

A integrated Internet gateway and communications server designed to meet the control, security and email.

WinGate is a integrated Internet gateway and communications server designed to meet the control, security and email needs of today’s Internet-connected businesses.

WinGate is available in the following editions:

  • WinGate Standard Edition: provides network-wide user control that permits parents practical control over the content that is viewed by family members and at what times
  • WinGate Professional Edition: provides security for large corporations and enables advanced customisation and the ability to restrict Internet access rights to individual users on a network
  • WinGate Enterprise Edition: provides security for large corporations and enables advanced customisation and the ability to restrict Internet access rights to individual users on a network for an unlimited number of users.

The following plug-ins are available:

  • WinGate VPN: IP-tunnel based remote networking solution.
  • PureSight for WinGate: Web content classification plugin for WinGate.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus Plug-in: Security of Kaspersky Labs’ highly-respected scanning technology for your WinGate traffic.

Key Features:

  • Provide secure and managed Internet access for your entire network via a single or multiple shared internet connections
  • Enforce advanced and flexible access-control and acceptable use policies
  • Monitor usage in real time, and maintain per-user and per-service audit logs
  • Stop viruses, spam and inappropriate content from entering your network
  • Provide comprehensive internet and intranet email services
  • Protect your servers from internal or external threats
  • Improve network performance and responsiveness with web and DNS caching
  • Ease administration burdens on your internal networks

WinGate – Features

WinGate Standard Edition

WinGate Standard Edition provides network-wide user control that permits parents practical control over the content that is viewed by family members and at what times. Program administration is intuitive and is performed from the WinGate Server (the computer with the Internet connection). It supports 3, 6 or 12 users and includes VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in and GateFilter Plug-in subscriptions for 6-month durations.

Features include:

  • VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in: install on the WinGate server to enable all computers using WinGate for Internet to access anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Labs. Protect all Internet protocols (WWW, POP3, SMTP, FTP etc) at the Internet gateway . Servers (VisNetic MailServer, VisNetic WebSite etc) running behind WinGate will be protected also
  • e-mail Server: a fully functional POP3/SMTP server supports multiple domains, aliases and other features for hosting e-mail
  • GateFilter Plug-in: contains technology based upon a proprietary ACR (artificial content recognition) process that scans the content of websites using intelligent algorithms allowing the software to decide whether the subject matter is appropriate prior to display
  • Transparent Redirect: adds a level of security and control by providing the stability of proxy level connections and the security of NAT (Network Address Translation). WinGate client computers connecting through the WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) software or Network Address Translation (NAT) can use the Transparent Redirect feature to extend the functionality of client connection methods by communicating over the proxy layer and use the WinGate plug-ins, VisNetic AntiVirus and GateFilter without configuring or adjusting network or application settings
  • Firewall and Firewall Reporting: all computers using WinGate for Internet sharing are impenetrable from the Internet. The WinGate server is protected by a built-in firewall that blocks incoming hack attempts. The WinGate firewall controls all packets that are allowed through or denied by the server, securing the entire network from the main entry point. Real time status reporting is included. The Administrator may monitor the activity of the firewall as it displays aspects of an unsuccessful attack such as time, source IP, source Port, destination IP, destination Port, protocol and virus information
  • Configuration: install WinGate on the designated server (any PC on the network) and use one Internet account. Technologies include a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, a DNS (Domain Name System) server and NAT (Network Address Translation)
  • Extended Network Support (ENS): enables NAT, Bridging and Firewall protection. Network Address Translation (NAT) allows users to connect through WinGate without special client applications or configurations on the client computers. Users can share an Internet connection on a mixed operating system network (Macintosh, Unix or Linux). Bridging allows computers with different networking technologies such as wireless and Ethernet to communicate as if they were using the same technologies in order for users to share drives, files and other resources. Firewall protection through ENS expands the existing internal network firewall features by protecting the WinGate server computer.
  • Bridging: allows straightforward integration of different network types. Add a wireless device or an entire wireless network to an existing hard-wired network to share resources and a single Internet connection
  • NT User Database Integration and Authentication: WinGate uses the accounts that are already established within Windows NT or Windows 2000 to avoid duplication of effort. Users on each workstation can login to WinGate simultaneously using a standard network login
  • Full Internet Connection Support: support for any Internet connection type including dialup modem, cable modem, ISDN, DSL (ADSL, XDSL), satellite, T1 and T3. All versions of WinGate share the available bandwidth and Internet resources of the connection provided
  • Ban Lists: restrict user access to specific content. Filter websites, applications and protocols. Block defined URLs and applications accessing the Internet through the server such as chat programs
  • Rules: control Internet access on the entire network including allocating time parameters for the Dialer or time restrictions for Internet usage
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): allows transparent Internet connection sharing through a single server for the entire network without jeopardising security. NAT provides an easier setup than a traditional proxy server and does not require the installation of software on each workstation or manual configuration of the settings in Internet applications (such as browsers, e-mail clients etc)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC): an alternative to manual proxy server settings without the limitations that NAT (Network Address Translation) imposes on some Internet applications. WGIC is a simple client installation for each computer on the network. The WGIC provides communication between all of the clients through the WinGate server in conjunction with the Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP) and the Winsock Redirect Protocol (WRP)
  • Proxy Server: a complete Internet sharing solution supporting all proxy services such as WWW, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and Socks
  • Port Redirection for Hosting Servers: re-direct traffic to Internet servers such as web servers, mail servers and game servers. Port re-direction permits access to visitors while housing the server safely within the secure network
  • Dial on Demand: permits the workstations on the WinGate network or the WinGate server to initiate an Internet connection by placing an Internet request. If the WinGate server is not currently online, the Dial on Demand feature will prompt the server to connect to the Internet
  • Authentication Using any Client Connection Method: control the entire network using policies and authentication using any connection method (Proxy settings, WinGate Internet Client and NAT)
  • Real Time Streaming Protocol Proxy Support: allows streaming audio and video applications and manages the data transfer across the UDP sockets more efficiently than a NAT providing increased performance for RealPlayer, QuickTime and the Windows Media Player
  • Custom DNS Resolver: provides external DNS resolution and allows service of local names. Local workstations named on a network will resolve to the appropriate IP Address through WinGate instead of relying on Microsoft’s DNS service
  • Traffic Monitor: data traffic levels through WinGate are illustrated in a graphical Traffic Monitor. Each interface (internal NIC, dial-up adapter etc) provides a separate report to assist in bandwidth reviews
  • DHCP/DNS Servers: ensure simple network configuration of client computers. DHCP assigns individual network IP addresses to each workstation without address conflicts. The DNS server resolves given IP addresses to the common name of each workstation. DHCP and DNS servers route Internet requests by returning the appropriate information to the workstation that initiated the request from the WinGate server
  • Support for AOL Connections: supports Dial on Demand from any computer on the network using AOL as its Internet Service Provider (ISP). A WinGate network can use any AOL supported software such as browsers and e-mail clients
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Support: supports VPN solutions that use the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol VPN language allowing a workstation on the WinGate network to access an external VPN server while remaining protected by the WinGate firewall
  • Network Address Translation (NAT) Cascading: connect via NAT through any private gateway or router (often required by ISPs)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) Dialup Monitor: displays the status of the WinGate engine (connecting to the Internet, connected to the Internet, disconnected from the Internet). The WGIC Dialup Monitor (also called WinGate Engine Monitor) appears in the system tray of each workstation on the network
  • SMTP Proxy Service: creates a proxy to control incoming and outgoing e-mail through the WinGate server and onto the network including e-mail aliases, filtering and SPAM blocking
  • Extended User Database: a comprehensive view of each user on the WinGate network. Rules can be set for a single user or a group of users. The database supports password authentication for users and extensive logging and auditing capabilities
  • Import/Export Wizard: import and/or export a user database into GateKeeper directly from text files such as Word and Notepad for networks that do not use the NT user database and eliminate the need to recreate a user database even if the existing database is stored in a text file. Network re-building can be accomplished using an export to a small text file without re-entering users manually
  • Client Authentication: the user on each workstation is prompted to login to the WinGate server prior to accessing the Internet which allows the network administrator to verify the user on each workstation and establish and enforce rules for each user
  • Scheduler: automate routine operations within WinGate such as scheduled Dial on Demand commands and back-up log files to storage directories.

WinGate Professional Edition

WinGate Professional Edition provides security for large corporations and enables advanced customisation and the ability to restrict Internet access rights to individual users on a network. It is now available in a three user license version. It supports 3, 6, 12, 25 or 50 users, includes 1-year VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in and GateFilter Plug-in subscriptions, a VPN Server and a VPN Remote Client and allows for Remote Administration.

NEW Features in version 6 include:

  • DMZ support and Arp responder
  • Terminal Services support and multiple user IPs
  • Centralised WinGate client configuration
  • SSL support on proxy bindings
  • Enhanced support for Terminal Services and Active Directory Bandwidth control
  • Dynamic service binding
  • Re-written mail server with POP3 retrieval, remote queue management, extensive routing and SSL/TLS options, attachment blocking and spam-rejection
  • Re-written Web proxy for increased performance, HTTP1/1, PHP and SSL compatibility and support for several authentication methods including NTLM
  • Improved WinGate Client including centralised administration, application execution control and remote deployment
  • Command shell window enabling remote access to command-line utilities, connection failover, remote gateway monitoring and selection, DMZ support and ARP responder.

Features include:

  • VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in: install on the WinGate server to enable all computers using WinGate for Internet to access anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Labs. Protect all Internet protocols (WWW, POP3, SMTP, FTP etc) at the Internet gateway . Servers (VisNetic MailServer, VisNetic WebSite etc) running behind WinGate will be protected also
  • e-mail Server: a fully functional POP3/SMTP server supports multiple domains, aliases and other features for hosting e-mail
  • GateFilter Plug-in: contains technology based upon a proprietary ACR (artificial content recognition) process that scans the content of websites using intelligent algorithms allowing the software to decide whether the subject matter is appropriate prior to display
  • WinGate VPN: connect individual computers or entire networks as if they were on the same Local Area Network (LAN). The WinGate VPN encrypts all private data sent over the public network securely to prevent interception. All data is protected with twofish 128-bit private key encryption and the widely accepted SSL standard is used to negotiate VPN connections. WinGate VPN supports fully the establishment and use of VPNs over NAT based connections and includes a firewall that protects the VPN gateway from Internet-based attacks. WinGate VPN is fast, easy to configure and features real time activity monitoring showing all current VPN participants
  • Remote Administration: permits anyone with access rights to control or configure the WinGate server from any computer that can reach the Internet. Administrators can configure WinGate and the server settings without being at the WinGate server computer
  • Transparent Redirect: adds a level of security and control by providing the stability of proxy level connections and the security of NAT (Network Address Translation). WinGate client computers connecting through the WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) software or Network Address Translation (NAT) can use the Transparent Redirect feature to extend the functionality of client connection methods by communicating over the proxy layer and use the WinGate plug-ins, VisNetic AntiVirus and GateFilter without configuring or adjusting network or application settings
  • Firewall and Firewall Reporting: all computers using WinGate for Internet sharing are impenetrable from the Internet. The WinGate server is protected by a built-in firewall that blocks incoming hack attempts. The WinGate firewall controls all packets that are allowed through or denied by the server, securing the entire network from the main entry point. Real time status reporting is included. The Administrator may monitor the activity of the firewall as it displays aspects of an unsuccessful attack such as time, source IP, source Port, destination IP, destination Port, protocol and virus information
  • Configuration: install WinGate on the designated server (any PC on the network) and use one Internet account. Technologies include a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, a DNS (Domain Name System) server and NAT (Network Address Translation)
  • Extended Network Support (ENS): enables NAT, Bridging and Firewall protection. Network Address Translation (NAT) allows users to connect through WinGate without special client applications or configurations on the client computers. Users can share an Internet connection on a mixed operating system network (Macintosh, Unix or Linux). Bridging allows computers with different networking technologies such as wireless and Ethernet to communicate as if they were using the same technologies in order for users to share drives, files and other resources. Firewall protection through ENS expands the existing internal network firewall features by protecting the WinGate server computer.
  • Bridging: allows straightforward integration of different network types. Add a wireless device or an entire wireless network to an existing hard-wired network to share resources and a single Internet connection
  • NT User Database Integration and Authentication: WinGate uses the accounts that are already established within Windows NT or Windows 2000 to avoid duplication of effort. Users on each workstation can login to WinGate simultaneously using a standard network login
  • Full Internet Connection Support: support for any Internet connection type including dialup modem, cable modem, ISDN, DSL (ADSL, XDSL), satellite, T1 and T3. All versions of WinGate share the available bandwidth and Internet resources of the connection provided
  • Ban Lists: restrict user access to specific content. Filter websites, applications and protocols. Block defined URLs and applications accessing the Internet through the server such as chat programs
  • Rules: control Internet access on the entire network including allocating time parameters for the Dialer or time restrictions for Internet usage
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): allows transparent Internet connection sharing through a single server for the entire network without jeopardising security. NAT provides an easier setup than a traditional proxy server and does not require the installation of software on each workstation or manual configuration of the settings in Internet applications (such as browsers, e-mail clients etc)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC): an alternative to manual proxy server settings without the limitations that NAT (Network Address Translation) imposes on some Internet applications. WGIC is a simple client installation for each computer on the network. The WGIC provides communication between all of the clients through the WinGate server in conjunction with the Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP) and the Winsock Redirect Protocol (WRP)
  • Proxy Server: a complete Internet sharing solution supporting all proxy services such as WWW, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and Socks
  • Port Redirection for Hosting Servers: re-direct traffic to Internet servers such as web servers, mail servers and game servers. Port re-direction permits access to visitors while housing the server safely within the secure network
  • Dial on Demand: permits the workstations on the WinGate network or the WinGate server to initiate an Internet connection by placing an Internet request. If the WinGate server is not currently online, the Dial on Demand feature will prompt the server to connect to the Internet
  • Authentication Using any Client Connection Method: control the entire network using policies and authentication using any connection method (Proxy settings, WinGate Internet Client and NAT)
  • Real Time Streaming Protocol Proxy Support: allows streaming audio and video applications and manages the data transfer across the UDP sockets more efficiently than a NAT providing increased performance for RealPlayer, QuickTime and the Windows Media Player
  • Custom DNS Resolver: provides external DNS resolution and allows service of local names. Local workstations named on a network will resolve to the appropriate IP Address through WinGate instead of relying on Microsoft’s DNS service
  • Traffic Monitor: data traffic levels through WinGate are illustrated in a graphical Traffic Monitor. Each interface (internal NIC, dial-up adapter etc) provides a separate report to assist in bandwidth reviews
  • DHCP/DNS Servers: ensure simple network configuration of client computers. DHCP assigns individual network IP addresses to each workstation without address conflicts. The DNS server resolves given IP addresses to the common name of each workstation. DHCP and DNS servers route Internet requests by returning the appropriate information to the workstation that initiated the request from the WinGate server
  • Support for AOL Connections: supports Dial on Demand from any computer on the network using AOL as its Internet Service Provider (ISP). A WinGate network can use any AOL supported software such as browsers and e-mail clients
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Support: supports VPN solutions that use the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol VPN language allowing a workstation on the WinGate network to access an external VPN server while remaining protected by the WinGate firewall
  • Network Address Translation (NAT) Cascading: connect via NAT through any private gateway or router (often required by ISPs)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) Dialup Monitor: displays the status of the WinGate engine (connecting to the Internet, connected to the Internet, disconnected from the Internet). The WGIC Dialup Monitor (also called WinGate Engine Monitor) appears in the system tray of each workstation on the network
  • SMTP Proxy Service: creates a proxy to control incoming and outgoing e-mail through the WinGate server and onto the network including e-mail aliases, filtering and SPAM blocking
  • Extended User Database: a comprehensive view of each user on the WinGate network. Rules can be set for a single user or a group of users. The database supports password authentication for users and extensive logging and auditing capabilities
  • Import/Export Wizard: import and/or export a user database into GateKeeper directly from text files such as Word and Notepad for networks that do not use the NT user database and eliminate the need to recreate a user database even if the existing database is stored in a text file. Network re-building can be accomplished using an export to a small text file without re-entering users manually
  • Client Authentication: the user on each workstation is prompted to login to the WinGate server prior to accessing the Internet which allows the network administrator to verify the user on each workstation and establish and enforce rules for each user
  • Scheduler: automate routine operations within WinGate such as scheduled Dial on Demand commands and back-up log files to storage directories.

WinGate Enterprise Edition

WinGate Enterprise Edition provides security for large corporations and enables advanced customisation and the ability to restrict Internet access rights to individual users on a network. It is now available in a three user license version. It supports 3, 6, 12, 25 or 50 users, includes 1-year VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in and GateFilter Plug-in subscriptions, a VPN Server and a VPN Remote Client and allows for Remote Administration. It supports unlimited users, includes a 1 year subscription for the VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in and GateFilter Plug-in, a VPN Server, VPN Gateway and 3 VPN Remote Clients and enables remote administration.

NEW Features in version 6 include:

  • Enhanced support for Terminal Services and Active Directory Bandwidth control
  • Dynamic service binding
  • Re-written mail server with POP3 retrieval, remote queue management, extensive routing and SSL/TLS options, attachment blocking and spam-rejection
  • Re-written Web proxy for increased performance, HTTP1/1, PHP and SSL compatibility and support for several authentication methods including NTLM
  • Improved WinGate Client including centralised administration, application execution control and remote deployment
  • Command shell window enabling remote access to command-line utilities, connection failover, remote gateway monitoring and selection, DMZ support and ARP responder.

Features include:

  • VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in: install on the WinGate server to enable all computers using WinGate for Internet to access anti-virus protection from Kaspersky Labs. Protect all Internet protocols (WWW, POP3, SMTP, FTP etc) at the Internet gateway . Servers (VisNetic MailServer, VisNetic WebSite etc) running behind WinGate will be protected also
  • e-mail Server: a fully functional POP3/SMTP server supports multiple domains, aliases and other features for hosting e-mail
  • GateFilter Plug-in: contains technology based upon a proprietary ACR (artificial content recognition) process that scans the content of websites using intelligent algorithms allowing the software to decide whether the subject matter is appropriate prior to display
  • WinGate VPN: connect individual computers or entire networks as if they were on the same Local Area Network (LAN). The WinGate VPN encrypts all private data sent over the public network securely to prevent interception. All data is protected with twofish 128-bit private key encryption and the widely accepted SSL standard is used to negotiate VPN connections. WinGate VPN supports fully the establishment and use of VPNs over NAT based connections and includes a firewall that protects the VPN gateway from Internet-based attacks. WinGate VPN is fast, easy to configure and features real time activity monitoring showing all current VPN participants
  • Remote Administration: permits anyone with access rights to control or configure the WinGate server from any computer that can reach the Internet. Administrators can configure WinGate and the server settings without being at the WinGate server computer
  • Transparent Redirect: adds a level of security and control by providing the stability of proxy level connections and the security of NAT (Network Address Translation). WinGate client computers connecting through the WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) software or Network Address Translation (NAT) can use the Transparent Redirect feature to extend the functionality of client connection methods by communicating over the proxy layer and use the WinGate plug-ins, VisNetic AntiVirus and GateFilter without configuring or adjusting network or application settings
  • Firewall and Firewall Reporting: all computers using WinGate for Internet sharing are impenetrable from the Internet. The WinGate server is protected by a built-in firewall that blocks incoming hack attempts. The WinGate firewall controls all packets that are allowed through or denied by the server, securing the entire network from the main entry point. Real time status reporting is included. The Administrator may monitor the activity of the firewall as it displays aspects of an unsuccessful attack such as time, source IP, source Port, destination IP, destination Port, protocol and virus information
  • Easy Configuration: install WinGate on the designated server (any PC on the network) and use one Internet account. Technologies include a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server, a DNS (Domain Name System) server and NAT (Network Address Translation)
  • Extended Network Support (ENS): enables NAT, Bridging and Firewall protection. Network Address Translation (NAT) allows users to connect through WinGate without special client applications or configurations on the client computers. Users can share an Internet connection on a mixed operating system network (Macintosh, Unix or Linux). Bridging allows computers with different networking technologies such as wireless and Ethernet to communicate as if they were using the same technologies in order for users to share drives, files and other resources. Firewall protection through ENS expands the existing internal network firewall features by protecting the WinGate server computer.
  • Bridging: allows straightforward integration of different network types. Add a wireless device or an entire wireless network to an existing hard-wired network to share resources and a single Internet connection
  • NT User Database Integration and Authentication: WinGate uses the accounts that are already established within Windows NT or Windows 2000 to avoid duplication of effort. Users on each workstation can login to WinGate simultaneously using a standard network login
  • Full Internet Connection Support: support for any Internet connection type including dialup modem, cable modem, ISDN, DSL (ADSL, XDSL), satellite, T1 and T3. All versions of WinGate share the available bandwidth and Internet resources of the connection provided
  • Ban Lists: restrict user access to specific content. Filter websites, applications and protocols. Block defined URLs and applications accessing the Internet through the server such as chat programs
  • Rules: control Internet access on the entire network including allocating time parameters for the Dialer or time restrictions for Internet usage
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): allows transparent Internet connection sharing through a single server for the entire network without jeopardising security. NAT provides an easier setup than a traditional proxy server and does not require the installation of software on each workstation or manual configuration of the settings in Internet applications (such as browsers, e-mail clients etc)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC): an alternative to manual proxy server settings without the limitations that NAT (Network Address Translation) imposes on some Internet applications. WGIC is a simple client installation for each computer on the network. The WGIC provides communication between all of the clients through the WinGate server in conjunction with the Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP) and the Winsock Redirect Protocol (WRP)
  • Proxy Server: a complete Internet sharing solution supporting all proxy services such as WWW, FTP, SMTP, POP3 and Socks
  • Port Redirection for Hosting Servers: re-direct traffic to Internet servers such as web servers, mail servers and game servers. Port re-direction permits access to visitors while housing the server safely within the secure network
  • Dial on Demand: permits the workstations on the WinGate network or the WinGate server to initiate an Internet connection by placing an Internet request. If the WinGate server is not currently online, the Dial on Demand feature will prompt the server to connect to the Internet
  • Authentication Using any Client Connection Method: control the entire network using policies and authentication using any connection method (Proxy settings, WinGate Internet Client and NAT)
  • Real Time Streaming Protocol Proxy Support: allows streaming audio and video applications and manages the data transfer across the UDP sockets more efficiently than a NAT providing increased performance for RealPlayer, QuickTime and the Windows Media Player
  • Custom DNS Resolver: provides external DNS resolution and allows service of local names. Local workstations named on a network will resolve to the appropriate IP Address through WinGate instead of relying on Microsoft’s DNS service
  • Traffic Monitor: data traffic levels through WinGate are illustrated in a graphical Traffic Monitor. Each interface (internal NIC, dial-up adapter etc) provides a separate report to assist in bandwidth reviews
  • DHCP/DNS Servers: ensure simple network configuration of client computers. DHCP assigns individual network IP addresses to each workstation without address conflicts. The DNS server resolves given IP addresses to the common name of each workstation. DHCP and DNS servers route Internet requests by returning the appropriate information to the workstation that initiated the request from the WinGate server
  • Support for AOL Connections: supports Dial on Demand from any computer on the network using AOL as its Internet Service Provider (ISP). A WinGate network can use any AOL supported software such as browsers and e-mail clients
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Support: supports VPN solutions that use the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol VPN language allowing a workstation on the WinGate network to access an external VPN server while remaining protected by the WinGate firewall
  • Network Address Translation (NAT) Cascading: connect via NAT through any private gateway or router (often required by ISPs)
  • WinGate Internet Client (WGIC) Dialup Monitor: displays the status of the WinGate engine (connecting to the Internet, connected to the Internet, disconnected from the Internet). The WGIC Dialup Monitor (also called WinGate Engine Monitor) appears in the system tray of each workstation on the network
  • SMTP Proxy Service: creates a proxy to control incoming and outgoing e-mail through the WinGate server and onto the network including e-mail aliases, filtering and SPAM blocking
  • Extended User Database: a comprehensive view of each user on the WinGate network. Rules can be set for a single user or a group of users. The database supports password authentication for users and extensive logging and auditing capabilities
  • Import/Export Wizard: import and/or export a user database into GateKeeper directly from text files such as Word and Notepad for networks that do not use the NT user database and eliminate the need to recreate a user database even if the existing database is stored in a text file. Network re-building can be accomplished using an export to a small text file without re-entering users manually
  • Client Authentication: the user on each workstation is prompted to login to the WinGate server prior to accessing the Internet which allows the network administrator to verify the user on each workstation and establish and enforce rules for each user
  • Scheduler: automate routine operations within WinGate such as scheduled Dial on Demand commands and back-up log files to storage directories.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Plug-in

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Plug-in scans specific data streams for viruses or other types of malicious data including mail or attachments that are delivered through the WinGate mail server, files downloaded through FTP or Web page content that is being browsed. Quarantining enables administrators to contain and isolate a captured virus, ensuring the safety of the network from a virus outbreak. The quarantine viewer shows all details of the infection such as the type of virus, the source of the infection (including the user responsible) and the type of activity that was being performed when the virus was encountered.

New features in version 2 include:

  • New Kaspersky Labs SDK Incorporates the latest scanning technologies from Kaspersky Labs Limited
  • Custom HTML responses For each category, you can now define custom responses that users will see if a site is blocked because it is classified in that category
  • Logging support Kaspersky AntiVirus 2.0 for WinGate can log events to a WinGate-managed log file. This is useful if you want to keep track of what is going on, who is being blocked, what requests are being allowed, or if you need to diagnose issues
  • Licensing handled by activation In keeping with our other products, Kaspersky AntiVirus 2.0 for WinGate now uses license activation.

PureSight Plug-in

PureSight Plug-in is a content recognition system that scans incoming traffic for unwanted content. It uses an artificial intelligence technology from Icognito to provide the ability to block sites that contain references to specific topics based on level of certainty that the page being accessed contains such content. Ban access to some or all sites or allow access to specific pages based on pre-ordained selections.

New features in version 2 include:

  • New PureSight SDK The new PureSight SDK incorporates a number of enhancements to ensure accurate classification of web content. As well as improvements to the Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) system which was available with PureSight 1.1 for WinGate, which can classify web sites into either sex or gambling categories based on the actual content of the web pages, there is a high-performance list-based classification system with a comprehensive database of sites and 12 new classifications. This allows you to choose the sort of content you want your web users to be viewing
  • New List-based categories 12 new categories have been added, including web-mail, dating sites, news sites. Now you have the ability to cut down on productivity losses from employee personal-email related activity, or inappropriate surfing. In addition to this, there is free updating service. PureSight will regularly check for updates to its list classifications, to make sure you get the benefits of updates without any of the effort
  • Custom HTML responses For each category, you can now define custom responses that users will see if a site is blocked because it is classified in that category
  • Test URLs You can check whether sites will be blocked or not by your current settings from within GateKeeper, and easily add sites, or specific URLs to a manual categorisation list
  • Extension of the ban-list and allow list In keeping with PureSight being a classification engine, previous ban and allow-list entries have been replaced with a manual classification section. Now you can specify on a per-site, per-URL, or even per part of URL, what classification you wish to be assigned to a request URL. This means you maintain policy control at the content-type level, with the ability to extend the inbuilt database with your own sites
  • Logging support PureSight 2.0 for WinGate can log events to a WinGate-managed log file. This is useful if you want to keep track of what is going on, who is being blocked, what requests are being allowed, or if you need to diagnose issues
  • Licensing handled by activation In keeping with our other products, PureSight for WinGate now uses license activation.

Feature Comparison

Users3, 6, 123, 6, 12, 25, 50Unlimited
Remote AdministrationN/AIncludedIncluded
GateFilter Plug-in6 month evaluation1 year subscription1 year subscription
VisNetic AntiVirus Plug-in6 month evaluation1 year subscription1 year subscription
VPN ServerNot included11
VPN GatewayNot includedNot includedUnlimited
VPN Remote ClientNot included1 pack3 pack
DMZ support and Arp responder  X
Terminal Services support and multiple user IPs  X
Centralised WinGate client configuration  X
SSL support on proxy bindings  X

New features in version 6.6.1

WinGate 6.6 is a sizeable update to version 6.0 and 6.5. The main changes are related to support for Windows Vista and Windows XP 64, as well as a number of bug fixes.
The following main features and changes were introduced with WinGate 6.6

1. New HTTP proxy. This is based on new technology developed for WinGate 7. It solves numerous problems that existed relating to the structure of the old proxy.
2. Significant changes to the VPN control service, which make it robust under heavy load or attack.

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WinGate – System Requirements

Supported OSes

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP (32 bit)
  • Windows XP (64 bit)
  • Windows 2003 (32 bit)
  • Windows Vista (32 bit)