PowerShell Server


PowerShell Enabled SSH Terminal Access, SFTP Server and Web Publishing for Windows.

PowerShell Server is a full-featured SSH 2.0 server that enables Windows Desktops and Servers with a secure remote entry point to a Windows PowerShell Host. This gives users the power to securely manage Windows remotely through PowerShell from any standard SSH client. It can be used to easily add secure file transfer (SFTP server) capabilities to Windows. The SFTP server is completely configured and managed through PowerShell configuration and scripts, offering the utmost in power and flexibility. PowerShell Server runs on the ASP.NET platform, implemented as a custom IHttpHandler mapped to *.ps1x files. Because of this, you can mix PowerShell ASP pages alongside any ASP.NET application.

Key Features:

  • Windows SSH Server: Windows Secure (SSH) Remote Access
  • Windows SFTP Server: PowerShell-based Secure SFTP Server
  • PowerShell Web Publishing: Build and Serve Dynamic Web Content