the Split Button Popup to execute the code for the selected control. The Split Button Popup control can also be used to display a tear-off popup or tear-off toolbar. The Split Button Popup is automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Command Bar Button Popup Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a Control Button Popup control to your command bar. The Control Button Popup is automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Command Bar Combobox Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a Combobox control to your command bar. The Combobox control is automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Command Bar Edit Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add an Edit box control to your command bar. The Edit box control is automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Toggle Buttons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows offers toggle buttons that users can easily see when commands in your menu and toolbar are “on” or “off”. When a toggle button is clicked, you only need to update the “checked” property of the control. Controls in you menu bar will have a check mark next to them and toolbar controls will appear in a “selected” state.
  • Drag and Drop CommandBar Items
    Xtreme CommandBars gives your application the functionality of drag and drop, which allows users to drag any command from a toolbar or menu and drop it into another. Just open the customize dialog and click on the command you want to move, drop it in the place you want it and continue working!
  • Edit, Copy and Delete Commands
    Xtreme CommandBars gives you greater control over toolbar and menu customization by allowing you to edit, copy, delete and modify commands during runtime to give you total control over your application workspace. Xtreme Command Bar allows you to specify which Command Bar can be customized, this way they user can only customize the Command Bar you allow them to customize.
  • Add and Remove Toolbar Commands Dynamically
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with the ability to add and remove toolbar commands dynamically, ensuring that users have all of the toolbar commands needed, and none that are not wanted. This gives your application the highest functionality with no confusion over the purpose over commands.
  • Toolbar Customization
    The Toolbar Customization feature provides a clean and professional way to customize your workspace. You can easily create new toolbars or modify existing ones with just a few mouse clicks so you can quickly and easily organize your workspace.
  • User Defined Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars allows users to create their own custom toolbars in your application at run-time. This provides users a way of customizing the look and feel of the application to fit their personal needs.
  • User Defined Command Bar Options
    Xtreme CommandBars allows users to specify which command bar options they want to use. Users can specify how the menus are displayed, if large icons are used, menu animation, and accelerator tips in your application at run-time. This allows users to obtain a custom look and feel that best suits them.
  • Set Icon Size and Toggle Large or Small Toolbar Icons
    With Xtreme CommandBars you always have the choice of selecting either small or large toolbar icons. You can easily set the size of the icons that will be used for small and large icons. Switching between the two can be accomplished with only a few mouse clicks, giving users the satisfaction of controlling the look of the application. With this feature there is no need to worry about running out of space for more icons in using the small icons and there is no need for squinting to determine which icon to use in using the large icons.
  • Show text below toolbar icons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to show text below your toolbar icons. You can set this option for each individual toolbar or for all toolbars.
  • Toggle Tool Tips
    Xtreme CommandBars allows users to either turn tool tips on or turn them off. With the tool tips on, helpful cues will appear over your toolbar button as you scroll over them with the mouse. If the tool tips are off, no such cues will appear on mouseover.
  • Hide and Show Toolbars
    You can use Xtreme CommandBars to allow users to customize their application setup by showing and hiding toolbars. The user has the choice of which toolbars to show and which to hide, with the option of resetting to revert to the default appearance. When you right click on any command bar, a context menu is automatically displayed listing all of your command bars giving you the option to hide/un-hide or customize them.
  • Closeable Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to specify whether a specific command bar can be closed. If a command bar is not closeable, you will not be able to close or hide the command bar. You can use this to make sure that important controls are always displayed.
  • Command Bar Gripper
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add/remove grippers to/from your Command Bar. Grippers are a graphical way to indicate to the user that the command bar can be “gripped” and moved or docked to another location.
  • Luna Colors
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to enable/disable Luna colors in your command bar.
  • Intelligent Menus
    Xtreme CommandBars provide you with a simple means of creating your own intelligent menus. You can define a set of commands that stay hidden until the user presses or hovers over the chevron- style button to completely expand the menus.
  • Menu Animation
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to configure how your menus will be displayed using animation effects. You can easily choose from one of several predefined effects that include Random, Unfold, Slide, Fade and None.
  • Tear-Off Menus and Toolbars
    Xtreme CommandBars can give your application a professional look with tear-off menus and toolbars that allow users to easily tear menus and toolbars off and float them in separate windows, providing a workspace that is easy to manipulate to anyone’s preferences.
  • Command Bar Control Popup Control
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a Control Popup control to your command bar. The Control Popup is automatically themed to match the currently set Command Bar theme.
  • Popup Context Menus
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to show popup context menus anywhere on the screen. You can display any existing popup menu or command bar as popup menus, or you can create a temporary popup menu that is created and destroyed each time the popup menu is opened and closed. You can easily show a different popup when you right-click on different components of your application.
  • Control Popup Alignment
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily change the direction a popup control will be displayed. You can make the popup be displayed to the left or right, which is the default behavior.
  • Shortcuts
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to define keyboard shortcuts for each Command Bar control. You can create a shortcut from any combination of keys on the keyboard. Xtreme CommandBars will automatically place the key combination of the shortcut in the menu next to the caption of the control.
  • Toggle Accelerator Tips
    Xtreme CommandBars allows users to either turn accelerator tips on or turn them off. With the accelerator tips on, the accelerator key/ shortcut key combination will appear over your toolbar button next to the tool tip as you scroll over them with the mouse. If the accelerator tips are off, the accelerator key/ shortcut key combination will not be displayed in the tool tip.
  • User Defined AcceleratorsShortcuts
    Xtreme CommandBars allows users to create their own custom accelerators/shortcut keys for each control in your application at run-time. This provides users a way of increasing productivity by having all their control a key stroke away.
  • Alpha Icon Support
    Xtreme CommandBars includes alpha icons support that allows you to use smooth and semi-transparent icons, thus able to blend into the application for a more exact Windows XP look and feel. Xtreme Command Bar’s ImageManager control allows you to easily add alpha icons to your toolbars and menus.
  • Add, Edit, Copy, Delete and Modify Command Bar Images
    The Xtreme CommandBars ActiveX Image Manager control gives you greater control over toolbar and menu image customization by allowing you to add, edit, copy, delete and modify images during design time to give you total control over your Command Bar images.
  • Hot, Disabled, and Normal Icons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily add a separate icon that is displayed when your menu bar and toolbar controls are in a “normal”, “hot”, and “disabled” state. When the mouse pointer is moved over a control, the “hot” icon will be displayed, and if the control is disabled, the “disabled” icon will be used. Xtreme CommandBars will automatically create a “hot” and “disabled” icon for you, all you have to do is provide the “normal” icon. You can also add your own custom “hot” and “disabled” icons. When using the ImageManager control, you can add all three image states using the icon editor user interface at design time.
  • Faded Menu and Toolbar Icons
    Xtreme CommandBars shows icons in menus and toolbars as faded until the mouse runs over them, highlighting the icons and showing their true colors and brilliance.
  • Disabled Menu and Toolbar Icons
    Xtreme CommandBars offers disabled menu and toolbar icons so that users can easily distinguish between the commands that can be used at the moment and those that cannot. Disabled menu icons automatically take on a grayed look and are not highlighted on mouseover.
  • Menu and Toolbar Icon Shadows
    Xtreme CommandBars creates a shadow behind menu and toolbar icons when they are mousedover to give the icons the appearance of possessing a 3 dimensional look.
  • Save and Load Command Bar Layout to String
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily save and load your Command Bar layout to and from a String. You have more control over what Command Bar customizations are saved/ loaded when saving/loading the layout to/from a string. When saving to a string you have the option of saving the customization settings from the Keyboard and Options pages of the Customize dialog, you can save only the layout of the Command Bar that have changed, and you can chose not to save the Command Bar layout. When loading the Command Bar layout from a string you have the option to restore the controls layout, options layout (Keyboard and Options pages of the Customize dialog), and whether to prompt the user before restoring the layout.
  • Custom Status Bar
    Xtreme CommandBars comes with a built-in custom status bar. You have the ability to add panes to the custom status bar, and can access each individual pane to change the message that is displayed. The custom status bar will automatically use the current Command Bar theme. For example, if you have the Command Bar theme set to Office 2003, the custom status bar will automatically use the Office 2003 theme. The custom status bar uses the DescriptionText property of your Command Bar controls to display text in the “Idle Text” pane when the mouse is positioned over a Command Bar control simply by adding a pane with Id zero. The custom status bar can be used to display other useful information such as Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock just by assigning the correct indicator to the status bar pane.
  • Office 2000 Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with full Office 2000 theme support that gives your application the closest, most exact Office 2000 style themes of any 3rd party tool available today. Office 2000 is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Office XP Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with full Office XP theme support that gives your application the closest, most exact Office XP style themes of any 3rd party tool available today. Office XP is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Office 2003 Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with full Office 2003 theme support that gives your application the closest, most exact Office 2003 style themes of any 3rd party tool available today. Office 2003 is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Windows XP Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with full Windows XP theme support that gives your application the closest, most exact Windows XP style themes of any 3rd party tool available today. Windows XP is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Office 2007 Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with Office 2007 style theme support. Office 2007 style is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Ribbon Theme Support
    Xtreme CommandBars provides your application with Office 2007 style Ribbon theme support. This theme uses the Ribbon colors in your menus and toolbars. The Office 2007 Ribbon style is already built in, so you don’t have to spend any extra time on this.
  • Custom CommandBar Colors
    The Xtreme CommandBars provides support for a custom appearance. This allows you to create your own custom colors or choose from several pre-defined themes.
  • Microsoft Style MDI Tabbed Interface
    Xtreme CommandBars gives your Windows application a professional modern appearance with MDI tabs that are similar to many popular Microsoft? products. An MDI tabbed interface can be included in your application with a single line of code. You can easily turn on and off this feature via code. Xtreme CommandBars will automatically use themed tabs that match the currently set Command Bar theme. For your convenience, you can choose from several pre defined themes or create your own custom look.
  • .NET Style Tabbed Workspace Groups
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily create .NET style tabbed workspace groupings. You have the ability to group tabs vertically or horizontally within the tab workspace. Tabs can easily be moved from one group to another by a drag-and-drop or via code. You can easily add functionality for the user to create a new horizontal/vertical group and move a tab to the previous/next group simply by adding a control in your Command Bar with and Id of 35002. Xtreme CommandBars will automatically display the appropriate grouping controls for you. For example, if only one tab is present, no grouping controls are displayed.
  • Themed MDI Client Backcolor
    Xtreme CommandBars will automatically use a themed MDI Client backcolor that matches the currently set Command Bar theme. You can easily enable/disable themed backcolor. If enabled, the backcolor of the MDIClient is calculated from current theme, if diabled the Form::BackColor property will be used.
  • MDI Tabs Auto Theme
    Xtreme CommandBars will automatically use themed tabs that match the currently set Command Bar theme. You can turn on/off the Auto Theme feature. This will allow you to change the theme of your tab workspace so that is different from the Command Bar theme.
  • Tab Color
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily change the color of each individual tab in the tab workspace.
  • Tab Reordering
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to reorder your tabs simply by dragging the tab to the desired location. You have the ability to turn tab reordering on or off.
  • Tab Buttons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to hide the tab workspace buttons. You can hide the close button, the arrows, or both at the same time.
  • Static Frame
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to add a static frame around the entire TabControl. You can easily add or remove the static frame via code.
  • Tab Workspace Luna Colors
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to enable/disable Luna colors in the tab workspace.
  • OneNote Colors
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to add OneNote colors to your tabs. You can easily add or remove OneNote colors via code.
  • Show Tab Icons
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily show/hide icons in your tab buttons.
  • Hot Tracking
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily enable/disable Hot Tracking. When you move the mouse cursor over your tabs, they will become “Hot” when Hot Tracking is enabled. This allows you to easily see which tab the mouse cursor is over.
  • Bold Selected Tabs
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily enable/disable Bold Selected tabs. When you click on a tab, the currently selected tab caption is displayed in bold type, making it easy to see which tab is selected.
  • Tab Position
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to position the tabs on the top, left, bottom, or right with a single line of code. You can change the position of the tabs at any time in your program.
  • Tab Layout
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to change the layout of your tabs with a single line of code. The tabs can be in a compressed, fixed, auto size, size to fit layout, multi-row, or rotated. You can change the layout of the tabs at any time in your program.
  • Tab Appearance Styles
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to easily change the appearance of your tabs. You can choose from several built in appearances.
  • Tab Color Styles
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to fully customize the appearance of your tabs by applying color styles. For your convenience, you can choose from several built in color styles. Color styles can be used with Appearance styles to give your application a unique professional look. For example, your tabs can have a Visual Studio appearance using Office 2003 colors.
  • Tab Borders
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to manipulate the frame/border that surrounds the tab’s client area. You can have a full border that surrounds the entire pane client area, a single line border that runs along the top of the tab panel, or you can completely remove the border.
  • Tab Margins
    Xtreme CommandBars allows you to manipulate the margins of the components that make up the tabs. You can change the button, header, client, and control margins of the tabs. The button margin is the area in the tab button surrounding the tab caption, the header margin is the area surrounding the tab buttons, the client margin is the area surrounding the client (area inside the tabs), and the control margin is the area surrounding all of the tabs and tab client area.

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Toolkit Pro – System Requirements

System Requirements


Operating System for Deployment

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows ME
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 98
  • Windows NT 4.0
  • Windows 95

Architecture of Product

  • 32Bit
  • 64Bit

Product Type

  • Component

Component Type

  • DLL
  • VC++ Class Library
  • Source Code
  • Static Link Library

Built Using

  • MFC V4.2 / V6.0

Compatible Containers

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 97
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 2008
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2003
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
  • Microsoft Outlook 2002
  • Microsoft Outlook 2000
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
  • Microsoft FrontPage
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • .NET Framework 3.0
  • .NET Framework 2.0
  • .NET Framework 1.1
  • .NET Framework 1.0

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