HarePoint Analytics for Microsoft SharePoint


Collect and analyse data about the use of site collections of the SharePoint product family including integration with Active Directory.

HarePoint Analytics for Microsoft SharePoint (formerly MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint) is a solution for web analytics, the source of detailed information on the performance of SharePoint-based portals and websites. Product reports are covering such aspects as users and their behavior; usage of content, documents, list items and search services. The product is a source of essential information on portal usage for IT management, project managers, web editors, business managers and others.

Key Features:

  • User activities and page visit dynamics: This group includes reports on the dynamics and intensity of visits on site pages, detailed data on each user, the length of user visits on different sites, the depth of visits, and information about operating systems and browsers utilized by users.
  • SharePoint site usage: This group contains reports about the intensity of site pages or site collection usage. One report shows the popularity of site pages, another one includes data about the start and the end of visits on site pages and referral sources.
  • Document creation and usage: Reports from this group contain detailed information about actions performed with documents, their usage, modifications and popularity. This information can be sorted by document type, departments, users or Active Directory / SharePoint groups.
  • SharePoint lists and lists items usage: This group contains reports about lists and list item usage, modifications, popularity, etc. This information is presented taking into consideration information about users, departments or Active Directory / SharePoint groups.
  • SharePoint search services usage: This group includes reports on the intensity of queries by date. The reports contain data about successful and no-result queries; and these reports can be used for estimating user satisfaction of search results.

HarePoint Analytics for Microsoft SharePoint – Features

MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint is a simple and effective tool for collecting and analyzing data about usage of site collections of SharePoint product family.

  • Simplicity of deployment
    MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint is distributed as a SharePoint solution file, which is a preferred mechanism of deployment of SharePoint components. The product deployment is performed in several simple steps; installation and configuration of parameters for collecting and storing data is made in the Central Administrative Panel.
  • Full integration with SharePoint
    The system of statistics collection and analysis – MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint – is integrated in SharePoint as an additional “Feature”. The management of data collection on sites and site collections is performed on the page “Site collection features”, preview of reports is available on the page “Site settings “, configuration of data collection and storage settings is performed in the Central Administrative Panel.
  • Limitation of data collecting area
    As a rule, the SharePoint system, even in small organizations, consists of a great number of site collections. MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint allows limiting the area of data collection within specific site or site collection with the help of basic tools of SharePoint.
  • Flexible settings of data collecting process
    The process of statistical data collection, as any other process, leads to unavoidable increase of load on server, on which SharePoint components are installed. During the development of MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint, a number of steps were made to minimize this negative effect. The SharePoint farm administrator can set the schedule of components` activity so that the main load will fall on the periods of the least traffic on SharePoint sites (for example, at night). Or the other way give the product a possibility to process statistics every minute, this will provide you with the most up-to-date data immediately.
  • Support of topologies of any complexity
    The Microsoft Office SharePoint Server farm may include a great number of servers. MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint supports any configurations of SharePoint.
  • Data collection in Active Directory
    Besides data directly related to HTTP-requests, data about users from Active Directory is collected. This circumstance gives a chance to obtain reports in the context of Active Directory domains and companys organizational units.
  • Interactive reports
    All reports included in the product allow you to change the order of columns, sorting and grouping and all this without refreshing the page! Moreover, any report contains a filter for defining a time period and additional parameters of data filtration.
  • Connection between reports
    Reports generated by MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint contain links and controls for receiving detailed reports. For example, when viewing the report on browsers, a report about versions of needed browser can be obtained with just one click.
  • Managing storage time of statistical data
    The product contains tools for deleting all statistical data in order to control the size of database.
  • Export into PDF format
    When exporting, a report variant in PDF format adopted for printing is created.


Reports of MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint

  • Group of reports about users` activities and visiting dynamics. This group includes reports on dynamics and intensity of visiting site pages, detailed data on each user, length of user visits on different sites, depth of visits, and information about operating systems and browsers utilized by users.
  • Group of reports about intensity of usage of site pages or site collection. This group includes reports that show popularity of site pages, data about start and end of visits on site pages and visit sources.
  • Group of reports about creation and usage of documents. The reports from this group contain detailed information about actions with documents, their usage, modifications and popularity. This information is presented according to the type of documents, departments, users or Active Directory / SharePoint groups.
  • Group of reports about lists and lists items. It contains reports about lists and lists items usage, modifications, popularity, etc. This information is presented taking into consideration the information about users, departments or Active Directory / SharePoint groups.
  • Group of repots about usage of SharePoint search services. This group includes reports on intensity of queries by day, data about successful and no-result queries; also the group can be used for estimating user satisfaction of search results.
  • Group of reports about size of databases. The reports inform you about the size of the SharePoint and the MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint databases; trends of growth of the SharePoint server database.

The list of MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint reports

  • Visits & Visitors
  • Content & Traffic
  • Documents
  • Lists Items
  • Search
  • Databases

Visits & Visitors

  • Visits trend
    This report shows the dynamics of visits and intensity of visits for a period of time on a site or site collection. The report displays detailed data concerning visits (quantity of visits, total number of pages viewed, average number of pages viewed per visit, average length of visit).
  • Length of visits
    This report allows you to evaluate how long visitors and users of the portal stay on a site or sites collection and work with its contents.
  • Depth of visit
    Visit depth is how many pages each visitor views during a visit.
  • Visits
    This report shows detailed information about each visit (time, length of visit, number of pages viewed, entry page).
  • Pageviews
    This report shows detailed information about each pageview (time of hit, page opened by the user, IP of the user).
  • Users activity
    The report allows evaluation of user activity on a site or site collection (quantity of visits and visitors, quantity of returning visitors, total number of pages viewed, average number of pages viewed per visit, average length of visit).
  • Browsers
    What browsers visitors are using when visiting the site or site collection.
  • Platforms
    What operating systems are being used by visitors to the site or site collection.

Content & Traffic

  • Content popularity
    This report allows evaluation of the popularity or a given site or site collection by parameters such as views and unique visitors, average time spent on site by visitors, and exit rate.
  • Landing pages
    Entry page. This report shows the popularity of pages where users begin their visit to the site or site collection and effectiveness of these pages, characterized by bounce rate.
  • Exit pages
    Exit pages are shown in this report – pages from which visitors leave the site.
  • Traffic sources
    Sources of visits – sites and pages which are sources of new visits.


  • Documents usage overview
    The report shows details about the document usage for the given website or website collection.
  • Documents usage
    In this report, detailed data about the use of documents is available. The report allows you to determine who, when and what about actions performed with a specific document.
  • Documents popularity
    This report shows the most popular documents according to viewing, changes or size. Using filters, you can use this report to determine what documents are most frequently worked on by a given department, user group, or individual user.
  • Documents libraries
    With this report you can determine what libraries are the most active concerning creating or deleting documents, or what libraries are most popular among users (viewing or editing documents).
  • Documents by site
    This report shows statistics for documents by website of the current collection of websites.
  • Documents by type
    This report lets you find out what types of documents are most often created or deleted, viewed or edited.
  • Documents by departments
    This reports shows what departments work most actively with documents.
  • Documents by users
    This report shows statistics of work with documents for each individual user of the portal.
  • Documents by Active Directory groups
    Using this report, you can find out what Active Directory group is most active in working with documents.
  • Documents by SharePoint groups
    Using this report, you can find out what user groups (of the portal) are most active in working with documents.

Lists Items

  • Lists usage overview
    This report allows evaluation of daily tendencies of work with list items for the current website or family of websites.
  • Lists items usage
    This report shows detailed data concerning the usage of list items. The report allows determination of who, when and what concerning actions performed with individual list items.
  • List items by departments
    This report lets you find out what departments are most active in working with list items.
  • List items by users
    This report shows statistics of work with list items for each individual portal user.
  • List items by Active Directory groups
    This report allows you to find out what Active Directory groups are most active in working with list items.
  • List items by SharePoint groups
    This report lets you find out what portal groups are the most active in working with list items.


  • Search overview
    This report allows evaluation of the dynamics of search usage in a site collection.
  • Search keywords
    Using this report, you can find out what users have searched for in a collection of websites.
  • Advanced searches
    This report shows information about the advanced search queries of users.
  • Users searches
    This reports shows detailed statistics concerning the search queries run by users (search phrase, user performing the search, time of the search, number of results, clicks on search results by the user).


  • Database size growth
    This report allows you to evaluate the rate of growth of the SharePoint servers database.
  • Database size overview This report shows information about the size of the SharePoint database, and the size of the MAPILab Statistics for SharePoint database.

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HarePoint Analytics for Microsoft SharePoint – System Requirements

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005; SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition can be downloaded for free from the web-site of Microsoft Company
  • Windows Component: Message Queuing
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
  • Internet Explorer 7.0 is recommended to view reports