LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging


Imaging toolkits designed for the development of desktop, client/server and web applications for the healthcare industry.
The Medical Imaging Suite SDK contains extensive DICOM data set support, DICOM annotation support and advanced medical specific image processing, and is aligned with the latest DICOM standard. Users can create, load and save all IOD classes, and implement any DICOM SCU/SCP; as well as develop full featured and scalable PACS services even with limited working knowledge of the DICOM standard.

Features include Medical Web Viewer Framework, Medical 3D, Medical Multimedia, high and low level PACS SCP and SCU functions and controls, DICOM PACS communication security, comprehensive full DICOM dataset support, 8-16 bit extended grayscale image support, image annotation, specialised extended grayscale image display such as window level and LUT processing, and specialised medical image processing.

Developers can now fully customise and localise the Medical Workstation and Web Viewer Frameworks, and take advantage of new MWL and MPPS components for the PACS Framework. The Medical Image Viewer has been given new image display options and functions, annotations and synchronisation tools. The Medical 3D engine now supports Curved MPR which can generate Paraxial cuts and Panoramic reconstructions. In addition, the DICOM libraries support several new transfer syntaxes including JPEG-LS, and developers can use CCOW to integrate and synchronise information between multiple systems.

Key Features

  • Explode and implode for JavaScript.
  • Compatible with Apache Cordova to run as a native app on iOS and Android.
  • Lossless JPEG compression, JPIP, and signed and unsigned image data processing.
  • Overview of LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite Technology.
  • For development of Windows and web applications and includes native 32 and 64 bit PACS and medical imaging binaries.
  • Add PACS and medical imaging technology to single and multi-threaded applications.
  • Development tools and components for Win Forms, Web Forms, WPF, C and C++ development.
  • Includes many broad and functionally specific projects for imaging, SCP and SCU with source code for C, Visual C++ (MFC), VB.NET and C#.
  • Imaging technology available as WCF services.
  • Imaging technology available as WF activities.
  • Documentation includes sample source code for every function, method, property and event.
  • Free technical support is available to customers and developers evaluating LEADTOOLS.

The following add-on modules and plug-ins may be added to LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging to add even more imaging technology.

    • Virtual Printer SDK Module
    • Advantage OCR SDK Module
    • Plus OCR SDK Module
    • Professional OCR SDK Module
    • Arabic OCR SDK Module
    • Asian OCR SDK Module
    • PDF OCR SDK Plug-in
    • OMR SDK Module
    • 1D Barcode SDK Module
    • 2D Barcode SDK Module
    • Raster PDF Read SDK Plug in
    • Raster PDF Write SDK Plug in
    • Medical Multimedia SDK Module

    LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging – Features

    Medical Imaging Tools Medical Imaging Suite .NET Product Comparison

    New features in version 14.5 include:

    New Document Imaging Features:

    • New Document Compression: ABIC, JBIG2, and LEAD ABC (Advanced Bitonal Compression)
    • New Annotation Features:
      • Save annotations in a new XML format
      • New Calibrate Ruler Feature
      • New Annotation Cursors
      • New Alpha Background Fill Option
      • Improved UI features in Annotations
    • New ZoomView feature for image display
    • New Barcode – New support for QR Barcodes and support for two Barcode Linear Modules (standard and advanced)
    • Updated MRC – New and Advanced segmentation method for Mixed Raster Content file formats
    New Medical Imaging Features:
    • New Image Viewer Control for medical imaging
    • New medical specific image processing functions
    • Medical Display Container: A new high-level component that cuts the time to build medical display applications such as DICOM viewers and high-end diagnostic workstations by half
    • Medical Web Viewer Demo: A fully functional web-based, DICOM-enabled medical/radiology viewer
    • Medical Multimedia Filter Pack (MPEG-2 Compression in DICOM): includes a set of DirectShow filters for compressing and decompressing video data inside DICOM files
    • Added new DICOM demos for .NET, both in C# and VB.NET
    • MRI Brain Analysis tool
    • Cookie Cutter: Adds the ability to extract individual slices from a radiographic scanned film
    Advanced PDF Compressor Plug-in:

    The new LEADTOOLS Advanced PDF Compressor produces highly optimized PDF files. This is accomplished by utilizing the superior LEADTOOLS compression algorithms to produce highly compressed PDF files while maintaining the best file quality possible. The PDF Compressor relies on the Mixed Raster Content (MRC) technology, which allows the segmentation of a specific image into many smaller segments. The smaller produced segments will then be compressed one at a time with the best compression algorithm possible for that specific segment. The result is multiple segments in an image; each one compressed with the best possible algorithm which ultimately produces a PDF file with the best quality and size.

    New TWAIN:

    • Twain High-level Functions
    • Twain JPEG Compression: Describes the information necessary to transfer a JPEG-compressed image during a buffered transfer. The resulting images will be compatible with the JPEG File Interchange Format, version 1.1.
    • TWAIN File System: Provides functionality to negotiate TWAIN file system.
    • New Twain demos
    New .NET Class Library Features:
    • ImageList support for .Net
    • New file formats added to .Net
    • FileOpen/Save dialogs for .Net

    New Image Optimizer:

    • Optimize images for websites or applications by reducing colors and maximizing compression
    • Optimizes a single image buffer (saved in memory)
    • Optimizes a directory full of supported formats images:
    • Supports the following formats (most commonly used by Internet Explorer) – JPEG, JPEG 411, JPEG 422, EXIF JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP Without RLE Compression, BMP With RLE Compression
    General Imaging Features:
    • New CMYK TIFF (Load, save, print, process CMYK data)
    • Compact TIFF files
    • GeoKey (TIFF tag) support
    • Full ICC Profile Management

    Medical Imaging Tools

    The Medical Imaging Tools provide the base product for creating Dicom viewing applications and Dicom client server systems. The features have been optimised to meet the specific demands of the medical imaging market. Dicom is the industry standard medical imaging format/protocol and is fully supported providing programmers with access to medical images retrieved from digital imaging modalities such as CT and MR scanners. It supports 1-8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 bit images including JPEG (12, 16-bit Lossless greyscale, 8, 12, 16-bit lossy greyscale, 24-bit lossless and lossy colour), Run Length, Uncompressed, Photometric Interpretation (Monochrome1, Monochrome2, Palletised, RGB, ARGB, CMYK, YBR Full 422, YBR Full) and single and multi-page images. It includes 9-16 bit greyscale display with window levelling to map greyscale intensities by specifying the bit range and/or a user defined colour map.

    NEW Features in version 14 include:

    • Extended DICOM Support:
      • Support for the latest DICOM specification
      • DICOM LUT, Overlay and Palette support for implementing a DICOM Presentation state into an application and applying the Modality LUT to the image data to simplify image processing and statistical calculations
      • DICOM Print SCU support
      • DICOM Annotation Object support for storing and retrieving DICOM annotations from a dataset and converting them to LEAD Annotation objects and vice versa. Annotations can be converted to regions of interest for additional statistical calculations and for storing to DICOM Presentation State.
    • New Annotation Objects:
      • Text Pointer Object: place text anywhere on an image and point precisely to the area of interest
      • Curve Objects: draw freehand curves
      • PolyRuler Object: chain multiple rulers while maintaining a running total of length
      • Encrypt and Decrypt Object: encode an area of the image without introducing any colours and maintain higher quality with lossy compressions
      • Video Object: add multi-media capture and playback to user image mark-up capabilities and create custom definable annotation objects
      • RichText Annotation Object:
        • Import and export RTF and text files
        • Font and font style (size, bold, italic, underline, alignment etc)
        • Font and background colour
        • Bullets and numbering
        • Find and replace text
        • Editing features including copy and paste
        • Printing.
    • Additional Annotation Features:
      • Flicker free display (double-buffered)
      • Annotation objects are fixed to the window in which the annotation is being displayed instead of the image
      • Tick marks for ruler, poly-ruler, cross-product and protractor
      • Customisable cursors for the automation object
      • Rotate WMF and EMF stamp objects
      • Text Object imports and exports from file
      • Text Object can include tokens (Date, Time, UserName etc)
      • Annotation events for all object changes and processes
      • Alignment option for Text object (left, centre and right)
      • User Data property for all objects is loaded and saved with annotation data)
      • Customisable object handles enable the user interface of pre-defined objects to be changed and the creation of new annotation objects.
    • OCR Recognition Engine Support:
      • MOR OCR Engine:
        • Support for one hundred and fourteen languages
        • Support for up to five hundred zones on one image
        • Support for Omnifont, Draftdot24 and OCR-A filling methods
        • Support for character training to improve accuracy
        • Three page-level accuracy and speed trade off settings including Accurate, Balanced and Fast
        • Checking Subsystem based correction.
      • MTX (Mtext) OCR Engine:
        • The fastest of the selectable OCR engines
        • Support for twelve languages
        • Support for up to sixty four zones on one image
        • Support for Omnifont, Draftdot9 and Draftdot24 filling methods
        • Two page-level accuracy and speed trade off settings including a combined Accurate and Balanced value and Fast
        • Checking Subsystem based correction.
      • FireWorX OCR Engine:
        • Optimised for speed
        • Support for fifty four languages
        • Support for up to 2,500 zones on one image
        • Support for Omnifont filling methods
        • Support for character training to improve accuracy.
    • New Output Formats:
      • Adobe PDF edited (requires the LEADTOOLS PDF OCR plug in)
      • Open eBook 1.0
      • XML
      • 2G Type 2
      • 2G Type 3
      • More than forty output formats supported.
    • New Imaging Common Dialogues:
      • CustomisePalette
      • Brightness
      • Contrast
      • Hue
      • Saturation
      • HistoContrast
      • Average
      • Median
      • MaxFilter
      • MinFilter
      • Sharpen
      • ShiftDifferenceFilter
      • Oilify
      • Mosaic
      • ZoomWave
      • RadialWave
      • Swirl
      • Wave
      • Smooth
      • LineRemove
      • ErosionFilter
      • DilationFilter
      • ContourFilter
      • GradientFilter
      • LaplacianFilter
      • SobelFilter
      • PrewittFilter
      • LineSegmentFilter
      • Multiply
      • Underlay
      • Picturise
      • Rotate
      • Shear
      • CanvasResize
      • Histogram
      • HolePunchRemove
      • PNGWebTuner
      • GIFWebTuner
      • InvertedText
      • DotRemove
      • BalanceColours
      • ColouredGrey
      • GreyScale
      • RemapIntensity
      • RemapHue
      • LocalHistoEqualise
      • IntensityDetect
      • Solarise
      • Posterise
      • MotionBlur
      • RadialBlur
      • ZoomBlur
      • GaussianBlur
      • AntiAlias
      • UnsharpMask
      • AddBitmaps
      • FreeHandWave
      • Wind
      • Polar
      • AutoTrim
      • WaveShear
      • Punch
      • Ripple
      • Bending
      • Cylindrical
      • Spherise
      • Impressionist
      • Pixelate
      • EdgeDetector
      • JPEGWebTuner
      • Stitch
      • HTMLMapper
      • FilesAssociation
      • PrintStitchedImages
      • PrintPreview
      • AddBorder
      • FileConversion
      • AddFrame
      • RemoveRedeye
      • BorderRemove.
    • New and updated image processing functions
    • Digital Paint Functionality: create an entire image editing or design application or add pieces of those types of functionality into an existing application
    • Colour Conversion: load colour profiles from memory without providing a destination colour profile. (The default is to an RGB destination profile)
    • New File Formats:
      • CIN
      • DjVu (read only)
      • CRW
      • DCR
      • DCS
      • ECW
      • FITS
      • KDC
      • PSP
      • RTF
      • SFF
      • MrSID(read only)
      • TIFF-FX
      • WMZ.

    Features include:

    • Support for the Dicom 3.0 file specification including all standard IOD classes and modalities (CR, CT, MR, NM, US, RF, SC, VL etc)
    • Full support for Dicom Basic Directory
    • Automatic recognition of Dicom files (Little-Endian/Big-Endian, Implicit/Explicit VR etc)
    • High level and low level functions for easy navigation and manipulation of Data Sets (insert, delete, modify)
    • Single or multi-frame images (compressed or uncompressed)
    • Supports several hardware manufacturers
    • Contains ready to use source code and executables
    • Four programming interfaces (API, ActiveX, VCL, Class Library)
    • TWAIN support for adding x-ray film scanning
    • Generalised imaging support including image capture, format conversion, Internet imaging, database support and printing
    • Add-on modules expand functionality to include image Annotations, Dicom Communications and Dicom Data Security.

    Medical Imaging Suite

    Multimedia LEAD MJPEG Codec LEAD JPEG2000 Codec LEAD DirectShow DICOM Read Filter LEAD DirectShow DICOM Write Filter


    The multi-media tools provide audio and video capture, playback and editing using Microsoft DirectX and DirectShow technologies. They include fully functional video capture and teleconference demonstrations and support for AVI, MPEG, WAV, MIDI, SND and AIF files.

    NEW Features in version 14 include:

  • New Imaging Common Dialogues:
    • CustomisePalette
    • Brightness
    • Contrast
    • Hue
    • Saturation
    • HistoContrast
    • Average
    • Median
    • MaxFilter
    • MinFilter
    • Sharpen
    • ShiftDifferenceFilter
    • Oilify
    • Mosaic
    • ZoomWave
    • RadialWave
    • Swirl
    • Wave
    • Smooth
    • LineRemove
    • ErosionFilter
    • DilationFilter
    • ContourFilter
    • GradientFilter
    • LaplacianFilter
    • SobelFilter
    • PrewittFilter
    • LineSegmentFilter
    • Multiply
    • Underlay
    • Picturise
    • Rotate
    • Shear
    • CanvasResize
    • Histogram
    • HolePunchRemove
    • PNGWebTuner
    • GIFWebTuner
    • InvertedText
    • DotRemove
    • BalanceColours
    • ColouredGrey
    • GreyScale
    • RemapIntensity
    • RemapHue
    • LocalHistoEqualise
    • IntensityDetect
    • Solarise
    • Posterise
    • MotionBlur
    • RadialBlur
    • ZoomBlur
    • GaussianBlur
    • AntiAlias
    • UnsharpMask
    • AddBitmaps
    • FreeHandWave
    • Wind
    • Polar
    • AutoTrim
    • WaveShear
    • Punch
    • Ripple
    • Bending
    • Cylindrical
    • Spherise
    • Impressionist
    • Pixelate
    • EdgeDetector
    • JPEGWebTuner
    • Stitch
    • HTMLMapper
    • FilesAssociation
    • PrintStitchedImages
    • PrintPreview
    • AddBorder
    • FileConversion
    • AddFrame
    • RemoveRedeye
    • BorderRemove.
  • New and updated image processing functions
  • Digital Paint Functionality: create an entire image editing or design application or add pieces of those types of functionality into an existing application
  • Colour Conversion: load colour profiles from memory without providing a destination colour profile. (The default is to an RGB destination profile)
  • New File Formats:
    • CIN
    • DjVu (read only)
    • CRW
    • DCR
    • DCS
    • ECW
    • FITS
    • KDC
    • PSP
    • RTF
    • SFF
    • MrSID(read only)
    • TIFF-FX
    • WMZ.

Multimedia includes everything needed to create a multi-media converter, multi-media player and applications that capture from multi-media devices. Add multi-media functionality using almost any development environment using the multi-media ActiveX controls, multi-media COM objects and multi-media DLL APIs.

Features include:

  • Multi-media Capture: create applications that capture from WDM native DirectShow including DV and Video for Windows capture devices
  • Multimedia Playback: create applications that play all formats supported by DirectShow
  • Multimedia Processing: add the ability to process AVI, Windows Media content, WAVE and MPEG1Audio (MP3) formats or data as it is captured using DirectX filters to applications
  • Multimedia Compression: add support for compressing individual samples with any DirectShow filters (Memory to memory) to applications
  • Multimedia Conversion: add features to applications so that users can convert to and from AVI, Windows Media content, WAVE and MPEG1Audio (MP3) formats
  • Multimedia File Formats: add support for the most popular multi-media formats:
    • Multimedia products can playback any input file format supported by DirectShow including:
      • AVI
      • WAV
      • Quicktime 2.0
      • WMA Windows Media Format
      • WMV Windows Media Format
      • ASF Windows Media Format
      • Mpeg1 Layer-3 Audio (MP3).
    • Multimedia products can convert any of the supported playback file formats to:
      • AVI (using any available video compressor on the computer)
      • WAV (using any available audio compressors on the computer)
      • WMA Windows Media Format
      • WMV Windows Media Format
      • ASF Windows Media Format
      • Mpeg1 Layer-3 Audio (MP3).
  • DirectX Filters: Multimedia toolkits include a DirectX filter pack (5 client licences) providing multi-media processing functionality.


The LEAD MJPEG Codec is a multi-media compressor and decompressor that registers into the Microsoft Windows collection of multi-media drivers and integrates with any application using DirectShow and Microsoft Video for Microsoft Windows. Existing video software such as Ulead Media Studio and Microsoft Windows Media Player can use the codec to play, create and edit industry standard MJPEG and LEAD proprietary MCMP files.

Features include:

  • Real-time software-only compression and decompression of full motion video
  • Smaller AVI files
  • Preserve critical image data with lossless compression
  • Create, edit and playback video using existing applications
  • Read and write hardware compatible MJPEG files.

LEAD JPEG2000 Codec

The LEAD JPEG2000 Video codec saves standard JPEG2000 streams providing high compression and inter-operability. It registers into the Microsoft Windows collection of multi-media drivers and integrates with any application using DirectShow. Existing video software such as Ulead Media Studio and Microsoft Windows Media Player can use the codec to play, create and edit industry standard motion JPEG2000. JPEG2000 provides high compression with image quality that is superior to existing standard encoding techniques due to the adaptation of wavelet transforms. JPEG2000 is a video adaptation of the new JPEG2000 standard for still photographs. It treats a video stream as a series of still photographs, compressing them individually without interframe compression, making it ideal for editing. It is expected that JPEG2000 will eventually replace the older JPEG standard for high-quality image compression.

Features include:

  • Higher compression efficiency than JPEG with less visual loss especially at extreme compression ratios
  • Built to the JPEG2000 standard of compression for maximum inter-operability
  • A single code stream provides lossy and superior lossless compression
  • Improved transmission in noisy environments to avoid catastrophic decoding failure due to bit errors from transmission.

LEAD DirectShow DICOM Read Filter

The DICOM File Reader DirectShow Filter adds support to any DirectShow based media player to play video data in a DICOM file. It supports JPEG 2000, JPEG 2000 Lossless, JPEG lossless, JPEG 4:2:2 and uncompressed data. Playback options include control of the stream speed by changing the frame playback rate. Developers can preview a LEAD DICOM dataset in memory before saving to disk.

LEAD DirectShow DICOM Write Filter

The LEAD DICOM Writer DirectShow Plug-in can set the pixel data into a new or existing DICOM file providing options for storing DICOM files using a LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging product. The filter uses a DICOM template input file by default to combine the available information of the template file with the pixel data fed from up-stream. If the input file is not available, the pixel data fed from up-stream is combined with the standard classes available from a LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging product. DICOM Writer Filter can create DICOM files using DirectShow and the Multimedia toolkit. The DICOM Writer filter accepts 8-bit RGB, 24-bit RGB, 16-bit UYVY or 16-bit YUY2 data. The filter has a built-in JPEG compressor for creating JPEG-compressed DICOM files and a built-in JPEG2000 compressor for creating JPEG2000-compressed DICOM files.


A .NET implementation is included with the Medical Imaging products. Not all functionality may be ported to the .NET interface.

Product Comparison


X Available in product A Available as add-on The Document, Vector and Medical product lines require the negotiation of a distribution licence before the end-user application can be distributed.

FeatureRaster ImagingRaster Imaging ProMultimedia LEMultimedia Multimedia ProVector Imaging ProRaster Imaging Pro LinuxDocument Imaging for Linux Document ImagingDocument Imaging SuiteMedical ImagingMedical Imaging Suite
Raster Image File Formats X X XX XXXXX XX
Internet ImagingXX X XXXX XXXX
Image Processing – General XX XX XXXX XXX
Compression – General XX X XXXX XXXX
JPEG2000 supportAA A AAAA AAAA
Fast G3/G4        XXX XXX
Colour ConversionXX X XXXX XXXX
Display – GeneralXX X XXXX XXXX
Region of InterestXX X XXXX XXXX
Scanning – TWAIN XX  XXX   XXX X
Scanning – ISIS          XXA X
Database Imaging XX  XXX   XXX X
Special Effects XX  XXX   XXX X
Screen Capture XX  XXX   XXX X
Load/capture/edit/save AVI, WMA, MPG and MP3    XXX         
Video-conferencing    XX         
Load/edit/save/convert 2D and 3D vector formats       X        
View/Manipulate 3D objects real-time using DirectX or OpenGL        X       
Use ActiveX or VCL properties/methods/events XX XXXX   XX XX
Call exported DLL functions directly X X XX   XX XX
Create applications with an extremely small footprint X X XX   XX XX
Low-level access to pixel data  X   XX XXXX XX
Create custom image processing filters  X   XX   XX XX
Full control over load, process and save with calls back   XX X XXXX XXX
Share images without copying via DIBs and DDBs  X   XX   XX XX
Full control over all display options  X X XX XXXX XX
Access to all TIFF tags XX  XXXX XXXX X
Flashpix X   AA   XXX X
PDF Plug-in AA  AAA   AAA A
JBIG          XXA A
Barcode Module           AAA A
Annotations         XXXA X
Document Clean-up          XXXA X
Scale-to-grey and favour-black filters          XXX AX
OCR Support           AXA A
Medical Imaging             X X
DICOM format             X X
DICOM Communication             A X
9-16 Bit Greyscale             X X
Window Levelling             X X
48 and 64 bit image support              XX