SNMP Agent Builder Suite


Network management software suites.
SNMP Agent Builder Suites provide a programming interface for:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and .NET that includes SNMP Builder for Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and .NET and SNMP Inquisitor
  • Borland C++ Builder 5 and 6 that includes SNMP Agent Builder for Borland C++ Builder 5 and 6 and SNMP Inquisitor
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and .NET that includes SNMP Builder for Visual Basic 6 and .NET and SNMP Inquisitor.

SNMP Agent Builder Suite – Features

SNMP Builder SNMP Inquisitor

SNMP Agent Builder Suites provide a programming interface for:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and .NET that includes SNMP Builder for Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and .NET and SNMP Inquisitor
  • Borland C++ Builder 5 and 6 that includes SNMP Agent Builder for Borland C++Builder 5 and 6 and SNMP Inquisitor
  • Microsoft Visual Basic 6 and .NET that includes SNMP Builder for Visual Basic 6 and .NET and SNMP Inquisitor.

SNMP Builder

SNMP Builder for Microsoft Visual C++ and SNMP Builder for Borland C++ Builder support Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, 98 and 95 operating systems and include an MIB compiler, SNMP C++ class library supporting SNMP v2c and v1, SNMP utilities, a Guide and Reference Manual and examples. The MIB compiler includes error processing and file search facilities. The final step of the MIB compilation process is generation of C++ header files with MIB object definitions. SNMP object references can use symbolic names, facilitating programming and simplifying the software maintenance and modification process. The SNMP Builder is backwardly compatible with the SNMP Toolkit and supports all features of the class library including:

  • automatic request re-transmission
  • sending the same request to multiple destination in a single method invocation
  • sending multiple different requests to multiple destinations using a single method call
  • blocking and non-blocking operation support
  • flexible and efficient PDU header fields and variable bindings handling
  • SNMP v1 and v2c support
  • numerous examples illustrating all aspects of network management software development using the SNMP class library programming interface
  • create GUI applications, console applications, services, MFC and non-MFC applications etc.

An SNMP Sender and an SNMP Tracer assist in the debugging of SNMP software and in studying the way that the existing SNMP software works in applications. The Tracer utility obviates the need for protocol analysers and can display parsed SNMP message fields (SNMP message header, PDU fields and variable binding list details) and raw message data. The trace can be saved and printed. The utility can receive on standard SNMP ports: 161 and 162 and on non-standard ports. The Sender utility includes a graphic editor enabling the creation of SNMP request messages with precise control of message type, header fields and variable binding list. The utility can send requests to a specified destination, displaying the details about sent requests and received replies. The sender can send the same request multiple times to a single destination, measuring network performance and the maximum number of requests an agent can process per second. Requests can be saved and re-used during regression testing.

SNMP Builder for Visual Basic supports Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, 98 and 95 and Visual Basic 5 and 6. It includes an MIB Compiler that enables SNMP object references using symbolic names to facilitate programming and simplify the software maintenance and modification process. It is backwardly compatible with the SNMP Toolkit and supports all the features of the SNMP Toolkit’s ActiveX control including:

  • automatic request retransmission
  • send the same request to multiple destinations in a single method invocation
  • send multiple requests to multiple destinations using a single method call
  • message receiving events
  • PDU header fields and variable bindings handling
  • SNMP 1 and 2c support
  • detailed exception information when methods are not invoked properly
  • detailed context sensitive help with sample code in the help topics.

An SNMP Sender and an SNMP Tracer assist in the debugging of SNMP software and in studying the way that the existing SNMP software works in applications. The Tracer utility obviates the need for protocol analysers and can display parsed SNMP message fields (SNMP message header, PDU fields and variable binding list details) and raw message data. The trace can be saved and printed. The utility can receive on standard SNMP ports: 161 and 162 and on non-standard ports. The Sender utility includes a graphic editor enabling the creation of SNMP request messages with precise control of message type, header fields and variable binding list. The utility can send requests to a specified destination, displaying the details about sent requests and received replies. The sender can send the same request multiple times to a single destination, measuring network performance and the maximum number of requests an agent can process per second. Requests can be saved and re-used during regression testing.

SNMP Inquisitor

SNMP Inquisitor is a testing and debugging application that uses the MIB database created by MIB compiler to conduct comprehensive testing of an SNMP responder verifying each result for conformance to the RFCs. It flags small deviations from the standards displaying the test results in the detailed and comprehensive form. The test configuration and test results can be saved to disk and subsequently loaded. Each test can be reproduced and used for debugging and the test results can be exported to an ASCII text file. The suite includes MIB Compiler, SNMP Inquisitor Application and SNMP Sender Utility.

The MIB Compiler is used to compile MIBs and create a MIB database used by the SNMP Inquisitor for testing and debugging. It is a GUI application that is able to compile SMIv1 and SMIv2 MIBs and generate SNMP C++ and SNMP Visual Basic source code. It is very flexible and allows MIB files to be viewed and edited using the editor of choice. The SNMP Sender application provides full flexibility for specifying and sending requests to the SNMP responder entity.