

Advanced scripting IDE for editing VBScript, ASP, ActionScript, JScript, Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML and SQL etc.

PrimalScript is the next generation of our industry-leading Universal Script Environment (USE). As a system, database or network administrator, web developer or end-user developer, you need to work with multiple technologies, languages and file formats at the same time.

PrimalScript?s ribbon interface has been carefully designed to provide virtually all functions you use every day on the Home tab. Create script templates based on your requirements and business needs to accelerate your ability to deliver solutions faster.

PrimalScript?s script packager offers advanced options and platform selections to deliver solutions targeted at specific environments. You can restrict packages by domain, machine, user, platform and MAC address to avoid unauthorized script execution. Code signing, platform independent start-up code, Run-As, elevation and many more options are at your disposal.

Our MSI database builder, combined with the ability to run your own custom deployment commands, enables you to modify a solution swiftly, package it, create an installer for it and deploy it on your network, all with a single click.

Our restore point feature provides you with an additional safety net if you are just experimenting with a script. Easily roll back to where you started from or define your own specific milestones as you progress through development.

Key Features:

  • Powerful Script Editor: Supporting over 50 languages with syntax coloring, brace matching, code folding and a large number of enhanced features, this editor has everything you need.

  • Multi-Platform support: Execute and debug your scripts in 32-bit or 64-bit mode, with or without elevation, all from within a single IDE.
  • Integrated console: Developing scripts and using them to accomplish your day-to-day tasks no longer requires switching back and forth between editor and console. Run your scripts in any integrated console with the push of a button. Any console, any platform, any time.
  • Multi-Platform debugger: Debug your scripts in our integrated next generation debugger on 32-bit or 64-bit without switching applications or restarting. Explore and modify variables and their content from our debug console for PowerShell, VBScript and JScript.
  • Remote Debugger: PrimalScript is the only scripting IDE with a remote debugger for PowerShell, VBScript and JScript.
  • Navigate your code: Jump easily between functions, script blocks, to do list items and bookmarks with PrimalScript?s enhanced navigation bar.
  • PrimalSense: Unsurpassed code-completion and instant help features guide you through developing more complex solutions in less time. Use .NET or COM objects in your PowerShell or ActiveX language code and get the same level of support.
  • Package and deploy your solutions: Package your scripts as stand-alone solutions for your users, create MSI databases for GPO distribution and run your custom deployment commands, all from the same environment where you create them.

PrimalScript – Features

PrimalScript is a feature-filled script environment, with all the features you need in a script editor and more. Whether you’re editing VBScript, ASP, ActionScript, JScript, Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML, SQL or any of more than thirty other languages, you’ll find that PrimalScript offers rich, detailed tools to make your job faster, easier and more efficient.

PrimalScript 2009 supports over 50 languages and file types ranging from PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript to ASP and ASP.NET. Additionally, dedicated tools for XML and SQL make complicated data processing a snap.

PrimalScript 2009 is the only scripting environment specifically designed for the way you work:

  • Easy discovery of PowerShell CmdLets , COM objects, WMI classes or .NET framework classes and their members with the new Object Browser.
  • Quick access to documentation using Microsoft’s online reference, MSDN, for .NET framework classes or the integrated PowerShell and VBScript help.
  • Single click Google search within the IDE always gets you to a code sample or additional documentation quickly and easily.
  • Experimentation and iterative development are supported with a variety of tools ranging from an integrated command shell, and a quick query window, to a full featured WQL query window.
  • Unsurpassed database connectivity with a dedicated data browser supporting multiple connections, creation and editing of stored procedures, SQL PrimalSense, and ad-hoc queries with live data editing.
  • Our every-growing number of predefined code snippets for a multitude of languages can easily be extended by simply dragging and dropping code to the snippets browser. Never before was code reuse in a scripting environment that easy.
  • Debug PowerShell, VBScript or JScript transparently in one environment without compromise. A multitude of helpful tools allow you to quickly debug, solve and verify any problems you may encounter.
  • PrimalScript 2009 offers a multitude of methods for deploying your finished scripts, from simple remote execution with SAPIEN’s Remote Script Execution Engine (RSEE), packaging your scripts as powerful executables with built-in Vista or Windows Server 2008 elevation.


Creating Scripts

  • WMI Wizard
    The WMI Wizard writes WMI code in VBScript or JScript at the click of a button. Explore WMI classes in any namespace, on any computer on your network. It even supports the use of alternate credentials in your WMI connections, so you can work with remote machines more easily. The code produced can be easily modified to meet your needs, giving you a fast and effective jump-start to scripting almost any WMI-related task.
  • ADSI Wizard
    The ADSI Wizard goes beyond boilerplate code, producing a complete set of VBScript classes that represent Active Directory objects. You’ll not only find it simpler to retrieve objects from Active Directory, but you’ll also have PrimalSense support for working with those objects. The ADSI Wizard takes the complexity out of Active Directory scripting and lets you produce useful scripts faster and more easily.
  • ADO Wizard
    Quickly produce database code for VBScript or PowerShell! Connect to your database and produce a quick script to query data from whatever table you like. Or, produce “wrapper” classes that make database programming easier by providing PrimalSense code hinting and completion. Far more than just “boilerplate” code, this Wizard makes short work of even complex database operations.
  • PrimalSense Code Completion
    PrimalSense consists of three primary elements. The first is syntax color-coding, which allows language keywords and other elements to be color-coded (and, depending on the language, properly cased) automatically. This helps you quickly spot typos and makes your scripts much easier to read.
    Code hinting helps you remember language syntax without having to reach for the documentation. Pop-up “tool tips” display language syntax not only for built-in language functions and statements, but also for procedures and classes that you define.
    Code completion helps you remember various language elements like object methods and properties, and helps complete COM instantiation and other statements. Code completion also works in the HTML Document Object Model (DOM). The code completion pop-up menus allow you to quickly scroll to the item you need, and complete your statement with a single keystroke.
    Note that PrimalSense features vary depending on the scripting language you’re using.
  • Live Syntax Checking
    Live Syntax checking for VBScript, JScript, and Windows PowerShell helps you spot bugs as they happen by highlighting errors in your code. Simply hover over the offending line for a tooltip hint on how to fix the error.
    For Windows PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript, PrimalScript automatically passes your script – as you type it – to the appropriate language engine for compilation. Compilation errors returned by the engine are highlighted in your script so that you can fix them before actually trying to run it. Hovering over any “error” line displays a tooltip with the actual error text.
  • 50+ Supported Languages/Types
    Of course we support PowerShell, VBScript and JScript. But did you know we also support: ActionScript, Adobe Flex, ASP pages, ASP.Net Pages, ASP PowerShell Pages, AutoIt, AutoIt3, AWK, Batch/CMD, C, C++, C#, CH, CSS, CFML, Cold Fusion, Flash Communication Server, Flash JSAPI, HTML, HTA, IDM, INI Files, InstallScript, Java, JavaScript, Java Server Pages, KiXtart, LotusScript, Lua, Netscape LiveWire, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Rebol, Registry Files, Resource Script, REXX, Ruby, SQL, System Policy Editor, Tcl, Visual Basic.NET, WinBatch, WSH, WSC, XML and XSLT.
  • Time-saving code Snippets
    Scores of Snippets are preloaded into PrimalScript – and you can easily make more! Snippets mean you never have to write the same code twice. Instead, just type the Snippet’s name…
    …and press Ctrl+J (or drag the Snippet into the editing window). Instant code! You’ll script dozens of times faster when you can reuse code that’s already been written, tested, and debugged, and the Snippets Browser keeps them nice and handy whenever you need them.
  • Built-in support for classes
    For languages supporting classes (including ActionScript, VBScript, and many others), PrimalScript’s built-in class browser helps you keep your classes organized, and reminds you which ones you’ve created. It updated automatically as you work, providing a handy way to quickly jump to class definitions, remember class names, and more.
  • True, native support for WSF and WSC
    PrimalScripts lets you work with the powerful WSF and WSC (Windows Script Component) formats as easily as any other script. Special PrimalScript projects get you started with a Wizard, and then let you just focus on your script code.
    Use intuitive dialog boxes to add methods, properties, command-line arguments, descriptions, and more, constructing your own COM components or command-line tools right from your VBScript and JScript code. You’ll never see a bit of complicated XML formatting, since PrimalScript takes care of it all behind the scenes.
    Of course, if you want to work with the XML, PrimalScript won’t stop you: Open any WSF or WSC for text editing and get full color-coding and other PrimalScript editing advantages.
  • Project Wizards and File Templates
    PrimalScript has project wizards for ActionScript, C#, JScript.Net, Visual Basic, Web, WSH and other projects. It also can create over 60 different file types.

Editing and Navigation

  • Sophisticated Find in Files
    Quickly find text across files, drilling in subfolders, with our Find in Files functionality. Results are displayed in a convenient treeview in a dockable pane, and tagged in your script allowing you to easily browse results and see multiple “hits” within the same file. Double-click any “hit” to open that file and jump to the correct location. Intuitive icons tell you which files you’ve already reviewed so that you stay focused and efficient.
  • Oops Resiliance
    You’re only human, so PrimalScript has built-in “oops resiliance.” Like a text editor, PrimalScript has an “undo” button; unlike a mere editor, though, PrimalScript remembers thousands of past actions, including ones that took place in prior editing sessions! That’s right you can undo editing actions that took place months in the past.
    PrimalScript’s built-in Recycle Bin even keeps thousands of lines of deleted text and script code, allowing you to recover it at any time.
  • Code Folding
    Code folding helps you stay focused by hiding code that you aren’t currently working on. Language procedures (like functions and classes) are automatically made “foldable,” allowing you to show or hide them with a single click.
    You can also define your own “foldable” regions, allowing you to quickly hide code you don’t need to see, making it easier to focus on the code you do.
  • Integrated Windows Script Debugger (VBScript/JavaScript)
    Debugging Windows scripts can be tough, but PrimalScript can help. The industry’s first truly built-in debugger, PrimalScript’s integrated VBScript debugger doesn’t rely on the Microsoft Script Debugger or any other external tools. It’s built right into PrimalScript, allowing you to set breakpoints in your script, run your script one line at a time, and see exactly what’s going on.
    A detailed breakdown of object property and variable values lets you see at a glance the data your script is working with. A real-time Expression Evaluator instantly evaluates even complex expressions for you, giving you further insight into how your script is functioning.
  • Integrated PowerShell Script Debugger
    PrimalScript’s PowerShell Debugger doesn’t rely on Microsoft’s PowerShell Debugger or any other external tools. It’s built right into PrimalScript, allowing you to set breakpoints in your script, run your script one line at a time, and see exactly what’s going on.
    A detailed breakdown of object property and variable values lets you see at a glance the data your script is working with. A real-time Expression Evaluator instantly evaluates even complex expressions for you, giving you further insight into how your script is functioning.
  • PrimalDiff Visual File Compare
    PrimalDiff makes it easy to compare two versions of a file and spot the differences. Files are displayed side-by-side, with color coding to indicate content which is missing or different. Perfect when you’re working with archived files, or when multiple individuals are working on copies of the same file. With a simple keystroke, navigate from one file difference to another; forwards or backwards.
  • Simplified Script Security
    PrimalScript provides native support for Windows Script Host (WSH) TrustPolicy, allowing you to set your local TrustPolicy setting through an options dialog instead of manually editing the registry.
    PrimalScript can encode Windows and ASP scripts, using Windows’ built-in script encoding. While script encoding isn’t appropriate for protecting sensitive information like security credentials, it does help deter users who run your scripts from viewing your actual source code.
    PrimalScript also includes built-in code signing capabilities, allowing you to digitally sign scripts using a code-signing certificate (not included). Scripts can be signed on demand, or you can configure PrimalScript to sign them automatically each time they’re saved, making secure scripting completely effortless.
    And you can manage Windows PowerShell execution policy from within PrimalScript, too!
  • Code Navigation
    PrimalScript makes it easy to navigate through your code. Navigate by class name, methods or properties. Quickly jump from function to function using the function list. Use HTML tree view navigation. Jump to a specific line number. Locate a persistent bookmark. Use regular expression search. Quickly return to your last edit position. Navigate to a specific piece of code simply by typing what you are looking for. Scroll your code both horizontally and vertically with the mouse wheel.
  • Tons of editing features
    PrimalScript includes so many other editing features it it almost impossible to list them all, but here are a few you might be interested in: Auto case correction, HTML tag completion, drag and drop text, Show/hide whitespace characters, Auto indenting, Block indent/outdent, Rectangular block selection, Copy/cut word/line at once, Append to clipboard without replacement, Clipboard ring, Convert white space characters, Reformat paragraphs, Sort, bullet and number highlighted items, Unix/Mac line endings, Upper case/lower case/invert case/decimal/hex conversions, Unicode, Spell checker, Split Screens, Bookmarks, output redirection, print preview and the list goes on…

Script and Project Management

  • Built-in File Management
    Stay focused – do your file management right within PrimalScript itself. The File Browser lets you work with all local and network storage that you have, and supports full drag-and-drop integration with PrimalScript’s editing window, built-in FTP client, and more. Create collections of files that belong together and that you work on as a group. Create subfolders to further organize your collection. You can narrow your focus to just the files you want without the clutter of seeing all the files on your drive.
  • Project Management
    PrimalScript supports robust project management features. Groups of files and folders can be consolidated into a single project, and managed as a unit. Projects can be checked in and out of comaptible source control solutions in their entirety, and projects can be published to development, test, staging, and production servers via file copy or FTP. A variety of project management modes are also available, allowing you to customize PrimalScript to whatever kind of project environment you’re working in.
  • Evolved Script Packager
    Now you can package VBScript, JScript, Windows PowerShell, and HTML Applications into standalone executables that run under alternate credentials. VBScript and JScript files can be executed entirely in-memory (no temp files for greater security) using the included SAPIEN Script Host (which includes itself in the package – no deployment needed). Works with VBS, JS, PS1, and HTA file types. Run scripts in serial or parallel, sign them to comply with WSH TrustPolicy, and deploy them throughout your enterprise.
  • Multi-Target Publisher
    Easily publish project files to multiple remote locations using FTP or network file copy – the perfect way to deploy to a staging farm or production farm, or just to get the right files in all the right places at the same time. Robust copy protocols keep you informed of the publisher’s progress at all times and make even large deployment projects a snap.
  • Remote Script Execution Engine (RSEE)
    Deploy script files to any computer or computers on your network, have the script execute locally on each, and bring the script output back to your PrimalScript window. It’s the perfect, robust, and secure way to extend your administrative reach to the furthest corners of your enterprise, without ever leaving your desk.
  • Fast Script Deployment
    PrimalScript makes deploying your code easy. Projects (which consist of multiple files and folders) can be deployed via file copy or FTP, using a single toolbar button. You can also deploy only the files which have changed, making deployment to a test server faster during the development cycle.
    PrimalScript even has core FTP functionality built into the File menu, allowing you to quickly Get and Put files as easily as if they were located right on your local computer.
  • Integrated FTP Client
    Why turn to a separate tool for transferring files? Just open PrimalScript’s FTP toolbar and use the built-in, fully-functional, graphical FTP client to transfer files to and from remote systems. Remembers past connections automatically so that you don’t have to, and provides drag-and-drop file transfer capabilities.
  • File History
    It’s like entry-level source control: Go back in time on any file to retrieve past versions. A quick and easy way to see what’s changed and quickly undo mistakes from months in the past.
    PrimalScript remembers every version of a script that you save, and makes it easy to retrieve past versions. When you’re working on your own and don’t require a complete source control solution, the automatic File History feature provides similar abilities to quickly “roll back” to a prior version of a script.
  • Tasklist Browser
    Never forget! Automatically turns TODO and DONE comments (using your scripting language’s commenting keyword or token) into a graphical project task list. Or, manually add your own personal tasks to keep track of other items.
    Add special TODO and DONE comments to your scripts – in any language that supports commenting – and PrimalScript automatically picks up these comments…
    …and converts them to project tasks. Double-click a task and you’re taken right to its location within your code. It’s a quick and easy way to keep track of things you have yet to do in your project.
    You can also create personal tasks and categorize them however you like. These are perfect for keeping track of global tasks that aren’t directly related to a particular section of code.
  • File Navigation
    PrimalScript offers multiple file navigation shortcuts including tree navigation, file tabs for open files, easy access to global objects in your files, keyboard cycling among open files, single keystroke opening of similarly named files and persistent global bookmarks that when clicked open the enclosing file.

Additional Features

  • Windows 7/Vista Style User Interface
    Our user interface is clean and elegant, supporting dockable and hidden panes. It is totally skinnable for those that want a unique look as well as being Windows 7/Vista Aero aware.
  • Integrated VBScript Help
    The complete text of WSH and VBScript Core: TFM by Jeffery Hicks-more than 700 pages in all-is available as fully-integrated help. Move your cursor over any VBScript keyword or WSH object and hit F1 to see detailed explanations and lengthy examples. It’s the manual Microsoft should have written-included right within PrimalScript!
  • Bonus Tools and Sample Scripts
    Every edition of PrimalScript includes several bonus tools: A powerful WMI Explorer (who needs the documentation?), convenient graphical Windows PowerShell Help tool, PrimalForms Windows Application forms builder, and much more. Also included are a large collection of 100s of ready to run scripts from batch files, to VBScript, to PowerShell, to HTAs for managing Exchange 2003 and more!
  • Universal Help
    PrimalScript can provide context-sensitive help for any of its supported languages, integrating directly with OEM language documentation, Web-based documentation, and so forth. Just tell PrimalScript where the documentation is on your computer (or what URL to use), and you’ll be able to highlight language elements (such as keywords) and press F1 to receive instant help on the highlighted element.
    Get context-sensitive help for any supported language in PrimalScript, using Web-based help, local HTML files, context-sensitive HLP or CHM files, or even Microsoft MSDN Library (any edition, even pre-.NET). Set up each language to work they way you want, highlight a keyword, press F1, and voila: Instant help for the highlighted keyword.
  • Source Control Integration
    Connect to any Source Control provider that uses MSSCCAPI. This includes SourceSafe, PVCS and Perforce as well as SAPIEN’s new simple-to-use ChangeVue. All have complete project support, simple connectivity, and all the features you use in your source control system. This tight integration allows you to manage source control right from within the PrimalScript environment. Files can be checked in or out, you can retrieve past versions, and even compare versions to one another.
    PrimalScript projects also include source control capabilities, allowing an entire project to be checked in or out as a unit. This helps to streamline file management in large, multi-file projects and makes it easier and safer for a team to work on the same set of files.
  • CVS/Subversion Support
    Expand your source control integration options with connectivity to CVS- and Subversion-compatible source control solutions. Once connected to your source control system, the PrimalScript Source Control toolbar makes it easy to check files in and out, retrieve prior versions, and more.
  • Database Browser
    What did you name that table or stored procedure, again? No need to reach for another tool to check – PrimalScript’s Database Browser conveniently connects to any OLE DB or ODBC data source and displays database objects in an easy-to-use hierarchical view. Plus, it allows you to use a GUI to create the connection and generates a connection string you can use within your scripts.
  • Visual XML Editor
    Make XML editing a snap with PrimalScript’s Visual XML Editor. Validates documents and makes it easy to remove, add, and modify elements and attributes. Of course, you can always switch to a regular text edit mode if you prefer, since PrimalScript lets you work the way you want to work.
  • Integration with SAPIEN PrimalTools and third-party tools
    Keep your favorite tools just a click away in the Tools Browser. Organize tools however you like, and even add your own tools or any of the other SAPIEN PrimalTools. Tools can even be passed parameters like the current script name, making it easy to set up one-click compiling, deployment, and other useful utilities. What’s more, PrimalScript auto-scans your system at installation and pre-populates the Tools Browser with all the useful scripting and database tools it can find.
  • Built-in information access
    Keep your friends close… and your resources closer! The Info Browser keeps Web pages, PDF documents, and more just a click away. Preloaded with dozens of helpful links, you can easily create and organize your own, and every Web link is viewable right within the PrimalScript window. You can even import and export your Info Browser to share with friends and colleagues, and the entire Info Browser is keyword-searchable to help you quickly find exactly what you need.
  • Hierarchical HTML/XML/HTA browser
    Work with XML and HTML documents more easily with this built-in, hierarchical view of your document’s structure. Intuitive iconography lets you quickly locate tables, elements, images, and other HTML or XML elements, and you can click any item in the tree to go directly to the corresponding code.
  • Extensive customization capabilities
    Talk about customization – there’s not much in PrimalScript that you can’t tweak to meet your needs! Start by customizing the color-coding PrimalScript uses for language. Prefer comments in muave on a teal background? Well, okay… who are we to judge? Customize the location of nearly every PrimalScript add-in, template, snippet, or more – choose a network location so that multiple PrimalScript users can share a common set of templates or snippets, for example!
    The customization options are endless: Operational preferences, file backup, feature configuration, and much more. PrimalScript’s designed to work with you, rather than forcing you to learn a new workflow. You can even customize your shortcut keys. After all, scripting takes place with the keyboard, not the mouse, so we want you to be comfortable and efficient.
  • Complete Documentation
    We’ve produced a full-length book entitled PrimalScript: TFM (that’s “TFM” as in “RTFM,” by the way!). This book is completely free as a downloadable PDF (Acrobat Reader required). It’s also included in PrimalScript, right on the Help menu.
  • PrimalScript: TFM (approx. 1MB PDF)
    The book covers all of PrimalScript’s major features (all editions), including full-color screen shots, step-by-step instructions, deployment details, and more. It includes a full index and is kept up-to-date with the latest PrimalScript product releases (be sure to download the latest copy of PrimalScript: TFM whenever you download a new version of PrimalScript).
  • Keyword PrimalSense and Context Help
    Type just a few letters and PrimalSense now jumps in to help complete language keywords, variable names, function names, and more – less typing means fewer typos and faster results!
  • Team Management
    In addition to managing files and projects, PrimalScript allows you to manage your team as well. Enter contact information for each team member. Double click on a name to initiate an IM conversation or send an email. Integrates with team members that are working on the same project in ChangeVue source control.
  • Windows Form Designer
    Create PowerShell based applications with a visual interface using our Windows Forms Designer. Dazzle your friends and impress your dates with the ease and flexibility of this free tool. Our Forms Designer is included with every copy of PrimalScript and is also available as a free download for those that don’t use Primalscript (Heaven Forbid!) (see Free Tools)

Edition Comparison Between PrimalScript Studio and PrimalScrip Universal

PrimalScript 2009 Studio PrimalScript 2009 Universal

PrimalScript 2009 Studio edition contains:

  • PrimalScript is the standard to which others compare themselves. It is the only Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) that supports all of the file types and languages you need to work with every day. Supporting over 50 languages and file types ranging from PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript to ASP and ASP.NET. Additionally, dedicated tools for XML and SQL make complicated data processing a snap.

PrimalScript Universal includes nearly everything that SAPIEN has to offer! You will start with:

  • PrimalScript Studio2009,is the compilation of all that you need for serious scripting. More than just a scripting editor it contains the tools for advanced projects.Includes: PrimalScript 2009, PrimalScope 2009, PrimalSQL 2009, PrimalXML 2009, PrimalMerge 2009,ChangeVue 2009, and the newly released PrimalForms 2009.
  • Electives the complete series of training videos, including VBScript-focused videos that cover IIS 6.0 automation, Exchange Server 2003 administration, Advanced HTML Applications, and Enterprise Best Practices.
  • The Library, which includes short-subject training videos on VBScript and Windows PowerShell topics, and several full-length training videos covering a number of VBScript-related topics, including ADSI, WMI, HTML Applications, and much more.
  • University Class-On-Disc titles, VBScript 101, 201, and 301, and Windows PowerShell Fundamentals, Windows PowerShell Intermediate, and Windows PowerShell Advanced.
  • SAPIEN Press, eBook versions of our the popular titles including ADSI Scripting: TFM, WSH and VBScript Core: TFM, Windows PowerShell v.1: TFM 2nd edition, Exchange Management Shell: TFM, Windows Server 2008 What’s New What’s Changed, Managing Active Directory with Windows PowerShell: TFM, andManaging VMware Infrastructure with Windows PowerShell:TFM
  • A full set of Snippets that make scripting faster, including Snippets for VBScript, KiXtart, HTML Applications, and Windows PowerShell; and a CD full of additional exclusive tools and resources.

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PrimalScript – System Requirements

System Requirements

  • Windows XP SP2/Vista SP1/Server 2003/Server 2008 or Windows 7
  • 60MB free disk space
  • 1GB RAM
  • Processor capable of running Windows XP

Additional Recommended Components

  • .NET Framework
  • Windows PowerShell