

Active X component for adding a text search utility
FindInFilesX (FiFX) is an ActiveX component that adds a text search utility to end user products and is useful in document or knowledge management applications. It runs on a separate thread enabling the end user’s application to continue functioning. It is available in the following Editions:

  • FindInFilesX Standard: GUI edition
  • FindInFilesX Professional: has a smaller number of required support DLLs and the overall footprint is smaller for application distribution.

Feature Comparison

Microsoft Word and Excel Files supported X
Regular Expression X
Parsing SpeedStandard3x Standard
Built In GUIOutput Display of results dialogue and the FindInFilesOptions dialogue are built in None. Visual Basic source code for the demonstration program is provided
Search Engines separate thread of executionOut of process serverThread launched within containing application
Persistence of Search Options and AttributesAll options and attributes are persistentOnly Boolean options are persistent
Language used to create componentMicrosoft Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual C++
Source code availableX 
Programmatic Differences
DoubleClick() EventImplementedNot implemented (No GUI)
Initiate Search MethodGrep()Begin()
Data Retrieval MethodGetDataMatrix()GetFileData()
OnFileFoundImplementedNot implemented: GetFileData() is used
ThreadPriorityNot ImplementedImplemented

FindInFilesX – Features

FindInFilesX Standard FindInFilesX Professional Feature Comparison

FindInFilesX Standard

FindInFilesX (FiFX) is an ActiveX component that adds a text search utility to end user products and is useful in document or knowledge management applications. It runs on a separate thread enabling the end user’s application to continue functioning. FindInFilesX encapsulates all of the details required for integration. For example all search parameters are persistent across running of the end users application. A built in dialogue box facilitates the setting of the FindInFilesX properties and the history list for searching the text and the extensions and directories are managed automatically. Full VB Source code is available for purchase.

Features include:

  • Runs on a separate thread
  • The code required to integrate this component in an application is very small
  • Search criteria remain intact across runs of the end users application
  • Persistent items include:
    • History list for searching text
    • Extensions and directories
    • Column Widths of the results window
    • Search criteria (Case Sensitive, Subfolders, Whole Word Only).
  • Hidde or show at run time and create a custom front end
  • A built in dialogue box enables users to set the most frequently used properties.

FindInFilesX Professional

FindInFilesX (FiFX) is an ActiveX component that adds a text search utility to end products and is useful in document or knowledge management applications. It runs on a separate thread enabling the end user’s application to continue functioning. FindInFilesX encapsulates all the details required for integration. For example many search parameters are persistent across running of the end users application. The demonstration source code can be cut and pasted into applications. The Professional Edition has a smaller number of required support DLLs and the overall footprint is smaller for application distribution.

Features include:

  • Runs on a separate thread ng in a responsive manner
  • Thread priority can be set from IDLE to TIME CRITICAL
  • Regular expressions can be used in the search criteria
  • The code required to integrate this component in an application is very small
  • Search criteria remain intact across runs of the end users application
  • Persistent items include:
    • Case Sensitive
    • Search Subfolders
    • Use Whole word only
    • Use Regular Expression
    • Thread Priority.
  • The supplied VB program adds persistence for:
    • History list for searching text
    • Extensions and directories
    • Column Widths of the results window.
  • The ScanCompleted, ScanStarted and OnError events provide programmers with real time information.

Feature Comparison

Microsoft Word and Excel Files supported X
Regular Expression X
Parsing SpeedStandard3x Standard
Built In GUIOutput Display of results dialogue and the FindInFilesOptions dialogue are built in None. Visual Basic source code for the demonstration program is provided
Search Engines separate thread of executionOut of process serverThread launched within containing application
Persistence of Search Options and AttributesAll options and attributes are persistentOnly Boolean options are persistent
Language used to create componentMicrosoft Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual C++
Source code availableX 
Programmatic Differences
DoubleClick() EventImplementedNot implemented (No GUI)
Initiate Search MethodGrep()Begin()
Data Retrieval MethodGetDataMatrix()GetFileData()
OnFileFoundImplementedNot implemented: GetFileData() is used
ThreadPriorityNot ImplementedImplemented